We do have all the makings of a good soap opera.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Ahhh...touché! But you did leave out a key character...my personal favorite...

The bitter, disgruntled has-been who's sight of the 'big picture' is so clouded by envy...that feels the only way she can be a part of things is to constantly rip others apart in a misguided attempt to make herself look better...Much like the proverbial 'grade-school bully' we've all had to deal with at some point in our lives.
It's happened to me before. I had to get one of my guy friends to call the wife back later in the day and explain that he used the phone to call her husband. lol =) It works!
Say NOTHING more than "Sorry you have the wrong #" and hang up and do not answer calls from that # again. She may call from a different #- replay your same recording... "Sorry wrong #" and CLICK. DO NOT TRY TO TALK TO HER OR REASON WITH HER. It is not your job.

It is like talking to a cop... You are guilty in their mind, yet most times there is no proof, they WANT YOU to make them right. You can only incriminate yourself. You know she had no proof, so just a simple "sorry but you have the wrong #" and hanging up will suffice.

Sorry this happened, but it does happen, and we all need to know how we will deal with it before it happens hopefully, sometimes, like with you, it is after the fact.
ANONONE's Avatar
Say NOTHING more than "Sorry you have the wrong #" and hang up and do not answer calls from that # again. She may call from a different #- replay your same recording... "Sorry wrong #" and CLICK. DO NOT TRY TO TALK TO HER OR REASON WITH HER. It is not your job.

It is like talking to a cop... You are guilty in their mind, yet most times there is no proof, they WANT YOU to make them right. You can only incriminate yourself. You know she had no proof, so just a simple "sorry but you have the wrong #" and hanging up will suffice.

Sorry this happened, but it does happen, and we all need to know how we will deal with it before it happens hopefully, sometimes, like with you, it is after the fact. Originally Posted by Cheyenna
Great post, Chey, but your font choice was killing this old man's eyes.

you answer, ITS A FREAKIN WOMAN on the other end, and you cop an attitude with her.. based on your statement that you figured it was him just calling you..when it wasn't.. you ask her "who is this" instead of.. "sorry I don't recognize this number and don't usually just give out my name, perhaps you have a wrong number".. or "well you called me, who was you expecting to answer" said in a joking manner.. or.. give her a fake name.. this is "jennifer who is this".. if she responds in the manner you claim.. you can simply say "sorry i think you have a wrong number"
Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
YES! I agree w/ DeAnna

I deal by e-mail and do not give out my # until after I screen if at all possible, although some sites require that you post a #.

I never have my phone on (I have a personal # and a work #) when I am not working... ANd by all means, let it go to voicemail if you are with family. WHY answer the "bone phone" when you can't really "talk" then anyway?

Sometimes I will get calls and they ask me who I am and I think that is so RUDE. I usually say "Well who is THIS?" but at times, depending on the mood, I will say I am "Bella Abzug", "Polly Esther", "Molly Hatchett", or my personal favorite, "Eileen Dover". I def. tell them they have the wrong # though unless it is a legit client and he knows my voice and laughs at my response and fake name anyway.
Great post, Chey, but your font choice was killing this old man's eyes. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Sorry hun... I changed it. I forget and pink is a fav. I then migrate to pea green, lol. I will re-progam my font color choice to not match my immediate color choice of pink or pea green. I just automatically pick that...

Or as I used to tell my clients: "The fact that you want me to help you now is proof that you've fucked your life up beyond my likely ability to help you."
Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
OMG I love that! Lol!
ANONONE's Avatar
Sorry hun... I changed it. I forget and pink is a fav. I then migrate to pea green, lol. I will re-progam my font color choice to not match my immediate color choice of pink or pea green. I just automatically pick that... Originally Posted by Cheyenna
Continue to post in whatever color you like, dear.

I am just an old fart, but thanks for the kindness--you have a great deal of wisdom to impart so please keep posting!

You are also quite clever---I loved the BONE PHONE. Talk about a blast from the past. . .do you remember the old bone phone from the 80's????

Guys really appreciate your "don't admit guilt" policy Rand(y), because we definetly brain fart sometimes. But some providers do crazy things too. Like I once called to set an appointment after I got off from work, but she didn't answer so I left a message telling her that I'm on my way home and I'll try to contact her again tomorrow around the same time. Well I go home, eat dinner, watch tv, etc. and around 10:30 PM while I'm in bed next to my S.O., SHE CALLS and I answer and say "SORRY WRONG NUMBER!", then she calls right back and my S.O. made me let her answer the call and then the provider asked for me by name! Yah, those were some sucky times afterwards........ Originally Posted by Lookieme
OMG- Was she on CRACK? I wonder about those "cranial flatulence errors in judgement" -we all have them in some way, some times but hopefully not quite so severe, lol. Ladies ...THINK before you dial!!!! (most of us DO.) I will only call if I have been asked to do so and even that is something I try to not do if I can deal via IM or e-mail instead...

This guy is where I learned about the "bone phone", lol!
WAY BACK in the early 90's...

I do not recall seeing the one you mentioned Anon. Too funny!
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 05-01-2010, 03:28 PM
I tired of the back-handed and straight-forward attacks. Keep this thread on topic or it will be locked! Also I will not tolerate attacks on me either straight forward or backhanded. No one gets favor or "protection" from me and to imply that is an insult. Keep that up and see where it leads.

ANONONE's Avatar
Hmmm. . .I don't see much here that is worthy as a thread lock as outlined by St. Christopher, but what do I know?

Hopefully folks will tone things down a bit, because this is a very worthy topic to discuss.

Technology is going to continue to increase dramatically and that means our chances of getting caught will begin to increase as GPS Family Tracking and other Big Brother Aps continue to be offered and become common place in society.

I guess progress is a double-edged sword. In the old days of the hobby it was a real pain to do the research and shoe leather to meet a provider via the phone book, back pages of underground periodicals, and the good old airport hotel bar. However, coming up with beards and staying discreet was much easier as you could think on your feet at the pace your hobby activities might have been discovered. . .not so easy in the age of the mouse click and cell phone.

We are all going to need to be studious and careful, so discussions like these are very helpful even if they do nothing more than to raise our awareness and force us to consider having a worse case scenario excuse in our hip pocket.
Pamelatoo's Avatar
DeAnna.. If the part of the "1 liner" has not already been taken..I sincerely want that part. But only if I play opposite of Clint Eastwood. Have your people call my people.
You've got to ask yourself one question, PAM:

'Do I feel lucky?'

Well, do ya, Punk?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
the next time I feel the urge to get married, I'm just going to find a woman I hate and buy her a house. Originally Posted by bluffcityguy

Now, that just cracks me up!!!
Sorry, bcg. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Why the apology? That line was meant to crack you up. Well, not necessarily just you, but anyone who read it. By telling me it cracked you up, it made my day.

