Trump attacks Joe Biden as ‘another low I.Q. individual’

I your posts!

OUR research shows that 1 out of 5 Biden supporters are just as stupid as the other four. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You forgot - and everyone attacks Trump.
He's not an ass kisser. He was right about McCain but OMG
we can't talk ill about the dead. Bull fucking shit.
The Dems are the biggest hypocrites I have ever encountered.
Just say it like it is. Maybe it's me but I love bottom line, no bull shit people. I hate when people put on masks and pretend they are something they are not.
With Trump - what you see --- is what you get. Love it.

Trump attacks Biden. Trump attacks McCain. Trump attacks Saturday Night Live. Trump attacks George Conway. Trump attacks Tucker Carlson. Trump attacks General Motors. Trump attacks Shep Smith. I'm surprised he has time to be POTUS!

Keep it up Donald. Your base loves you more with each tweet. And your ratings with everyone else is still in the pits. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You forgot - and everyone attacks Trump.
He's not an ass kisser. He was right about McCain but OMG
we can't talk ill about the dead. Bull fucking shit.
The Dems are the biggest hypocrites I have ever encountered.
Just say it like it is. Maybe it's me but I love bottom line, no bull shit people. I hate when people put on masks and pretend they are something they are not.
With Trump - what you see --- is what you get. Love it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Calm down, lady.

You worship a false prophet.

One who has fallen and can’t get it up.

{staff edit- image violation- CK}

Meanwhile the fat bastard makes this shit more important than governing the country. Bull fucking shit indeed.
Twit head attacks everybody dah. It makes him look smarter to his ignorant supporters �� with no clue
Donald Trump is POTUS, arguably the most important position in the world. It is not necessary to respond to everyone who happens to disagree with you. Turn the other cheek and let your performance in office speak for you. There is a reason, or reasons, why Republicans did so poorly in the 2018 midterms. My opinion is that with each and every negative tweet by Trump he loses a few more votes. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Not these people. They are criminals, they don't deserve any slack.
Twit head attacks everybody dah. It makes him look smarter to his ignorant supporters �� with no clue Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Nope it doesn't make him look any smarter. Its just that Trump recognizes these assholes for what they really are. The Obama administration was no Presidency, It was a Crime Spree.
themystic's Avatar
Sounds like you have this figured out Ellen. We are not voting for a Sunday school teacher. Ol' Bernie used to be a porn writer and Uncle Joe, well you know. Who gives a fat rat's ass if someone with a boat load of money grabbed a pussy or banged a porn star. Wish I had a bank roll that allowed me to do that kind of stuff. All I would get is an orange suit and several years to ponder the situation. Originally Posted by cboat
Those are good points. The people who voted for him, including the evangelicals don't care about character or pussy grabbing and pornstars. One thing I do give him credit for is he said he wasn't "stupid enough" to join the military and go to Vietnam. Hes had enough losers, ( 6 bankruptcies, failed casinos, fraudulent colleges, the USFL, Helsinki, NK, etc.), I cant imagine how embarrassed he would have been to follow in John McCain's footsteps, ( and the rest of the losers who have served in the military). McCain was a double loser. He didn't even Thank Trump for his funeral. What a loser McCain was.
themystic's Avatar
You forgot - and everyone attacks Trump.
He's not an ass kisser. He was right about McCain but OMG
we can't talk ill about the dead. Bull fucking shit.
The Dems are the biggest hypocrites I have ever encountered.
Just say it like it is. Maybe it's me but I love bottom line, no bull shit people. I hate when people put on masks and pretend they are something they are not.
With Trump - what you see --- is what you get. Love it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
With Trump what you see is what you get. That's the only true thing I've ever seen you post. Good job

I saw a coward and traitor in Helsinki who backed down to Vladimir Putin. He spent 2 weeks trying to walk that one back and when it was all said and done, What we got was a coward and traitor.

No Bullshit, he tells it like it is. 9,000 lies. Tell it like it is.

What's sad is every time someone tries to point out Trumps lies, and faults the right wing loons scream Homophobic. Just because Trump is gay doesn't mean he should get a free pass on everything
And with all those "losers" - Trump is still your President.

