Is it really so hard to believe that women get into sex work because they enjoy it to some degree?

OliviaAllenDSM's Avatar
Regardless of the type, the lady can earn twice the money (Or more) in half the time.
This explains 90+% of the escorts on the various sites who are not pimped or trafficked. Then (not 'than', 'then') there are the MILFs who do it for the sex, as their lives are so otherwise busy due to children, and work, that they have no time nor inclination for a boyfriend. And they aren't going to forgo sex altogether. Originally Posted by Bushjumper

Pretty spot on here. Someday I'll date again, but not until they are out of the house.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-05-2023, 10:42 PM
Pretty spot on here. Someday I'll date again, but not until they are out of the house. Originally Posted by OliviaAllenDSM
Date again? Like something real or booty calls?