Eminem said it best...

.....even though half you people got a fucking problem with me.
You hate it but you know respect you’ve got to give me. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Mr. Wakeup, thank you for being the type of person you portray - it's guys like you that makes guys like me look very, very good!!

Edhighlight: It's been a pleasure knowing you. I appreciate the happiness, joy and many laughs you've brought into my life and the love you've shown me. Any girl would be lucky to have you as a friend/client. You rock! See you again soon!

Zarah Originally Posted by ZarahAdams

Ed Highlight - You're awesome. You helped save a very valuable friendship. I am forever grateful for the guidance you offered me on such an important matter.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I don't want to leave any one out, so...I luv everyone (y'all know who you are.. lol) Big hug to all!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Aww, thanks, SnL! Love you, too!
Mijo... It is official. You. Are. Crazy.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Elle, I'm actually turned on by your statement. I'll take that compliment.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
everyone.....fuck off Originally Posted by dearhunter
Fixed that for ya.....
burkalini's Avatar
Thanks to SL for being funny even when it was easier to be pissed off
Thanks to the fucktards that made me laugh when they showed their stupidity
Thanks to London Rayne who I just wanted to fuck her to silence
Thanks to Shayla Hey I don't give a shit attitude and outstanding hotness makes me laugh and get hot all at the same time.
Thanks to Sweet and Little for showing that being nice and hot can last into her fifties.
And finally thanks for being able to say fuck off on occasion
Ms.Elena- Need to teach class on "How to be the Baddest Bitch 101" and "HBIC 101" She knows how to tell the truth, perfect and blunt.

* I am only nice to the people I want to fuck- to hell with the rest of ya!! JK Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Awww, I got a shout-out. TY Ms Skylar. I don't think you need classes from me though, you hold your own girl.

I can teach some classes in the future though. Hope they're ready for my paddles.

As for who I wish to thank:

To every bitchboy who ever let me beat the hell outta them, thank you.

Every guy who I've seen in the last 6 yrs.....thanks, you've paid for my degrees.

Thank you to whoever makes my paddles, wood and leather ones.

Thank you to the men and women who know how to eat pussy.
Iaintliein's Avatar
This site is a pretty good cross section of society I think, some good, some bad, too bad there isn't a simple "ignore" function in real life.

My thanks to all of the ladies who offer a kind touch to a stranger in need. And thanks for the respectful discussions I've had with them and with some of the fellows.

And a special thanks to my muse Lindsey Lacey, who's allowing me to indulge my photo hobby so many times, and sharing her creativeness has added immensely to my enjoyment of life. Pure fantasy. . . and a cup of tea!

SL.. You are one funny witty guy
Ava.. I cant wait to slip & slide with you when we get to Nuru
Zarah... You will always be cool with me.. I love ya
Skylar.. Your pics are fucking hotttt!!!
All this syrupy love pouring out of must be nearing Vday (yes, you can interpret that any way you want). I'll be glad when this trend is over and we all get back to normal.
All this syrupy love pouring out of must be nearing Vday (yes, you can interpret that any way you want). I'll be glad when this trend is over and we all get back to normal. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
SL started all of this...
I think there is much "in it for him" in this. He is a 'Master' of Marketing! A genius of sorts.
SL started all of this... He is a 'Master' of Marketing! A genius of sorts. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Yeah, his marketing and $$$$ can get him a piece of ass for an hour.
Still Looking's Avatar
All this syrupy love pouring out of must be nearing Vday (yes, you can interpret that any way you want). I'll be glad when this trend is over and we all get back to normal. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yeah, his marketing and $$$$ can get him a piece of ass for an hour. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charles, are you still working part time for "Hallmark"? LOL
Yeah, his marketing and $$$$ can get him a piece of ass for an hour. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Now I see why Zarah likes you and hasn't RUN from me(my advances).

Charles, are you still working part time for "Hallmark"? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Nah, I wouldn't lower myself to work for a multinational conglomerate whose sole mission is making money dispensing saccharine-filled missives that make absolutely no difference in human plight.