As a provider, what are your biggest challenges/fears?

Rock'er's Avatar
Obviously whoever gave you that “advice” was someone only seeking the holes you speak of. As for speaking your mind – as I told you when we met – THAT is WHY I like you. I LOVE a woman with a brain that speaks her mind on here – especially if it’s not the popular opinion. THN has heard this a million times from me – turn on the big head and that turns on the little head. I’ve tried meeting with ladies where the entire get to know you before the session included directions to her place and it just doesn’t work for me. Some ladies may think I’m a waste of time but I have to get to know someone a bit before I’ll meet – that’s just the way I am – my P411 profile describes it perfectly but there’s not enough room on the ECCIE profile. I don’t mean to waste anyone’s time but I’m on here for a very specific reason – to meet a few great ladies that I click with and see only them on a regular basis. Some ladies on here I would LOVE to just talk with for hours because they’re fun, interesting, and smart.

I for one love unsolicited PMs from ladies that are shy but like my posts – I can get to know them too, they’re just not as publically vocal – think most of my meetings have come from chatting with a lady for a couple of weeks and THEN meeting – and when we meet boy is it great – and chances are very good that I’ll be a return visitor. My sessions are vanilla too – I will never want greek, to face fuck, or smack a lady – I want to, for all intensive purposes, make love to her. I don’t judge those that enjoy other activities, it’s just not for me – so a thread about ladies being people is great for me – and if you’re my kind of girl just send me a PM (does that turn this into a threAD for me???). Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Wow EL, my thoughts exactly. There is nothing like finding a lady that you click with and could lay in bed and talk with for hours. It reminds me of some of the girls I met in college and makes my heart sing.
Funny you guys mention this. I saw a lady recently and everything was fantastic. But this morning on the way to the office, I wondered what she would think if I came over and just spooned with her sexy body for an hour and talked to her.
Echoing what has been said already, anonymity on both sides is a big thing. However many want to see the facial picture before setting up sessions, to my its not as important as the rapport that is built up before any session is scheduled. Many ladies know, once a facial picture is on the net somewhere somehow someone you know will see it. Kudos to the ladies that to share and take the risk and are ok with the impact on their personal lives, and kudos to the ladies that don''t share and are still able to provide successfully
DarthDVader's Avatar
Tony I will give you the best advice I can
I came to the hobby after 24 years of marriage ... I fought for it as much as I could ... I did put my entire heart soul and strength to make it better and I committed to stay monogamous all this time
Until I gave up when I started hobbying ... I thought it was possible to handle both, but i was wrong ...
When I read about what you say about your relationship I can only think that you are a lucky guy ... We cannot expect to have everything in life, actually we are not perfect ourselves ...
I think you have a treasure at home ... you speak about it from your heart ...
Tony please stay away from the hobby, that is my best advice ... Run away before you get addicted and caught into it ... Its not real ... Run away before you loose the treasure you have at home right now ...
The hobby is just an illusion ... you are paying to have an illusion, an awesome illusion, like going to the movies, unless you are looking at it as a dating site and you are trying to find a partner, that youre not ...
(like you all have said I have always treated all the ladies with respect and admiration ... considering that they are human beings with feelings and emotions fears and desires not thinking that they are just instruments of pleasure or a tool ... I respect them for giving us that illusion and making us feeling loved for an hour ...)
Tony, the only thing that Is real is that you have a home wife and a family
By the way you speak about your family I can tell that you have way much more than I had in my marriage ...
Everybody would agree with me If we are honest that we all want to have someone in our lives that is committed only to us, how awesome is that ... and we have an internal need to be committed to only one person as well ...
It may sound cool to consider we are open minded but at the end we know that it's not true ...If we have lost the capacity of feeling jealous or not feeling anything something is wrong ...
Tony I give you this advice with all my heart and I hope that everything works the best for you
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wow, Darth. Those were some lovely thoughts and reading.

I'm starting, with this topic and a few others, to get some similar feelings like I used to back in the day when there were articulate men AND women bantering about.

Sharing. Feeling. Good debating.

Thank you.
