Trump builds a better rat trap and DACA is the bait.

Trump's statements, at least in this case, were NEVER about Hispanics. Haiti and African countries are shitholes according to him. How many Hispanics live in Haiti and African countries? It has always been about whether or not Trump's statements were racist against blacks. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Proving leftists only see things in terms of color.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Proving leftists only see things in terms of color. Originally Posted by garhkal
I'll let Trump's alleged statements speak for themselves. Almost everyone who has commented on the statements consider them racist. And those that don't consider them racially insensitive.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'll let Trump's alleged statements speak for themselves. Almost everyone who has commented on the statements consider them racist. And those that don't consider them racially insensitive. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Your "everyone" ain't everyone, speedy, and that's the problem with the bullshit your lib-retard jackasses in the lame-stream media propagate on a 24/7 news cycle. You're thoroughly indoctrinated, speedy, showing you cannot think for your self. Every time Trump speaks to "illegal" immigration, speedy, your miserable ilk ignores the adjective "illegal", and it's your miserable, racist ilk who imagine all "illegals" are people of color and ignore that when Trump speaks of "Americans" he is speaking for all Americans -- not just whites, speedy.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
.doing away with the lottery will benefit people primarily from India.

...a merit based system immediately favors people from countries that are predominantly white.[/COLOR]

]Hmmm... when did India become a predominantly white country? Originally Posted by lustylad;1060443621
Way to go!! Great job of taking statements totally out of context to serve your purposes.

Contrary to what your wrote, here are the words I used in post 9 in this thread.

"From what I've read, doing away with the (visa) program will be helpful to highly skilled people from India."

That is a true statement. A merit based system will be helpful to people from India, most certainly. Because they meet most of the requirements for a merit based system. I also said that a merit based system will be helpful to people from China. Which is also true. However, there are very few other countries outside of those in western Europe that meet the criteria for a merit based system.

merit based system would be based on the applicant's skills, education, work history, ties to the U.S., knowledge of the English language, business activities, community service, and country of nationality.

"A merit based system immediately favors people from countries that are predominantly white." Another very true statement in my opinion. No where did I say countries that were NOT predominantly white would be excluded. Most of the countries that would be given preferential treatment under a merit based system would be predominantly white.
I'll let Trump's alleged statements speak for themselves. Almost everyone who has commented on the statements consider them racist. And those that don't consider them racially insensitive. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I guess since i am not a lame stream talking head, my comments that they were not racist or insensitive, matter..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'll let Trump's alleged statements speak for themselves. Almost everyone who has commented on the statements consider them racist. And those that don't consider them racially insensitive. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Now you speak an untruth. "Almost everyone who has commented..." Only the people you listen to think that and that is not even close to "almost everyone". On the contrary, I have heard "almost everyone" support Trump and understand that he is being taken out of context by those who oppose him and America.
Now you can truthfully say "some" people find them to be racist and most of those people opposed Trump before he said that a alleged statement. Those are also the same people who supported Obama and Hillary when they talked about bitter clingers and deplorables.
bamscram's Avatar
Trump insulted every ethnic minority, fellow republicans, and dog breed while running for president,
He was elected because he isn't Hillary, now you want to whitewash him.
Proving your turd was the better turd.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Trump insulted every ethnic minority, fellow republicans, and dog breed while running for president,
He was elected because he isn't Hillary, now you want to whitewash him.
Proving my turd was the better turd. Originally Posted by bamscram
retarded lenny and his flying turd

bamscram's Avatar
I am retarded lenny and his flying turd

Originally Posted by Hotrod511
The Jewish lawyers view of the world.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Now you speak an untruth. "Almost everyone who has commented..." Only the people you listen to think that and that is not even close to "almost everyone". On the contrary, I have heard "almost everyone" support Trump and understand that he is being taken out of context by those who oppose him and America.
Now you can truthfully say "some" people find them to be racist and most of those people opposed Trump before he said that a alleged statement. Those are also the same people who supported Obama and Hillary when they talked about bitter clingers and deplorables. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Did you read the newspapers or listen to the news after Trump allegedly made his comments? These are not MY people. Below are just a handful of articles on the subject. Yes, almost everyone who has commented on the subject has come out against Trump on the statements he made. Some have denied he said what has been reported. Some said they didn't hear those words. But IF he did make those remarks, I know of no one who has publicly defended him other than a few anonymous souls on a hooker board.

The world reacted with shock, anger and a tinge of humour over US President Donald Trump's "shithole countries" remarks, with governments, civic and political organisations, and individuals labelling the President's comments irresponsible and racist.

Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, the daughter of Haitian immigrants, called Trump's words "divisive" and "elitist" and demanded he apologize to Americans and citizens from the countries "he so wantonly maligned."

President Donald Trump ignited a firestorm on Thursday when it was reported that he had called Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations "shithole countries" at a bipartisan meeting on immigration, and said the US needed more immigrants from countries like Norway.

The comments drew immediate and intense backlash from leaders around the globe.

Donald Trump has been branded a shocking and shameful racist after it was credibly reported he had described African nations, as well as Haiti and El Salvador as “shitholes” and questioned why so many of their citizens had ever been permitted to enter America.

US diplomats around the world were summoned for formal reproach, amid global shock that such crude remarks could ever be made in a semi-public meeting by the president of America.

In a strongly-worded statement, the UN said it was impossible to describe his remarks as anything other than racist, while the Vatican decried Trump’s words as “particularly harsh and offensive”.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I guess since i am not a lame stream talking head, my comments that they were not racist or insensitive, matter.. Originally Posted by garhkal
I'n not exactly sure what a "lame stream talking head" is but you are certainly welcome to your opinion.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, Mia Love (whom I supported during her campaign) did get an email from me telling her the same thing that you've been told. First confirm that Trump said those words (we have only a known liar for verification) and if he did, get the context. Once you have those two things only then can you really make a value judgement. Other than that, you're just doing a knee jerk dance prompted by the media.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, Mia Love (whom I supported during her campaign) did get an email from me telling her the same thing that you've been told. First confirm that Trump said those words (we have only a known liar for verification) and if he did, get the context. Once you have those two things only then can you really make a value judgement. Other than that, you're just doing a knee jerk dance prompted by the media. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
If you will reread my posts, I have often said ALLEGED statements from Trump. I also said something like "IF he made those statements.".

I don't know if Senator Durbin has a history of lying as you allege. Any proof to back up your statment? What about Senator Graham?:

In a statement Friday afternoon, Graham, who was at the meeting, did not specifically address what Trump said.

“Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday,” he (Graham) said. “The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel. I’ve always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.”

On Friday, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) told a South Carolina newspaper that Graham told him that the reported comments are “basically accurate.”

“If that comment is accurate, the comment is incredibly disappointing,” Scott told the Post & Courier newspaper.


Even Senators Cotton and Perdue who were also in the room do not say Trump DID NOT say what he allegedly said. Only that they don't recall.

In a joint statement, Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) — two of Trump’s biggest allies on Capitol Hill who attended Thursday’s meeting — said, “We do not recall the president saying these comments specifically but what he did call out was the imbalance in our current immigration system, which does not protect American workers and our national interest.”

If Trump did make those comments I'll pass on making a value judgement on him and his words. I've cited plenty of opinions of others from around the globe. In an earlier post you said "I spoke an untruth" when I said almost everyone who has commented on the subject has spoken against Trump. I think I've proven you wrong on that one.