Weekly Biden Report Card

offshoredrilling's Avatar
troops out, n not idea how may US citizens they left behind
Joey would love to take a peek under psaki's dress so see if colors match! Originally Posted by Luvbubbles
Psaki is a hottie.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
about 200 US citizens they left behind mmmm its thought

Wonder if some already dead hung form a US chopper piloted by s camel jockey
I think there's more rhan 200. That they don't know is typical of this entire fuckup. Wait until those inbred ragheads learn how to fly Blackhawks...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
about 200 US citizens they left behind mmmm its thought

Wonder if some already dead hung form a US chopper piloted by s camel jockey Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I think there's more rhan 200. That they don't know is typical of this entire fuckup. Wait until those inbred ragheads learn how to fly Blackhawks... Originally Posted by Withnail
agree n they started training already, By doing hangings from
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Here was Biden's agenda:

The top priority was to use the 20th anniversary of 9/11 to take a victory lap as the president who ended America’s longest war. When Kabul fell, it added a new imperative: avoid any U.S. combat casualties that would mar the moment. Even at the cost of leaving Americans behind enemy lines and abandoning our Afghan partners.

Critics who accuse the president of having no strategy miss the point: What we are seeing is the strategy. It is based on Mr. Biden’s confidence that no one will hold the disastrous consequences of his decisions about Afghanistan against him so long as our troops are gone.

But Creepy, Sleepy Joe's presidency now rests on a cynical bet that, by the time Sept. 11 rolls around, a war-weary American people will share the president’s indifference to what he has now wrought in Afghanistan. We can already imagine his response to any newsman who dares bring it up.

C’mon, man. That was two weeks ago.