Gay forum

apparently the "experts" see a distinction
LOL Porn experts.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
"hysterical claims"? "Other Reviews being overrun"? Re-read my posts. I never complained. My suggestion was that we recognize TS's and other gays as there own legitimate kink. I wanted to elevate the gay stuff from a thread to a whole forum. Right now it is just lumped into "other" hysteria - except by the people opposed to the idea... Originally Posted by bender1717
Perhaps you need to re-read what you've written. You said Other Reviews was quickly becoming the gay review section. I'd call that response to four TS reviews (not gay reviews) hysterical. And, you must have forgotten what you wrote in one of those TS reviews that you hate so much but can't seem to keep clicking on (why is that by the way? are you drawn to those TS reviews for some deep dark secret that you don't want to admit to?). Since you seem forgetful, let me remind you.

I'm sorry, but a guy sucking a dick is gay.

I have nothing against people doing that, it's just not my thing...I don't want to see it a straight forum. Perhaps a seperate thread for gay stuff would be good. Originally Posted by bender1717
That sure sounds like a complaint about TS reviews being posted in the forum where they're supposed to be posted. So, given your complaining, your exaggeration of facts, and your apparent hostility to gays and transexuals, forgive me if I don't believe your desire to see a separate forum for TS reviews is out of the goodness of your heart and desire to "elevate" these reviews.
I think Boltfan and ca1962 summed it up best. The guys that are wanting a TS only forum are just being intolerant asses. The vast majority of TS's ARE women. They just happen to have cocks and a lot of them probably have bigger ones than you do. If you don't like it DON'T CLICK THE LINK. Otherwise, it's totally obvious that you secretly want to be with a TS and you just want the temptation removed. You know, kinda like a hijab. Intolerance is the single biggest problem in the world All Time. Every person on here is a pervert at some level. Get over it you fucking children!
Whoops Waldo....clever editing and crediting me with statements I did not make...

I never said anything about hating TS reviews, I said it's not my thing. I initially clicked on a link that I thought was about "Table Showers" and found myself reading about something very different (I had recently read this thread:

The second quote was from prior thread where I expressed an opinion and made a suggestion, hardly hysterical.

Why are the haters so sensitive about this idea? I didn't realize it was such a big deal.
I think Boltfan and ca1962 summed it up best. The guys that are wanting a TS only forum are just being intolerant asses. The vast majority of TS's ARE women. They just happen to have cocks and a lot of them probably have bigger ones than you do. Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
WOW!! talk about intolerence! Why the anger?

1. A human with XY chromosomes, testicles, and a penis is a male by definition. Just because someone wants to be something else does not mean that they are.

2. One male performing oral sex or anal sex on another male is performong a homosexual act by definition.

Neither of these statements are intolerant, hateful, or judgemental, they are statements of fact. These statements do not indicate that I have a problem with homosexuals or that something is wrong with homosexuality.

OK, i hear it coming.....the intolerant flames from the haters...
Bender, no anger here. Sometimes children need to be reprimanded with strong language. You're totally missing the point and trying to segregate lifestyles you don't agree with and/or don't understand so you can feel comfortable about your level of sexual deviance. Either that or your trolling.

You like women, I like women. Some guys want something more. That doesn't make them gay, I don't care how many definitions you want to dig up. There's lots of guys who like being fucked in the ass with strap ons by women. Does that make them gay?

TS's are a fetish in this underground world. Homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectionate, or romantic attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex, not getting fucked in the ass or sucking dick. Just skip over the TS posts or better yet, be more tolerant and less judgemental.
Looks like we all just need to agree to disagree..
No need for more forums; great need for more tolerance.

cheatercheater's Avatar
Do you realize how many new review forums would be necessary to accommodate each kink? Following along the lines of the OP's request for a forum of their own and to elevate them from "other" reviews, each city would need to separate individual acts.
Then the non complaint suggestions would stop....Not
BDSM reviews, independent reviews with bisexual, or as the OP prefers, gay activities included with girl on girl doubles, streetwalker reviews, BP reviews, pimped provider reviews, chatline reviews, and way too many more.
I first don't understand intolerance on any level. Apples to oranges? When it's in the fruit salad, it's all fruit. Elevate them to their own forum? Is the other review forum somehow the bottom of the barrel? Who ranked it?
If you get that table shower and she sticks her tongue or finger up your ass, are you gay? What's the difference in that or a toy or a dick? Your narrow minded perception of the definition of gay?
It is an ocean of sex here, let everyone float their own boat without the hassles of being labeled by the ones who prefer to only ride the cruise lines.
chicagoboy's Avatar
A solution in search of a problem.
boardman's Avatar
I love the "other" section. It keeps me feeling....normal.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-22-2012, 02:20 PM
Looks like we all just need to agree to disagree.. Originally Posted by Perfectly Imperfect
Best post so far, If you guys believe visiting chicks with dicks isn't gay, there is nothing else to discuss.
Best post so far, If you guys believe visiting chicks with dicks isn't gay, there is nothing else to discuss. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Exactly. Thanks BLM. En veces no entienden. Me vale.
Exactly. Thanks BLM. En veces no entienden. Me vale. Originally Posted by Perfectly Imperfect
Get in line!
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
Unfortunately there are some TS providers who try to pass as born-female. Some won't lie and say they are biological females, they will just neglect to mention they were born-male unless you ask. Some rationalize that since they think it shouldn't matter you shouldn't need to know.

Having a distinct TS section, and a rule that born-male providers and their reviewers post only there, removes any ambiguity about policy on the board. I.e. the policy should be that TS providers must be disclosed as such or simply not posted about. Originally Posted by artist3000
This is a red herring. I have never seen a post alleging this problem. And if you can't tell the difference, then what good is a separate section? You won't know when to use it.