OH2 login issues

Her and his pms and messages to me were titled.

"Cease and Desist"

Hooker & Pimp wanna be lawyers. Who knew. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
lol i got a similar pm from her under foreign Becky….. she really seems to believe the stupidity she spouts.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
lol i got a similar pm from her under foreign Becky….. she really seems to believe the stupidity she spouts. Originally Posted by TheShocka
When you have staff members who not only buy your bullshit, but also back you up by being at your beckon call when you feel slighted, even it is to just harass, insult and point/ban another member for kicks to play power trips from time to time, that is all you need to think your shit don't stick and you are teflon.
Buckwiser's Avatar
"Foreign Becky" at OH2 was the most active poster of real world info in the Companion security forum on OH2.
ahab11's Avatar
OH2 is under Cyber Attack via DDOS which might be good and bad.

The site is still up just a massive attack using data that sucks up the bandwidth and cripples the site.

Attackers will move to another target soon unless they really got an axe to grind with this site.

Please update me with current events if I am wrong.

FWIW I would be careful entering OH2 unless you have strong virus protection on your PC/CP.
Brandofan's Avatar
How ironic since we weren't allowed to even mention her name much less discuss her antics and lousy bcd.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
How ironic since we weren't allowed to even mention her name much less discuss her antics and lousy bcd. Originally Posted by Brandofan
The Voldemort of the IHRB world
Well she does sound highly educated. So maybe she is a lawyer in her spare time? Speaking of spare time, she has plenty now that her “hookdom” isn’t working. I’m sure between her, LustyBBWBustyGina and DallasBella they will have the tech issues figured out soon. If not they should contact “SherryDFWtechsupport.com” and get real professional support Originally Posted by ntxguy

HA! sherrydfwtechsunport.com I think she only does AOL, and Prodigy.
ntxguy's Avatar
HA! sherrydfwtechsunport.com I think she only does AOL, and Prodigy. Originally Posted by cage196
No she's much more advanced now. She doesn't us the pony express to send her tech support replies anymore. She advanced to the telegraph using morse code. Cage you really shouldn't dismiss Sherrys tech savvy.
Oh sorry I forgot. And "juno".
PillowChaffer's Avatar
Not seen any confirmation of what is going on other than a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Problem is the hacks launch this type of attack to make cover for other hacking attempts.
ntxguy's Avatar
EDIT - STAFF Originally Posted by andrews54321
SherryDFW if you’re into that. If she doesn’t appeal to you then get Thai Nina’s number from one of her reviews
  • Kaiju
  • 02-20-2022, 12:10 PM
It’s a ddos cert… but oddly enough I don’t get the cert warning with safari.
ntxguy's Avatar
It’s a ddos cert… but oddly enough I don’t get the cert warning with safari. Originally Posted by Kaiju
Same for me wth safari
CG2014's Avatar
I get the not secure certificate warning and it's http instead of https.

Hard Pass.