Clean Sheets

Sir, you are preaching to the choir.

What about the lady herself? Aside from what should be perfectly obvious (showering, deodorant, perfume, fresh breath)I have a nail brush that I sanitize with alcohol after every use and use it to scrub under my nails after each session.

This is also why I get testy if anyone were to complain about rates.

If you find a provider who a. Provides the service she advertises she does, b. Has a clean, nice, safe and discreet in-call (whether that be private or 'tel, point being that she keeps her space CLEAN) and c.Is professional, you really can't ask for more gold than that, in this biz.
OP - stick to virgin whores.

YM - you are pushing my buttons. Just sayin'.
Poke Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Dammit. Stop. I just giggled like the pilsbury dough-boy.

With a breadstick.

By which - I mean an erection.
albundy's Avatar
LOL! DO you guys really think that hookers in a hotel room are calling housekeeping between every guy they fuck?!? Yeah, right. Just find a spot that looks clean and then shower after. Or put down some towels. That's what I do. What you gonna do? Unless there is a wet spot before you even start, I wouldn't worry. I'd be more worried if she gargled and cleaned her mouth of jizz or not before I meet her at the door.

We're banging hookers. Some of them have had multiple cocks in their bed that day.

Do ANY of you think these chicks are changing sheets after EVERY dick they suck?!? Maybe the low volume hookers, MAYBE. But a chick that sees multiple guys a day in a hotel room? Fat chance. Yeah, that wouldn't look TOO suspicious having to have new sheets every few hours every day.
Golovkin's Avatar
First of the day, or last of the night ... pretty thin line. Was AXO one of the ones that changed the sheets? Originally Posted by pyramider
Well according to her she doesn't consider that her responsibility as a provider and this is just a "stupid ass thread".
I also do a quick snort of hand sanitizer between sessions to flush out the sinuses.
I'd offer to use eyedrops because of fat fuckers like me, but it turns out you can't un-see something.
I'd offer to use eyedrops because of fat fuckers like me, but it turns out you can't un-see something. Originally Posted by idiot savant
That's what freshly laundered satin blindfolds are for...

Sweet baby Tebow. It's like you want me to do the potty dance or somethin'.....
That's what freshly laundered satin blindfolds are for... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Is the blindfold for you or for him?
...Also, while it is not difficult to change sheets in between, we are Not in a Relationship nor are we obligated to do anything more than sell you the service that you are Paying for. You already have an S.O and Mother. Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
I do not understand this post at all. I gather from your following comments that this was some kind of ruse... but huh?

I expect clean linens.

The waitress at the dinner is not s.o. or mother either, but I damn sure expect her to have had the table wipped off with at least a greasy rag before seating me.

Finally, OP, you may wish to re-evaluate who you see.

P.S. Welcome to houston coed Golovkin

Hobby on
If they ran out of towels, you can line the bed with tissues. That'd be fun for her to clean that up.
Yeah, that wouldn't look TOO suspicious having to have new sheets every few hours every day. Originally Posted by albundy
What? Does'nt everyone spill milk on the bedsheets multiple times a day?