Barak Hussein Obama - A Predictable Failure

Barack Obama's Avatar
If there was a civil war against his presidency would I fight to defend him? Pretty much likely. Is he a socialist with an agenda that would destroy this country? Looks like it. Originally Posted by austin_voy
Ok, these are two widely contrasting statements. If someone is intentionally destroying the country you would fight to defend that person? A patriot's duty is to defend his country not his leader.
The whole "debate" about his citizenship is completely moronic. It's nothing more than an excuse used by folks who disagree with his policy in an effort to tarnish him in the most petty and irrelevant of ways. You know it, and I know it. Here's the most ironic part, his challenger McCain is indisputably NOT a natural born citizen and required an act of Congress to declare him such in order to run. What "birther" conspiracies were ever conjured up about him? None. You need to face the truth and ask yourselves why.

"In the most detailed examination yet of Senator John McCain’s eligibility to be president, a law professor at the University of Arizona has concluded that neither Mr. McCain’s birth in 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone nor the fact that his parents were American citizens is enough to satisfy the constitutional requirement that the president must be a “natural-born citizen.”

Federal judges empowered to pursue such litigation have been loath to take it on, and therefore they've been finding reasons [usually to do with standing] to dismiss most of these cases. There only remains one case left undismissed that I know of - because it was filed as a Qui Tam petition so there can't be issues of standing.* This case will be so long in litigating that by the time it reaches any juncture for conclusion Obama will be out of office.

McCain blocked anyone from making anything resembling a personal attack in the 2008 campaign. All the usual muk Bush or anyone else would have used against Obama never saw the light of day. Without this forbearance by McCain Obama could never have been elected. There is so much dirt on his long, sleezy career in Chicago that no one such as he could have been elected if the truth were aired.

I believe the facts are these.

When Barak Obama moved to Indonesia with his mother and her new Indonesian husband he gained citizenship there by requesting and being granted an Indonesian passport under the name Barry Soetoro. Indonesia is a muslim country and requires a declaration of religion on public documents so Barry declared himself a muslim, like his mother, natural father, and stepfather.

Shortly after this his stepfather decided that he wanted him out of the way. He demanded that his new children with Barry's mother to be the ONLY children he would rear. Barry's mother went along with this demand. She rejected Barry by sending him packing to live with her parents in Hawaii, where he stayed even throughout his High School years. IMHO this rejection by his mother at the age of 6 explains a lot about the development and pathology of his personality [additionally race bears heavily into this if you read his first autobiography]

However when he gained Indonesian citizenship he never took any steps to either retain his US citizenship as a duel citizen or to re-establish US citizenship upon his return.

Therefore technically his only legal name and citizenship even until now is Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia. His US passport was obtained under mysterious circumstances, and his ICE file has been sealed. He's used government attornies to represent him in the Federal courts in which challenges to his citizenship have been filed.

It's also possible that he never made any effort to maintain a US citizenship because his mother may have considered him to have had ambiguous or unestablished citizenship if he was in fact born in Africa, which is a whole different issue. If you've ever lived in Hawaii you might know that this kind of indifferent attitude about citizenship and origin is common there. People there come from everywhere, and they don't give a shit about formalities of origin.

It is possible that he was born in Africa and not Hawaii as he claims. The "Certificate of Live Birth" which he has produced is not the standard "Birth Certificate" issued upon birth in Hawaii. It is actually a document anyone there can get if they make a claim to a county authority that they were born there but for some reason the birth was not recorded when it occurred. It is not acceptable as a Birth Certificate for normal issues for which one is required, such as issuance of a US passport, etc.

The so-called "birthers" who have sought to pursue this have of course been scorned and ridiculed to no end such that anyone seeking to raise the issue is now very reluctant.

*Qui Tam meaning "on behalf of the government" and allows under certain cases for an individual to bring a case forward when the issue relates to an injury suffered by the government, rather than the Plaintiff bringing the case. The best known Qui Tam cases are those filed under the Federal False Claims act when Plaintiffs file cases alleging that someone has defrauded the government. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Uh... I believe I said it was uncertain where he was born. I have no idea where he was born. Maybe he was born in Hawaii like he claims and no normal Birth Certificate was issued. Maybe there's a justifiable reason why he only has a "Certificate of Live Birth" to parade around as evidence.
As for the NYT isn't this the same rag that claimed there were WMDs strewn across the landscape of Iraq LOL! Nothing claimed by the NYT can ever be believed again unless they show their proof. But there's nothing new in that - the NYT has always printed whatever they thought their readers wanted to believe.

I think I made it clear that the facts I know of pertain to his INDONESIAN citizenship and proper legal name, and that has to do with his citizenship application in Indonesia just before his stepfather and mother banished and rejected him forever. Read his book and you can see how shocking the circumstances were in which he grew up, and the effect it had on his conscience as an African-American looking person. He declares that he only felt belonging for the first time in his life only in his 20s when he visited his family home in Kenya. [Too bad he never cared enough about his poverty-stricken African relatives to send them a dollar or two from time to time out of the millions he made in the U.S.]

I've seen nothing whatever to refute that he voluntarily resigned his U.S. citizenship when he gained his Indonesian citizenship, and never took any steps to regain it.

Nothing that I know of has been brought forward to document that his name is not technically Barry Soetoro, a muslim citizen of Indonesia and no one else.

But to me this is all moot because to myself and the rest of the public these matters are pure technicalities.

The public voted for this guy no matter who he really is or where he may or may not have been born. This is the reason why all the judges in these cases have dismissed them. No body cares, nor should they.

