how would you rate me....ashden love??????

Ictpssylvr's Avatar
i was curious on how everyone would rate me!!!!!!!! Im not offended by constructive critism so please be brutally honest please respond if you wish to Originally Posted by *** Sexy Ashden ***
Pretty damn nice in my book. I know one thing, I would NOT kick you out of bed for eating crackers in it.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Pretty sexy 8.5/9 , your eyes are killer
I think Coventricity is saying something important.

You cannot see yourself as a fungible commodity product that is interchangeable at a given rate with any other woman. I don't care how physically beautiful a woman is, there is always someone out there with an edge. Especially given that men have various preferences -- some of which are not predictable like hair color and stuff -- you can't rely strictly on the physical.

The key is to de-commoditize. That is, make yourself -- the whole Ashden experience -- special, unique and something that can be obtained nowhere else at any price.

And for that ... the highlight is really your personality. Personality, attitude, approach, etc. EASILY add several points to attractiveness.

Just take a look at pictures of Mae West. She wasn't particularly physically pretty, especially sans makeup. But she was irresistible to men -- and it was all in the attitude. That attitude transformed her from plain jane to sex goddess in the eyes of men in her presence.

So your pictures are pretty. Certainly, there is *no* reason for you to feel even slightly insecure about your appearance. Pretty danged hot in my book! And coventricity says you have a great personality.

Combine those two ... you are going to do quite well!

The key really is to feel sexy. If you feel sexy, it comes through in everything and guys will just dig you! Originally Posted by Laurentius

Wow you are just so dead on. I agree totally, as with any person, in a public profession you need to find your own self. Ashden, you are adorable , with a great personality don't change a thing.
Ashden, You are sexy as hell!!!when my broken rib heals I would LOVE to see you!! You are all that, and I like You blonde or brunette