Well it is a constitutional requirement to defend the country. Welfare and entitlements cost us more but are NOT required by Constitution.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So, not true and most intelligent people who have done their research will know that! Do some independent research. What facts do you base your theory on?
Actually, welfare safety nets have been cut and are dwindling quickly. Most people use these safety nets, including those that were laid off due to job losses, have paid for them. Unemployment only lasts for a certain amount of time. What happens after it runs out and these Americans are still unemployed, due to downsizing and jobs being sent overseas by multi-national corporations so they can increase their profits even at the cost of American workers? Do you really think they care about the rest of us? No, no, no. . .their main goal is to increase profits! They care nothing about the little guy.
The gap between "the haves and the Have-nots" is growing for a reason, and yet, the poor are still being classified as lazy just because there are no jobs for them. I tried to work 2 part-time jobs, with a few hours of sleep each night and still could not make ends meet. So, don't call us lazy and how dare you think you are better than the rest of us. The poor want jobs, they do not want to use welfare (welfare is very humiliating) and just not having a good paying job destroys an individual's self worth. Hence, anxiety and depression sets in. No wonder we have more social security claims for mental health and no wonder they are being approved by social security. And, for your information, the average benefits for disability are just about enough to put a roof over one's head, about $1,200 per month. Do your homework!