The Bushiveks? Haha I was connecting from LHR last month after attending a funeral in Wales when I saw Jeb Bush (alone and w/o security!) in the Continental President's Club bar at EWR. Let the party begin! I sat down on the empty stool next to him in my black FAUX News We Distort-You Comply™ tee-shirt and ordered a drink. I took a sip, turned directly to my right and stared at him from behind my shades. Not unlike a vampire shown a crucifix, he cold shrank back from me as he eyed the shirt with obvious distaste...sorta like it was a small turd under his nose or something.

"Funny tee-shirt." he said dryly, trying to be funny.

He wasn't.

Without missing a beat I said, loud enough for everyone to hear,"But not quite as funny as the funny fucking shit you and James Baker and FOX and SCOTUS pulled to illegally make your brother President."

Deathly silence at the bar.

He didn't want to hear the rest. He stood up and grabbed his briefcase and overnighter. His eyes flashed and his cheeks reddened. Oh shit. I didn't realize what a BIG man Jeb was.

"Go fuck yourself," he hissed straight in my face - and strode away. Everyone at the bar chuckled and the retired Marine on Bush's right wanted to kick my ass. "You had that coming, libtard smart-ass," he growled, "you can't talk to a former Governor of Florida like that."

"True that, Gunny," I said. "But you can fuck with un-indicted co-conspirators any way you want."

Donald Rumsfeld shakes with Saddam Hussein Baghdad 18 December 1983 Originally Posted by agitpropster
I'd be willing to bet everything I own that this conversation never happened. This reeks of a conversation that occurred in the mind. You know how you think of the perfect thing to say 30 seconds after someone walks away. Then you think "Damn, it would have been perfect if I had said________". Then he posts it here like it occurred in real time to impress his internet followers and show how hard core he is. Well played sir. We are impressed and you are indeed hardcore.
agitpropster's Avatar
I can't think of a single right-wing movement that has helped mankind

ibechill's Avatar
p.s. Barak Obama is technically not a citizen of the United States. He is quite clearly only a citizen of Indonesia. Eventually this will be established, but in the mean time it's inconsequential. By the time any litigation determining this is worked through he will be well out of office. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Typical Tea Bagger comment.

Keep Tea Bagging in the bedroom and not politics.
He is at least intelligent and smart enough to lead all the wayto the removal of Osama Bin Ladden. The guy who was before him did nothing in the whole 8 years and spent over a trillion dollars to just do one of the many tasks Obama accomplished in two years. Probably your issue is with the shade of his skin. That can be hard to accpet.
30seconds's Avatar
If JFK were running today he would be considered a hard right conservative, he was a member of the NRA. Go figure....
Budman's Avatar
He is at least intelligent and smart enough to lead all the wayto the removal of Osama Bin Ladden. The guy who was before him did nothing in the whole 8 years and spent over a trillion dollars to just do one of the many tasks Obama accomplished in two years. Probably your issue is with the shade of his skin. That can be hard to accpet. Originally Posted by Adgjmptw1

This is such a stupid statement it's hard to know how to respond. I guess anybody who thinks Obama is a lousy POTUS is racist. I'm sure that all of the intel that led to the killing of Osama was gathered through the Obama plan of let's show them how nice we can be and they won't hate us.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Repug Articles Of Faith: Global Warming Is A Myth, FAUX News is Fair and Balanced™ and Ronnie Was More Saintly Than St. Augustine, right? Wrong. He fought against MLK Day and anti-apartheid legislation against South Africa his entire political life. Many American historians trace the actual beginning of the successful Republican effort to wrest the Southern white racist vote away from the Dixiecrats to Ronnie's kickoff speech of the 1980 campaign. Full of all kinds of pandering hillbilly drivel and racist code phrases like "proud Southern tradition" and "state's rights," the chosen location of the speech itself was a coded message to the angry, newly-marginalized (by enforced school busing) white males in attendance: the Neshoba County Fairgrounds in Philadelphiia, MS. It was less than a quarter of a mile from the spot where Freedom Riders Schwerner, Cheney and Goodman were murdered by the Klan. Of all the places in the country to kick off a presidential campaign, that was the spot chosen by then-staffer "Big" Dick Cheney (yes, that big dick).

Same GOP shit - just a different decade. Yes, Derek. we can agree to disagree and then all go get laid. BTW here's a sign from Washington yesterday: I couldn't agree more.

Originally Posted by agitpropster

Unbelievable fear, loathing, xenophobia and plain ignorance flows from the dark side. It's been their MO since the days of the Red Scare.

Obviously, one or two of us have swallowed that kool-aid and are waiting for the coming of Gozer.

Here's a suggestion.

Go out and get involved in the process. Just spend half of the time working on it that you do foaming at the mouth about it. Might make a difference.


P.S. -- What does YOUR birth certificate say? Why should we believe it's not a fake?

Obama is the worst president ever. Intellect is not the deciding factor in the ability to guide a country. The Democrats are raising hell about the oil company profits, while they dithered away 2 years to control health care, when they controlled both houses and the white house.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please explain your opinion, Txfishkiller. Sounds like bumper sticker rhetoric.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Obama has raised 1 billion for his upcoming re-election campaign... So much for campaign funds reform. Why does he need so much money to run for re-election????

Could it be that gas prices are approaching 4 bucks a gallon????

Could it be that unemployment is holding steady at 9%????

Could it be that is because he has added 10 trillion to the National debt????

Is he scared of the Republicans or is he scared to run on his record???

His hope and change has been more like same story just a bigger sales tag.

What ever happened to him wanting to help the guy that could not ever fill up his tank full of gas???

Obama Care is a joke now as well. If a business does not want it they just have to apply for an exemption. I am sure they get it as long as they vote Democrat...

Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a Saint.....