Those are good points. The people who voted for him, including the evangelicals don't care about character or pussy grabbing and pornstars. One thing I do give him credit for is he said he wasn't "stupid enough" to join the military and go to Vietnam. Hes had enough losers, ( 6 bankruptcies, failed casinos, fraudulent colleges, the USFL, Helsinki, NK, etc.), I cant imagine how embarrassed he would have been to follow in John McCain's footsteps, ( and the rest of the losers who have served in the military). McCain was a double loser. He didn't even Thank Trump for his funeral. What a loser McCain was. Originally Posted by themystic
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You forgot - and everyone attacks Trump.
He's not an ass kisser. He was right about McCain but OMG
we can't talk ill about the dead. Bull fucking shit.
The Dems are the biggest hypocrites I have ever encountered.
Just say it like it is. Maybe it's me but I love bottom line, no bull shit people. I hate when people put on masks and pretend they are something they are not.
With Trump - what you see --- is what you get. Love it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And people attacked Obama. And people attacked Bush. And people attacked Clinton. And so on for every POTUS.

You are right. Trump is NOT an ass kisser. But you also don't have to be someone who attacks others simply because they disagree with you. I've told you before. One reason Republicans got thumped in the 2018 mid-terms is Trump's perceived lack of character. If Trump loses in 2020, it will be his own fault. Of course he will blame everyone else but himself but remember my words.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And people attacked Obama. And people attacked Bush. And people attacked Clinton. And so on for every POTUS.

You are right. Trump is NOT an ass kisser. But you also don't have to be someone who attacks others simply because they disagree with you. I've told you before. One reason Republicans got thumped in the 2018 mid-terms is Trump's perceived lack of character. If Trump loses in 2020, it will be his own fault. Of course he will blame everyone else but himself but remember my words. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's a false equivalency. Never in the history of this country has any president suffered the indignity of a 90% biased lame-stream media campaigning against a sitting president 24/7 365 days out of the year.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Calm down, lady.

You worship a false prophet.

One who has fallen and can’t get it up.

Meanwhile the fat bastard makes this shit more important than governing the country. Bull fucking shit indeed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

your level of bullshittery is as baffling as bat guano
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's a false equivalency. Never in the history of this country has any president suffered the indignity of a 90% biased lame-stream media campaigning against a sitting president 24/7 365 days out of the year. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Bush never endured such criticism in his 8 years in office. Why Trump? I've explained it ad infinitum. If you haven't gotten it by now you never will.
  • Tiny
  • 03-21-2019, 09:29 AM
You forgot - and everyone attacks Trump.
He's not an ass kisser. He was right about McCain but OMG
we can't talk ill about the dead. Bull fucking shit.
The Dems are the biggest hypocrites I have ever encountered.
Just say it like it is. Maybe it's me but I love bottom line, no bull shit people. I hate when people put on masks and pretend they are something they are not.
With Trump - what you see --- is what you get. Love it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That's a false equivalency. Never in the history of this country has any president suffered the indignity of a 90% biased lame-stream media campaigning against a sitting president 24/7 365 days out of the year. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Good posts SpeedRacer. You keep hitting the nail on the head. If Trump were so wise as to take advice like yours the Republicans would fare much better at the ballot box.

Ellen, you're maybe the nicest poster in this forum. You get hit repeatedly with trash talk because of your political beliefs and you almost always respond gracefully. Trump could take lessons. The reason we've still got Obamacare is because of Donald Trump. He first said something about John McCain to the effect that heroes don't get captured in 1999. Then in 2015, when McCain diplomatically tried to cover for Republicans for Trump's Mexican rapist and murderers crack, Trump kicked it into overdrive. He poked McCain in the eye again and again over the next three years. So McCain's parting gift to the Donald was his vote against repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

And IB, you're one of the most insightful here. You don't get this. Why is the media on Trump's ass worse than the Bush's or Reagan's? Because he thinks dishing it out 20 times harder than he takes it is the appropriate response to everything. And that's his strategy with the press. Also he's a pathological liar. Does the guy want to get in fights for the sake of getting into fights, or does he want to win elections? I don't get it.
  • grean
  • 03-21-2019, 09:55 AM
That's a false equivalency. Never in the history of this country has any president suffered the indignity of a 90% biased lame-stream media campaigning against a sitting president 24/7 365 days out of the year. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Never before has there been such a smelly wrinkled ball sack, worthless birdshit, amoral weazel in the white house.

The dumbfuck keeps giving them material because most children have more impulse control than he does. AND at least they know when to shut the fuck up.

If he'd stop tweeting and openly bashing his own administration or dead people, most of his critics would move on...