Got to love Bernie...

Pobre Burro ! Once AGAIN you ASSume that you know how I vote. So how can you expect us to accept ANY statement of clueless, denying-of-being-a fag-and-a-EUNUCH Gloryhole Guru here about anything you say and , in Arkansas hillbilly-speak, "REKON" you MIGHT know who I'm voting for ( multiple times, like you lying libs do and digging up the dead for those last minute " absentee " cemetery-bound ) DOTY ( and lobbying hard for other votes ) Pobre pinche puta !? Not ALL of us where spoon fed that ONLY through Government intervention could we achieve our dreams !
So how 'bout them Razorbacks ? !!! Keep 'em out of Texas if you don't want MORE hurt put on them !! Suey ? Ya, pendejo, es CHOP Suey para aqui ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
English, motherfucker. English.
lustylad's Avatar
The problem with you, and capitalism, is that you're assuming things are determined in a free and open market where all those participating are equal. So from the jump you're predicating the entire thing on bullshit, because we both know that not everyone is participating on equal footing. This leads to a biased distribution which leads to income inequality. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You need to go back to school and study economics. It's obvious (again) that you never took a class. Every Econ instructor will concede on Day One that the various models they work with and analyze do not always or readily correspond to the real world. That doesn't mean we can't glean useful insights and policy prescriptions from those models. And it certainly doesn't mean everything is predicated on bullshit. Only a real Simple Jack like you would make such a colossally ignorant assertion. Go read some Paul Samuelson or Paul Krugman if you can't afford to go back to school, sewer rat. At least pick up enough new buzzwords to sound reasonably informed. Or just STFU and let the adults converse about economics.

And btw, I never assumed that all markets are completely free and open and all participants are equal in every respect. Straw man. You're making thing up again, Simple Jack.

I don't decry capitalism. What we have now is not capitalism. Get a clue.

As for my futures position, oil is due a big bounce and I have every confidence my 12-months will be just fine. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you are now providing "oil" for your customers at he 'holes , woomby " ? It better be vegetable oil, to be environmentally correct, right woomby ? Wouldn't want to upset you liberal's hero of " Global Warming / Climate Change / How-can-we rally-our-sheep-to-fuck-them-this-week, I'm Al ' the Internet Inventor ' Gore " by using a non-approved 'oil" that was delivered by any means that burned carbon to get it to you or in it's processing, right woomby ? Now THAT wouldn't be " TOTALLY environmentally correct " !!! And since YOUR Momma /SEEster has " a bit-of- heft " to her, is that why you have your own mission to " save the Whales" and have those backpage girls strapup and PEG you ???? !! Did you think that by trying to lie and claim that you were going to move to Alamo Heights that I wouldn't warn Sea World here in San Antonio to put more guards on their fence line to avoid any " accidental " impregnations to their cetaceans ? I gave them your Momma / SEEsters picture on a billboard-sized sheet of paper, since she hasn't missed a meal in like....... FOREVER and a picture of your Daddy / brother in his " Mimi" -from the-Drew-Carey show. I told them to be on the look out for a swishy-walker that was a mixture of gordita, waist-of-DNA that looked like Mimi from the Drew Carey show and a wrapped in a rainbow colored feather boa and a rainbow colored thong. And they happened me that their bakery ( and ALL their other restaurants ) would be shut down for their annual State inspection that day. And that their whales would be having their "vaccinations" on whatever day YOU showed up. They thanked me, and said that you had been here before, because the last time that you showed up, you went from " licking the glass partitions " and " stroking your EUNUCH-self whilst frothing at the mouth" to " trying to swim with and mate one of their bull whales " . While they're amazed that you didn't get killed by that bull male for invading his pod, they're even more amazed at how long you held your breath to " go down on him " !! See pendejo, down HERE in Texas, you can't just say " I did NOT..." and hope it will go away or expect it to go to an "erasable" e-mail, puta !!!
You need to go back to school and study economics. It's obvious (again) that you never took a class. Every Econ instructor will concede on Day One that the various models they work with and analyze do not always or readily correspond to the real world. That doesn't mean we can't glean useful insights and policy prescriptions from those models. And it certainly doesn't mean everything is predicated on bullshit. Only a real Simple Jack like you would make such a colossally ignorant assertion. Go read some Paul Samuelson or Paul Krugman if you can't afford to go back to school, sewer rat. At least pick up enough new buzzwords to sound reasonably informed. Or just STFU and let the adults converse about economics.

