What if you fall in love

5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 01-20-2010, 08:35 PM
Hey if the two of you think you’re in loooove go for it but understand the odds are against you big time just like any relationship these days. Like several have said what is the difference between a civilian and provider? Not much.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Can someone that has been a provider for a long time leave the business and return to a normal life??? Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Everyone's normal is different. What I consider a normal activity, you may think is abnormal. I believe all providers have at least some modicum of "normal" in their lives. It's not like we're restricted to only participating in hobby activities or being with only those individuals who are in the hobby.

We have to grocery shop, tend to children, deal with other family members, pay bills, clean house and numerous other activities that "normal" ladies do. We just happen to be more open minded about sex and have chosen it for our occupation....I think everyone outside the hobby or swing lifestyle is abnormal....LOL.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
A lot of people men and women would probably be happy to find the one whom they can share true love.

How many people met their current spouse at work knowing that workplace romances are typically frowned upon? How many have bumped into that one person at the grocery store? How many started a romance with their best friend's sibling? What if the love of your life was the next provider or hobbiest and you overlooked them because of the situation you met?

Men, what if you met a woman who you fell for and found out later that she was a provider? Would it change your mind if you had never discussed what she did? Ladys, what if you met a man who you fell for and then later found out about the hobby, would it change your mind?
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 01-20-2010, 09:33 PM
I've had a shitload of hooker girlfriends and I've had just as many civvies and there is very little difference between the two. Both situations had drama and without fail most all ended badly, the common demoninator was ME. That being said I take responsibility for being bad at relationships regardless of who they are with. TGO pretty much said it, find it where you can with whoever you can and fuck anyone that judges you for what you do or who you are. My relationships have ended in a train wreck because I'm a train wreck. If I were a well adjusted individual I imagine that I would have had better luck, but I'm not and I haven't. If you're as fucked up as I am then you might tend to attract people that are just as fucked up. It's probably not a very popular sentiment around here but people that choose this life tend to color outside the lines a bit, and I'm not talking about just hookers. If you're paying for pussy then at some level you have some issues of some kind whether you wish to admit it or not, I should know, I have and I do. Nonetheless I have elected to live my life the way I have and I toast those of you that do the same, i.e. "do it your way on your terms". I have always been entertained by these type of threads that say run from the hooker you're in love with but haul serious ass to Jared's for the psycho sorority bitch that will fuck your shit up ten times as bad. She went to Vassar? Big fucking deal. I've seen more "hookers" at Country Club dances then I have at hobby socials, the only difference was method and terms of payment. If in the end it's going to end I say select the ride that best suits YOU because sooner or later when the ride's over the carnival operator is going to raise the safety bar and say "get the fuck off or buy another ticket" Originally Posted by TheRealJohnnyRingo
Damn Baby, You're not half as bad as you think you're....
daddyo67's Avatar
Don't hang Johnny Ringo!

make him the sheriff.

I think that the successfull relationships that develop in this world quietly disappear

and are not here now to post to this thread.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I should probably add that I believe in bounderies and just because a provider treats me to the GFExperience doesn't mean she is interested. Even if I was interested and being of the male species, I can hide my feelings very well, I wouldn't say anything unless she crossed that fence first.
otrdriver's Avatar
sounds to me like some serious thinking need to be done with the big head, not the small head. lol
We can all say what we want but all that any of us are looking for is someone that worships us, respects us, and thinks that we are the best thing that ever happened to them. If I were to find that person, I would not care who she was or what she did for a living, how old she was or what she looked like. Trust an old man who has been around the block. Beauty does not last and youth is gone in a heartbeat. The best any of us can possibly hope for is someone who cares about us and cherishes us for who we are. Someone that puts our needs above thiers. We are all looking for our biggest fan. Nothing else matters. At my age, I can never hope to find such a person, nor am I looking any longer. But if I did find such a lady, hooker or saint, I would hold on to her for dear life.
travelling_man's Avatar
If you're in love with her, do the following: 1) move her in, 2) marry her, 3) have kinds with her, 4) go into immeasurable debt together, 5) start hobbying again because no man should be forced to only have the same pussy the rest of their life. Good luck.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 01-20-2010, 10:28 PM
I know Crazy, But what if the provider and you just click and everything falls in place and you guys just fall in love. Then what? How would you handle this? What do you think? Originally Posted by romnumula
I don't have to ask... I've been there. I saw her about 7 or 8 times, before I think we really started moving from hobby to personal, at least that's when I realized it...

She was actually the first to mention her feelings. It was a bit strange, as I could tell that she was really distracted by something. When she told me, my reply was to tell her that I was having the same feelings. Just getting this out in the open with her, felt really good.

We met in an unusual way. Why does that mean that we couldn't possibly end up happy together?

RUN THE F#CK AWAY. Let me tell you about my little experience someday. And I'm the sort of Girlfriend that will Bathe you, feed you, and fuck you every single day. It's a bad deal babe. The numbers say it will fail, and everyone alive thinks their love is different and will survive. If you do it and get screwed, you can't say you weren't warned my friend. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
Of course the numbers say it will fail. The numbers say any dating relationship will fail. That's why it is dating, not marriage.

