Melissa's NYC Adventures

  • A1.
  • 02-23-2018, 11:15 PM
I will be more than honored to show the people how many times you have falsely accused members of being mandles and never apologized to those for the fact they didn't agree with you on something. A person told me this and it's an old, worn out scheme that self inflated hookers use as a scape goat.
A1 vapor is an actual business that has its own website and private server that doesn't belong to a individual as you suggest.
Employee's don't use this terminal.
I will request the threads showing irrefutable falsehoods you campaigned against innocent hobbyist.
Amnesia won't suppress the archives .
^^Get a life you "Unique faced" whore.. Go sit your great value economy trailer park azz down.

Matter of fact take 2 seats Siberia/ A1 Vapor.!!
We the people are sick and tired of all of your mandles, and handles.

You talk shit behind a keyboard, but I dare you to confront me in person when I return.
You are a scary POS...with or without a keyboard you still aren't sh*t.
I have to remember this is only a hobby board, and not real life, because if it were someone would be covered in dirt 6ft with daisies....

Remember, I am not a pussy, and I won't easily be silenced.

So you dirtbagging, trailerpark wig wearing trash talking whore should do yourself a favor and leave me the hell alone, before you make me say something I may regret later...

Now stop stalking my Birthday Adventure thread... Last Warning little girl.

Good morning I love you wonderful sweet kind people today is my last day in NYC I'm getting up I slept kind of late I was out in Times Square until good Lord till real late LOL. Now I have to go eat some kind of breakfast and spend the day hanging out.

About last

My trip is winding down, I did some final shopping and now I'm in my room packing to get ready to come back to reality here in Nola.

New York was a big and busy place and I had so much fun hanging out in Time Square 10 times better than the French Quarter better yet a hundred times better LOL. Thank you for following me on my journey you guys have a blessed evening.
And thank you for making my 50th birthday a huge success!!

  • A1.
  • 02-24-2018, 05:37 PM
Happy belated Birthday
You shouldn't have regrets.


redlobos6's Avatar
Melissa, I hope you have a safe flight home. Looks like you had a wonderful time and I know we all can't wait to hear more about your trip.
I enjoyed my time so much in NYC then I think I need to go ahead and plan another trip to go back. The festivities were Non-Stop, the people were so friendly and I love the big rush rush atmosphere of Times Square. I was always meant to be a big city girl even though I lived in the country growing up. I think when I was getting made by God, I just got a little mixed up in the process LOL

Now I'm back home it's time to get back to work and I can finally say I've had a wonderful vacation and a beautiful 50th birthday thank you to everyone who made that possible for me and who went on my journey with me. I'm going to try to go somewhere different every year for my birthday or at least every year once a year for something special. Everyone should have a vacation it makes you feel so relaxed and refreshed.

I'm getting ready to turn in everyone have a good night and thank you again and God bless.

Glad you made it back safe. See ya soon!

I had so much fun there I'm thinking of going back right away in the next few months LOL. Maybe in July or August. I am very much relaxed from my vacation but coming home to Nola, and getting stuck in that klusterfuk of traffic this morning put me back to reality. People don't know how to drive.

Priscilla St. James's Avatar
So glad I was able to catch up on all this fun, looks like you had a blast Mel, you looked great and man that NYC pizza huh...I'd live off of it! So now I'm super jealous and need to plan a trip back to NYC asap myself (well once it warms up, cause shhhhhiiit buur) but I'm so glad you had fun and sorry I missed it but happy belated birthday, we still got a few days left in our birthmonth lets finish them with a bang lol love ya bunches boo!
So glad I was able to catch up on all this fun, looks like you had a blast Mel, you looked great and man that NYC pizza huh...I'd live off of it! So now I'm super jealous and need to plan a trip back to NYC asap myself (well once it warms up, cause shhhhhiiit buur) but I'm so glad you had fun and sorry I missed it but happy belated birthday, we still got a few days left in our birthmonth lets finish them with a bang lol love ya bunches boo!
Originally Posted by Priscilla St. James
Girl, I just LOVED, LOVED NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL be going back, hell ya' never know I just may wind up there for lyfe.

I loved the people, and the vibe. It just did something magical to me.

And ya' know my Gurl, Alicia Keys lives there and so does her Mom..

I have never felt the magic and energy any place I have ever been before...

Still celebrating my Milestone Birthday, as the month isn't over yet!!

God Bless you,
Love ya' bunches too!!
Verified Troublemaker from Money Mayweather
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've sincerely tried to get to New York several times during the past decade and never made it there.

This thread is inspiring me to try again!!!

SO glad that you had a great time because you certain deserve it.

And a very happy belated birthday to you, Melissa!!!

n0laARIES87's Avatar
Happy belated Birthday Melissa!
So glad that you enjoyed your New York trip.
Thank you Elizabeth Whispers And nOla ARIES87 for wishing me a happy birthday. Sorry I'm just getting around to saying thank you I've been under the weather since I got back somebody on the plane must have had a cold and I might have caught a taste of it. I've been on medication so I've been kind of out of it. But thanks again people it was awesome and yes EW you should go