Move On!

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-29-2010, 09:00 PM
...and that's right, I'm posting it right here and not in the ladies area...I can't stand it when you men act crazy! Originally Posted by caroline!
Some men are compelled to act crazy, caroline. What's your excuse?

No drama? Pardon me, but how much more dramatic could you possibly have been, not only in your initial post but also in every post since then? I haven't read anything else you've said elsewhere, but is this par for the course for you (as it is for your gal pal, Heather) or has this one incident just put you over the edge?

Why did you post this in the National Main Discussion Forum? Obviously you could have just sent him a text.

Did you intend to embarrass your harasser in front of as many souls as possible? Sorry, but unless I know of a 50 year old 'vette driver in your area (I do, interestingly, but he's not crazy like your guy) and know or suspect he's one of the fortunate few who scored an appointment with you, I have no way to know who the man is so that I might subject him to the opprobrium and scorn he so richly deserves. Zero there.

And by the way, it is indiscreet of you to blurt out those details. Age and automobile certainly could apply to many, but they are great clues for someone who might be snooping him out. I would think that would even apply to your sweetie with the 'ghini -- there are so few of those on the road in any area that that clue alone would narrow it down to a handful. Is this what happens when you flip out?

But back to my question -- did you post here because this guy just frazzled your last nerve, and he reminded you of all those other shallow, maladjusted tricks who just saw you as a "slab of meat" (to borrow one of Heather's delicate phrases) instead of a real person (these would be the "you men" you wound up your rant with) and you just wanted to come in here and tell 'em all off? Or something like that?

Zero there, too, caroline. Double ought, in fact. First, when you chose to be a prostitute you pretty much guaranteed an endless supply of gentlemen who are poorly adjusted socially and sexually, all present company excluded. (It was pretty certain that "Mr. Wonderful" was not gonna join the fracas. But he may find it stimulating to be the subject of all this passion. Reckon he's masturbating?) Anyway, it does not "excuse" the abysmal behavior you've described. It might, however, cause some to think that you should bear in silence the discomfort of the occasional, sadly predictable bump along the road you've chosen. Or at least that you would voice your grievance in a civil manner, respectful of the many well-mannered men who would want to see what you were talking about, rather than with male-generalized acrimony and gratuitous profanity that soils the atmosphere of this place, and needlessly offends some of the community (even if they be post hoes).

The second zero is this: Even if this guy and all those "other guys" read your post, it will not have any beneficial effect (you hope for that, right?) and could just as easily do the opposite. Unlike the gents who have responded here (well adjusted but occasionally like to bang a hooker) the men who've tortured you will likely not respond well to cursing and shame (if they feel any). They'll go right on mistreating sex workers, and they'll use your coarseness on this thread as another justification for why "the whores" deserve it.

One more thing -- this is a discussion board. No one has to start a thread for discussion. But once he does, it's open territory. All of it, OP's "attitude" included. You may like to hear "BADASS" (ouch!) but when you put it all out there and then when critiqued or questioned for details you come back with personal insults and, "Whaa you can't talk about that," it makes you look weak and silly. You're the one who brought it up.
caroline!'s Avatar
ct2005: I'm not going to close this thread. You shut the fuck up and get off my thread. veracity at stake? good one.. did you learn that word in college? I speak my mind bluntly bc I'm so worried it's going to affect my biz right? I tell you what.. how about I tell you how much I'm NOT making... baby, ppl like me don't fail. most of you trolls will cont. to be a loser.

When I bombard w/ PM, texts, phone calls, harass tricks, then you guys can complain.... still notice the trick who i'm complaining about still hasn't posted? I'm dying for him to post. Until he posts, then I'll answer. Other than that, when do "I" ever answer to a trick? and trolls... jrfred, huh? did you say something? how long did it take u to post that long shit

OMG I'm having so much fun in CA! as a admin already stated: I'm RIGHT, some of you guys are WRONG, not to sweat it and enjoy the sunshine. You bet your sweet one I am.. TROLL on my thread asking me to justify to crazy harassment texts.. silly boys. Get a life bc it's disgusting that some of ya are on here 24/7.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-29-2010, 09:37 PM
...OMG I'm having so much fun in CA! Originally Posted by caroline!
We're all so pleased for you, dear, and thanks for the report. Nice of you to share the sunshine with the rest of us.

I did say something, as a matter of fact. I know it was a lot of words -- you inspired me, as I'm sure you do so many others. Didn't take as long as you might think, but thanks for your concern about how folks here are spending their time. Truthfully, I'd rather be in sunny Cali turning back-to-back tricks, as you seem to be.

Pleased, as well, to learn that you are going to cease publicly belaboring your petty private problems unless that terrible man shows up, in which case we shall all castigate him thoroughly. Otherwise it ends here. Cool.

Late Edit: It was too much to hope she'd stop.
ANONONE's Avatar
ct2005: I'm not going to close this thread. You shut the fuck up and get off my thread. veracity at stake? good one.. did you learn that word in college?

When I bombard w/ PM, texts, phone calls, harass tricks, then you guys can complain.... still notice the trick who i'm complaining about still hasn't posted? I'm dying for him to post. Until he posts, then I'll answer. Other than that, when do "I" ever answer to a trick? and trolls... jrfred, huh? did you say something?

OMG I'm having so much fun in CA! Originally Posted by caroline!
Do you know why there are so many views on this thread you started, Caroline?

Let me clue you in that it is not to enjoy your witty banter.

Folks are waiting to see if you are going answer the questions put to you.

Everything else is just noise until you answer:

1) Why did you cancel?
(you don't have to go into any personal details, but was it an emergency or whim)

2) Exactly when did you cancel?
(how much warning was the gent given before the appointment)

3) How did you cancel?
(were you concise and professional, or was it in this vulgar rant mode that most of your postings have been lately)

...still notice the trick who i'm complaining about still hasn't posted? I'm dying for him to post. Until he posts, then I'll answer. Originally Posted by caroline!
Is he even a member of this board? Most clients out there don't even know this board exists. Caroline, since you're the only person that knows who this trick is, why don't you tell him about this thread. That way, he can defend himself and we can finally get the other side of the story.
ANONONE's Avatar

Caroline? We can't hear you, dear. Please speak up.
caroline!'s Avatar
the nameless one: good question. and yes, he knows about this thread.

excuse me, I have to get ready again...
ANONONE's Avatar
So back to the questions, Caroline. Are you going to answer them, or continue to dig a deeper hole and lose all, if any, credibility that you may have once had?
  • PullT
  • 05-29-2010, 10:06 PM
Didn't read the whole thread, but what part of "move on" includes rehashing the entire episode, then spending a great deal of time discussing it?
ANONONE's Avatar
Didn't read the whole thread, but. . . Originally Posted by PullT
Read the thread and it MIGHT (painful as it is) make sense.
  • PullT
  • 05-29-2010, 10:22 PM
Read the thread and it MIGHT (painful as it is) make sense. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Read most at this point and am gonna just bow out to you and others who amply point out anything I would have...
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-29-2010, 10:25 PM
...I used to be a mod on aspd... Originally Posted by caroline!
You were in charge of the drama team, right? Or was your area of expertise insults and accusations? Missed your calling if not.
ANONONE's Avatar
Still waiting, Caroline.

Please speak up.

St.Mateo's Avatar
This one has been fun(???) All of you have keenly expressed in many ways your positions now its time finish it..... The clock is ticking.......
St.Mateo's Avatar
No worries the clock has just begun.