My relationship with a provider didn't work out, but it wasn't because she was a provider, or I a client. We discovered that there were aspects of our personalities, that we didn't think would work well together. Had we met a different way, I don't think it would have been a fairy tale. The outcome is that I would do it again, given the right person.

Finding the right person is hard. It doesn't matter how you meet, it is more likely to fail, than be a lifelong bond. We try, because when it is right.... It is so worth putting yourself out there!

I've had a shitload of hooker girlfriends and I've had just as many civvies and there is very little difference between the two. Both situations had drama and without fail most all ended badly, the common demoninator was ME. That being said I take responsibility for being bad at relationships regardless of who they are with. TGO pretty much said it, find it where you can with whoever you can and fuck anyone that judges you for what you do or who you are. My relationships have ended in a train wreck because I'm a train wreck. If I were a well adjusted individual I imagine that I would have had better luck, but I'm not and I haven't. If you're as fucked up as I am then you might tend to attract people that are just as fucked up. It's probably not a very popular sentiment around here but people that choose this life tend to color outside the lines a bit, and I'm not talking about just hookers. If you're paying for pussy then at some level you have some issues of some kind whether you wish to admit it or not, I should know, I have and I do. Nonetheless I have elected to live my life the way I have and I toast those of you that do the same, i.e. "do it your way on your terms". I have always been entertained by these type of threads that say run from the hooker you're in love with but haul serious ass to Jared's for the psycho sorority bitch that will fuck your shit up ten times as bad. She went to Vassar? Big fucking deal. I've seen more "hookers" at Country Club dances then I have at hobby socials, the only difference was method and terms of payment. If in the end it's going to end I say select the ride that best suits YOU because sooner or later when the ride's over the carnival operator is going to raise the safety bar and say "get the fuck off or buy another ticket"

sorry to say,but ditto,fuckin ditto,, ringo,you pm'ed me 18 mths ago and your pm was ringing in my ears the whole time...
mmcqtx's Avatar
There is a lot of negativity here. Of course it would be a very difficult thing to do. Isn't love a difficult thing for anyone under any circumstances? If both people are mature and honest a transition could be made. You might have to start over with a regular date, see if things change. Body chemistry is powerful stuff, but in the light of day it might evaporate. People meet at work all the time this is different, but in the same ballpark. Just be honest out there, love is not the reason for the hobby, it isn't the goal of the hobby, if anything it is the absence of love that drives most of us to participate in the hobby, and if someone has stopped seeking love and just wants to feel good through this, what's wrong with that? But if two people make a connection that neither expected, nor sought, who are we to be critical of that?
warlock's Avatar
Run don't walk, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.
Like the man said, you've got a better chance of hitting the lottery.

Had a relationship with a provider that went south. Saw her for over five years, ATF. We simply "clicked". Enjoyed each other's company BCD and non BCD. Was akward the first time she said "I love you". I remember thinking at the time she's a professional and reallly good at what she does, even when she said "I've never said that to a client before." The first time I said it, it simply popped out. Said it before I realized I had. I meant it, just didn't think it was appropriate to say. As the years went on, we got closer and closer. We know more about how the other thinks and our personal lives than should be. Yeah, I fell for this girl. No delusions, I knew what I was getting into, what I'd be giving up, what I was risking. Never took the plunge, but we sure had some serious discussion about it. Could I have left it all behind to be with her, I think so, but since it never got that far, I'll never know for sure.
In the end, it turned out bad. She had a serious problem with addiction and telling the truth not just to others, but to her self as well. Whether it was past experiences, or personality, she had a nearly impenetrable wall built up around her that made it tough to see the real 'her'. When she was clean and sober, the real 'her' was everything you'd want or dream it could be, and occassionally she'd let you in behind the wall. That was the girl I fell for. Eventually in the end, the lies and addictions consumed her. Her betrayal of my friendship and love for her was a shock. "Never have the mighty fallen so far." I bear her no ill feelings, and wish her the best as we go our separate ways in life. She'll either end up dead or in jail at the rate she's going. Its simply too hard to watch this train wreck of her life as it happens.

My point is, if you beat the odds and find love, then go for it, but be preparred if it wasn't what you thought, or it turns sour in the end.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Way to go, Ringo! No truer words. Someone close to me is finding out first hand about truth in advertising as it relates to courtship vs marriage. Yee-Haa!

But, remember that there are just about as many "well adjusted" people as there are true saints in the world. So, we're all left with variations of the old Doors song "People Are Strange." Finding someone who is not running some sort of game, has some agenda - you know, general, self-serving manipulation - probably isn't going to happen, even with the person facing you in the mirror. So, we need to do what we always do: deal with it however it best suits you. It all depends on how far straying off of the reservation either of you can tolerate.
Will Boner's Avatar
If the sex is great and the chemistry is great then can't you just be good fuck-buddies without letting it go farther? You both know what brought you together in the first place. All of that history and dysfunction is not going to change, for either of you, just because you develop "feelings". And if you delude yourselves into thinking it will or it can change, then you're both headed down a very unhappy road that ends at the junk heap for you, and likely innocent others.