WHITE 'Pussy'

Oh shit, what is happening to me...oh damn, I'm shaking. FUCK. I need to eat...whoa, what was that??? shit, help...I'm jerking, some violent, involuntary neck twists, fuck what is my left eyeball doing. Help...Oh shit, fuck me. I'm, I'm, can I make it to...fuck it...fuck! Oh, oh, wow, help...I need some 'WHITE' Pussy & Ass in my face...I'm, help. Oh my what was that, Shit! FUCK! FUCK! Come on man, you can make it 'til...Fuck! Ohhhhhhhhhh, Shit! Someone, please, please...I'm going down. I'm...oh, umm, shit...

Okay, I'm pulling out of it. I can do this. I will make it to Sunday. Yes, I will. Yes, I Can! Fuck, Okay, you got this. Do this. Hold on...Fuck. Help. I'm okay. I'm good. Oh, Whoa! Okay, okay, okay, okay...good...come on, you do this mannn! Okay, I'm okay for now everyone...I'm okay...excuse me for now...I'm okay, it's okay...Whoa!!!
Shit I need some...good, good, good, Oh Shit! Oh Fuck...okay, Fuck! Alright, make it, make it bitch...control your shit muthafucka. Okay, okay...I'll FUCK! FUCK! Help. I'm okay, I'm good...she needs to be there, then. Please, please, please don't fuck this up! This shit is critical...Fuck! Okay, okay...
  • Alli
  • 04-13-2012, 07:29 PM
Wel...In my opinon Mijo you are missing a lot ....If you only see Anglo women Originally Posted by pickupkid

I totally agree! You don't know what you're missing.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Myself I perfer woman of color, they are a lot less timit in the bedroom and can take what you can give them if you are well endowed....

I passed out but I'm back. Whoa billy, that was a prelude to what will happen to me. Thee only thing I'm missing is 'WHITE' Pussy. Cool. Things are in the works...thanck Gawd. Yummy, yum, yum. Good, Good, Good to my Tummy, tum, tum.
boardman's Avatar
I like the calico variety...