Get out your pitchforks gents

... Uh, ... WHO is stopping Target from selling "pride" shirts?

... Target is.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
I almost forgot this is not the first conservative boycott of Chik-Fil-A
HDGristle's Avatar
The Atlanta-based company, which operates more than 3,000 restaurants nationwide, named Erick McReynolds, an employee dating back to 2007, as its vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion in 2021, but social media users only recently became aware of it, prompting calls for a boycott of the company for going “woke,” reports theNew York Post.
An excellent example of ignorance being bliss for some folks. Been waiting to see who picked up WHEN Chik-Fil-A promoted this guy to this role. It happened right under everyone's nose.

How did we see this impact their stores? Customer experience?

It's been about 2 years. I'll bet they employ some trans employees too.
HDGristle's Avatar

When the rest of the world lost its corporate marbles, conservatives liked to think that there was one place that would never let them down: Chick-fil-A.

As far as they were concerned, the churchgoers’ chicken of choice had been solidly built on Truett Cathy’s strong family values. While other CEOs took their brands in wildly liberal directions, Christians took solace in the fact that at least one franchise could stand against the mob.

Now, with the news that Chick-fil-A is catering to thediversity, equity, and inclusion crowd, customers feel deeply betrayed. But the reality is, the chicken empire’s capitulation started years before this...
It’s the liberals as usual blaming others for what they are doing.
It’s liberals freaking out over target and drag queens at schools.

Some people are simply saying I won’t shop at, go to places or buy particular items or services because they are being made political by liberals.

Any transgendered person can go in any store and buy any item they want. No one is saying anything about that.
It’s when the liberals make an issue out of something when others say or do anything in response that gets blown way out proportion by the liberals themselves.

All this is planned by liberals to cause discord. When they don’t get conservatives or everyone else to respond in kind that’s what freaks them out.
Smile back at someone when they are pissed that really pisses that person off.
HDGristle's Avatar
That's nice, Chase. This is about conservatives boycotting Chik-Fil-A because they just found out they're woke and have been woke for a few years now.
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