Personally I don't think you can put a price on a human. . . . We are all worth more than any amount of money on this earth. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict*sigh* That's the problem with NPOA discussions. They're not really about a person's intrinsic worth, they're about the value to the prospective buyer of a service/experience. The former is a rhetorical strawman, useful for arguing but not for discussing.
If there is a lady out there I want to see and whatever she has chosen she is worth then I will gladly pay it if I can. Originally Posted by Eccie AddictAnd that last highlighted part is the crux of the issue, although somewhat simplified. There is an upper limit for each of us beyond which we won't go. What I "can" spend depends on how much money: (a) I have easy access to; (b) without too much risk of being detected by my wife; (c) without sacrificing our standard of living; (d) without significantly affecting retirement security; etc., etc. And it's also tied in to frequency. Hell, I "can" see a lady who charges $50,000 for a date; I would just have to stop seeing anyone else for a few years while I saved up the money. But, particularly since P4P is my only sexual outlet, going a few years without sex would be a significant sacrifice.
Not to mention that "want to see" is not a binary yes/no quality either. How much do I want to see her? I have spent time with one or two ladies whose company I enjoyed so much that, yes, if her rates were such that I could only see her every six weeks or so, and would have to give up seeing anyone else, I can imagine making that trade-off. (In fact, I may be reaching that point soon.) But the acceptable trade-off would be much different for other ladies, even though I enjoy seeing them as well. Of course, "NPOA" implies only that there is at least one lady for whom you would pay that upper limit, not that you would pay it for others.
All of this is hypothetical, and may be affected by imagination as well. The only way to know for sure, I guess, is when your favorite lady raises her rates; if you swallow and still see her, you haven't passed the "NPOA" limit; if you stop seeing her, you have. There are some ladies I may decide against seeing at their rates, but I've never stopped seeing an ATF because of her rate. That doesn't mean there isn't a limit, just that I don't know how I would react to a hypothetical rate that hasn't happened yet. I might think "I wouldn't go above $X" but until I'm faced with that situation, I don't know for sure. And even then, I'm limited to my imagination concerning ladies whom I've not yet seen. There's at least one case I can think of where I almost certainly would not have paid her current rate to see her the first time (at a lower rate), before I discovered how fantastic she really is.
Some people have simple, straight-forward cut-offs of how much they will spend. I don't; it's pretty much ad hoc. But, yes, there are limits.