Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Trump wrecked his chances for 2024 by lying his fat ass off on CNN last night

matchingmole's Avatar
Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Trump is speaking at some rally tonight...should be good for laughs
matchingmole's Avatar
He was heard lying his fat ass off again this last Saturday
.... A GREAT speech - yet again!...

... Trump's rally in SC just a few weeks ago drew 70,000.
They turned people away - and let them listen outside -
must have had speakers set up in the streets...

... I didn't hear ANY lies - just the TRUTH! ... Trump 2024!

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
.... A GREAT speech - yet again!...

... Trump's rally in SC just a few weeks ago drew 70,000.
They turned people away - and let them listen outside -
must have had speakers set up in the streets...

... I didn't hear ANY lies - just the TRUTH! ... Trump 2024!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Total falsehood. Just checked estimated attendance. After checking I found only one source putting the crowd at almost 55 thousand. All others had it at around 50 thousand. Or below.
Not hard to do when you push and market the event on a holiday weekend in the summer. At this event he told and repeated many lies like he did on the CNN interview
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump has a new speech writer............

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
.... A GREAT speech - yet again!...

... Trump's rally in SC just a few weeks ago drew 70,000.
They turned people away - and let them listen outside -
must have had speakers set up in the streets...

... I didn't hear ANY lies - just the TRUTH! ... Trump 2024!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yawn. How did those massive rallies work out in 2020 Bambino? Trump's base will always rally behind him without hesitation. They will vote for him despite his lies. And he will lose in 2024 just as he did in 2020.
Total falsehood. Just checked estimated attendance. After checking I found only one source putting the crowd at almost 55 thousand. All others had it at around 50 thousand. Or below.
Not hard to do when you push and market the event on a holiday weekend in the summer. At this event he told and repeated many lies like he did on the CNN interview Originally Posted by winn dixie
.... The ATTENDANCE was near 55,000. ... There's MANY
that were turned away - as I mentioned and listened
while on the streets near there... Over-all numbers
near upwards of 70,000.

"Not hard to do..."??? ... WHO was the last Democrat
to do it?? ... ...

WHO was the last Republican?? ...

... Can Joe Biden draw 500? ...
"Not hard to do" ... He IS your President.


#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
We believe you.
The attendance was for the entire fiasco. It was in a field in a rural small town. No one was turned away.
You're funding the numbers by at least 15 thousand. Turned away from what?
Good grief
... Ye Christ!... Turned away... Couldn't get thru
the blocked roads there... How many of these
rallys have YOU gone to??
"Samll towne... Nobody was turned away"...

And YOU also mention THAT is "not hard to do"...

Not hard for Trump to do.... Is THAT what you mean?
Or is Joe Biden gonna draw a similar size crowd? ... :

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Not being there or being there means nothing.
The official reports are! I'll go with those
winn dixie's Avatar
Per the eloquent thread title. trumpf loves to guzzle putins and xi's cum.
We all know his wife guzzles truduxes cum. Trumpfs are cum guzzlers lol
  • Vulva
  • 07-19-2023, 01:47 AM
TDS on full display. Yes, it is.
TDS on full display. Yes, it is. Originally Posted by Vulva
Have you noticed that all of the so called “crimes” that the Liberal Left keeps screaming about are based on lies and innuendo advanced with the help of their lap dogs in the MSM.

In the mean time, the very bureaucratic swamp that keeps slinging monkey shit at Trump are guilty of the very “crimes” they keep trying to pin on him.

First and foremost, that criminal cartel, The Biden Familly.
Have you noticed that all of the so called “crimes” that the Liberal Left keeps screaming about are based on lies and innuendo advanced with the help of their lap dogs in the MSM.

In the mean time, the very bureaucratic swamp that keeps slinging monkey shit at Trump are guilty of the very “crimes” they keep trying to pin on him.

First and foremost, that criminal cartel, The Biden Familly. Originally Posted by Jackie S

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Have you noticed that all of the so called “crimes” that the Liberal Left keeps screaming about are based on lies and innuendo advanced with the help of their lap dogs in the MSM.

In the mean time, the very bureaucratic swamp that keeps slinging monkey shit at Trump are guilty of the very “crimes” they keep trying to pin on him.

First and foremost, that criminal cartel, The Biden Familly. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Exactly Originally Posted by farmstud60
Sure. Lies. Wake up!