I QUIT to make sure I Quit I’m going to commit Hobby suicide

  • T-Can
  • 08-24-2010, 10:47 AM
Tig, for the last f*ckin' time - NO ONE WAS PLAYING A JOKE ON YOU!!!

I like the hell outta ya tig, but you gotta stop the bitchin' and move on!

You are on probation sir!
*Mancard revoked*
dodger's Avatar
Some events within my control caused me to dramatically modify my behavior ... this was in 1975. One key was to limit the effect that others have on me. The old "So and so made me angry" thing. I came to believe that people other than myself were having way too much control over how I felt ... and I was the person responsible for handing this control over to them.

It was like having my body covered with buttons. Each button evoked a particular response. A knowledgeable person could then press a button and get the desired (by them) response. My bad ... because I allowed it.

So, 1975, I set about to disconnect as many of these buttons as possible. I want to control how I feel ... I don't want to hand off that control to someone, anyone else. I do this for the obvious reasons, including the fact that I'm responsible and because I trust myself to take care of my own interests.

I'll stop there except to say ... Tigg, you clearly enjoy the hobby and do it well. You are making the decision to put it away ... fine. Who can argue? Not me. But it does seem that you are letting others have too much input into this decision, too much influence on how you feel about it.

I appreciate that it is self-indulgent to analyze the person and circumstances when I am so clearly removed from both. I'm just sayin' ....
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 08-24-2010, 10:54 AM

Just reading this thread and the various posts. Just sounds like to me that you are ready to quit this venture. The money can always be used for other pursuits.

I wish you the best and take care of yourself,
Randall Creed's Avatar
Precision45's Avatar
What it all boils down to is that your just not happy with the pussy in Dallas? Sorry if I don't feel any sympathy, but there is no finer choice anywhere. Perhaps your trying too hard, maybe your not trying hard enough. Maybe you creep some girls out, who knows....

Retire and be gone or just go away. I just fail to see the humor in the constant "I'm retiring" bullshit threads only for them to be back a week or two later. It's just boring.
rex4998's Avatar
tig is the biggest male drama queen on this board
ShysterJon's Avatar
Tiggold, I tried to read your incoherent ramblings in this thread and I'm confused: Is it that you're retired or retarded?
rex4998's Avatar
he's committing suicide by slashing his wrists with a wooden spoon
cubsoxbull's Avatar
okay, ran out of popcorn, heading to Walmart now
tiggold's Avatar
Tiggold, I tried to read your incoherent ramblings in this thread and I'm confused: Is it that you're retired or retarded? Originally Posted by ShysterJon

quote I do like " Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded."

I'm retired. Your the other. UT must have need to fill their quota of Special Education Students for you to attend.

typed on Iphone
ShysterJon's Avatar
Does anybody here speak asshole so they can translate that last one into English?
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Extra butter, a medium coke, and a pack of twizzlers please.
Does anybody here speak asshole so they can translate that last one into English? Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Rough translation: "I know you are, but what am I?" with a dash of "I'm rubber and you're glue" etc etc. You're welcome.

On a side note, just how good can an attorney be without being fluent in asshole? Lol, I kid, I kid.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Thanks for the translation, and the lawyer joke. Which reminds me of another: Q: What do lawyers and providers have in common? A: They both fuck their clients for money. Q: How are they different? A: Providers stop fucking their clients when they die.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 08-24-2010, 09:27 PM

I find one action as reprehensible as a lady that NCNS... the guy that comes here to complain about the NCNS, and refuses to help by naming the offending party.

Just more useless chatter where a guy won't name names. All we can do is assume that you chose unknown ladies with no decent reviews.

Rough translation: "I know you are, but what am I?" with a dash of "I'm rubber and you're glue" etc etc. You're welcome.

On a side note, just how good can an attorney be without being fluent in asshole? Lol, I kid, I kid. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Point to Traci... I think she's made the most intelligent comment in this entire thread!