How Many Elections Will It Take for a Speaker Jordan?

7 anyone but Jordan votes and they only made it through the E’s so far. I’m willing to bet he’ll lose AGAIN. I love it. Republicans can’t govern.
Jeffries - 210
Jordan - 194
Hell no to Jordan - 25

Will he request a 4th vote?
How many No Way Jordan votes is the magic number where he says, I withdraw?
Why hasn’t Trump stepped in and brought these Republicans in line?

Maybe republicans can’t govern. Shit, we all know it’s not a maybe.
Word on the street is the republicans are tired of Jordan’s shit and voted to choose a different candidate for speaker. They no longer support his speakership. Private ballots will do that I suppose. That’s when they tell the truth.
... Me-own political "insiders" say that something else is afoot.
Hopefully ALL will be revealed soon.

#### Salty
Typical bullshit Salty. You’re wrong 99.999% of the time. Always making up shit and being factfree.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2023, 06:11 PM
The Biden Administration's big concern is that Congress can't pass $10 billion in military aid to Israel and another $60 billion in aid to Ukraine as long as there's no Speaker. And no doubt, a majority of Senators and Congressmen favor that. Well, one of the news shows last night reported a poll showing a majority of Americans aren't in favor of either, in the amounts that Biden's proposed.

And no wonder. Israel's GDP is $489 billion. The $10 billion is only 2% of their GDP. Israeli per capita GDP adjusted for purchasing power is higher than Italy, New Zealand, Japan and Spain. Why are we dipping into our pockets to help them to the extent of $10 billion?

And how much money are we going to pump into Ukraine without pushing the two sides to stop killing each other?

As long as House Republicans are not "governing", the federal government won't come up with new ways to squander money. Not to say that some aid to Ukraine and Israel is necessarily squandering money, but the amounts Biden proposed are over the top.

But alas all good things must end. And like the aftermath of the Prague Spring, we'll probably live to regret the Republican infighting. This hurts their chances at the polls in 2024. If you believe Biden will be re-elected as I do, then the Republican House would be the main bulwark against incursions by the federal government against economic liberties. And if Democrats control the House and Senate, it's going to be 2021 and 2022 all over again. You add another $5 trillion in unfunded spending to the $5 trillion they legislated in 2021 and 2022 and you're talking real money!
eyecu2's Avatar
I would agree with Tiny and this respect: there are so many demands for USA to assistance, it's literally starting to make me cringe at the dollar values associated to aid for both Ukraine and Israel. What's even more disturbing is how Republicans don't seem to have too much of a problem supporting wars, but they have a terrible time with supporting helping Americans who are struggling are there with student debt, or food stamps and other economic hardships. But sure enough have enough desire to provide money for all those people trying to kill each other. Not saying that we can only take care of our own because democracy is truly at stake here around the world, but it seems to be a bit single-minded that we got money for guns but none for butter.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2023, 06:54 PM
I would agree with Tiny and this respect: there are so many demands for USA to assistance, it's literally starting to make me cringe at the dollar values associated to aid for both Ukraine and Israel. What's even more disturbing is how Republicans don't seem to have too much of a problem supporting wars, but they have a terrible time with supporting helping Americans who are struggling are there with student debt, or food stamps and other economic hardships. But sure enough have enough desire to provide money for all those people trying to kill each other. Not saying that we can only take care of our own because democracy is truly at stake here around the world, but it seems to be a bit single-minded that we got money for guns but none for butter. Originally Posted by eyecu2
It's interesting we're on the same side on this.

A point of disagreement would be the student loans. People with university educations make more money on average, so forgiving the loans for everyone doesn't make sense to me. I'd like to put the burden of loan forgiveness on the universities, who are responsible because they eternally raise tuition and the like, but am not sure how you'd do that. I agree about food stamps, in particular for poor children and poor single mothers.
You were ok with giving corporations 100s of billions in forgiveness for Covid loans. I’m not sure that I take your views seriously.

The best compromise would be forgiveness of student loan interest but that’s my view.
... Not seeing THAT as a compromise.

Me political "insiders" feel that they leaders at university
would just keep-with rasing college tuitions.

... Glad to see the Repubs aint selected a leader yet
to vote for something like THAT.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2023, 09:26 PM
You were ok with giving corporations 100s of billions in forgiveness for Covid loans. I’m not sure that I take your views seriously.

The best compromise would be forgiveness of student loan interest but that’s my view. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That's ridiculous. Please stop trying to gaslight me. It won't work.

While I don't know if I've done so on this board, I've criticized the Paycheck Protection Program as much as or more than probably anyone here. I saw it up close up and personal, as an employee and a banker were encouraging me to take out a PPP loan, because it was "free money." I didn't do it. I disdain the politicians and bureaucrats who came up with it, without creating controls that would restrict the loan forgiveness to companies that actually would have otherwise laid off workers.

Now where's your criticism of the corporate welfare passed by Biden, practically all Democratic Congressmen, and many Republican Congressmen in 2021 and 2022? I believe the ultimate tab for that would have been around a couple of trillion.

Why do you believe forgiveness of interest, presumably for all students, is the way to go? Any loan forgiveness should be means tested. Otherwise doctors, lawyers and other well off people benefit disproportionately. They should have to pay the loans back, with interest. If you're having trouble providing food and shelter for your family, well maybe that's a different story.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2023, 09:33 PM
... Not seeing THAT as a compromise.

Me political "insiders" feel that they leaders at university
would just keep-with rasing college tuitions.

... Glad to see the Repubs aint selected a leader yet
to vote for something like THAT.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yes, valid criticism. It's a vicious cycle. The students borrow more, the universities raise tuition, the students borrow more money, the universities raise tuition, etc. If government absorbs the interest on the loans, that's like throwing gasoline on the fire.
Precious_b's Avatar
Tsk. Tsk.
Democracy in action.


Somebody put up a thread about GOP not doing squat.

This is proof positive. The Party of No raising its flag high.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
[PRIVATE]two things? why cant't 5 moderate Repubs vote Jefferies???Repbus wanted more to keep McCarthy? and since they have a majority what difference would it make ????
[PRIVATE] Originally Posted by woodbandit
was that really necessary to make this private?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
[PRIVATE]Those 5 moderate republicans would be signing a death sentence, politically and possibly in real life. Republicans would lose their mind and maybe kill them. And that’s the ones in the house, think about the nuts on the streets.

What would be required is for some moderate sensible republicans interested in governing to enter a power sharing agreement with democrats and there being a Republican elected. That would eviscerate the likes of Gaetz, Jordan, Boebert and the main idiot Green. It’d likely end the dumbest of subcommittees and move several of the stupids from prime committees.

Though that’s the way out of this, right wing TV entertainment news would have a conniption and rail against it nightly such that those republicans would get run outta congress.[PRIVATE] Originally Posted by 1blackman1
more private really?????