And btw, I never assumed that all markets are completely free and open and all participants are equal in every respect. Straw man. You're making thing up again, Simple Jack.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You can't even come up with your own jokes. Simple Jack is my shit. Keep watching those 'head movies' you fucking cock nugget.

You defer to the market. The system is broken. The revolution will be televised.

Now you're a Krugman fan, huh You ARE a two-timing bitch
Budman's Avatar
So what is the "living wage"? It can't be undefinable. You have been calling for it and now you need to define it. It has to have a number otherwise you are just bitching for the sake of bitching.
So what is the "living wage"? It can't be undefinable. You have been calling for it and now you need to define it. It has to have a number otherwise you are just bitching for the sake of bitching. Originally Posted by Budman
Says who? You?

I'm not bitching for the sake of bitching. Somebody needs to get some fuckers in a room and have them come up with the fucking number and then make it so.

Can't be undefinable
lustylad's Avatar
Says who? You?

I'm not bitching for the sake of bitching. Somebody needs to get some fuckers in a room and have them come up with the fucking number and then make it so.

Can't be undefinable Originally Posted by WombRaider

Quit wasting our time, sewer rat. If you are too clueless to define "living wage" then the term is meaningless and there is no basis for discussing it further. You are incapable of moving anything forward and no one wants to keep going around in circles with you. So STFU.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, everyone gets a pay raise, and prices remain level. Hmmm . . . Wormby, explain how that works, please. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Did you miss this, Wormby? Please explain the idea you spouted off.
Quit wasting our time, sewer rat. If you are too clueless to define "living wage" then the term is meaningless and there is no basis for discussing it further. You are incapable of moving anything forward and no one wants to keep going around in circles with you. So STFU.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Only his reach-around gang of liberal idiots want to keep going in circles ON him ! That's how woomby gets all of those ropey load facials !
Did you miss this, Wormby? Please explain the idea you spouted off. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Post #38, perhaps your old fucking eyes missed it in the midst of your whiskey stupor. There always seems to be millions laying around to pay a CEO his bonus.
Quit wasting our time, sewer rat. If you are too clueless to define "living wage" then the term is meaningless and there is no basis for discussing it further. You are incapable of moving anything forward and no one wants to keep going around in circles with you. So STFU.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You're about as welcome as a turd in a hot tub.

You know the logistics and information that would go into defining a 'living' wage. To want it boiled down to a number on a hooker board is another perfect illustration of your boorish nature and general lack of knowledge on the subject. That is the problem of the fucktard right. The lack creativity and imagination. You lack the vision to veer off the tried and true path and create something new. Not only do you lack vision, but you genuinely fear change. So much so, you're willing to ride the status quo until it breaks, which it has.

You don't want to discuss is further, because it goes beyond rules and boundaries into places that make you uncomfortable. You're fine with the corporations continuing to rape the worker out of his fair share.

There's an easy way to quit 'going around in circles' with me; quit responding to my posts. Put me on ignore. Either one works. Until then, fuck yourself.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Post #38, perhaps your old fucking eyes missed it in the midst of your whiskey stupor. There always seems to be millions laying around to pay a CEO his bonus. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Then we will just file this under Ignorant Bullshit Spouted By Wormby, right next to mandamus.
Then we will just file this under Ignorant Bullshit Spouted By Wormby, right next to mandamus. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That "file" will probably take up the space inside of a freight car, with all of his 6980 post qualifying for that treatment and distinction !!
That "file" will probably take up the space inside of a freight car, with all of his 6980 post qualifying for that treatment and distinction !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Better than the three tractor trailers you've got filled with swishy gear, you fucking gay dwarf. There's so many rainbows in there it looks like 100 unicorns had diarrhea.
lustylad's Avatar
That is the problem of the fucktard right. They lack creativity and imagination. You lack the vision to veer off the tried and true path and create something new. Not only do you lack vision, but you genuinely fear change. So much so, you're willing to ride the status quo until it breaks, which it has.

You don't want to discuss it further, because it goes beyond rules and boundaries into places that make you uncomfortable. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Didn't I just point out one of your many shortcomings is a complete lack of imagination? You're so fucking unimaginative that all you can do is repeat what others say about you, sewer rat.

And when it comes to understanding conservatve thinking and economics,, you are beyond clueless. The essence of capitalism is dynamic change - the constant creation of new products, new markets, new processes,, new inventions, new ways to generate wealth and improve our living standards. True capitalists don't fear change or cling to the status quo - the truth is exactly the opposite. They promote change and usurp the status quo. They have the vision to come up with new, better and more efficient ways of producing and delivering products and services all the time. The people who try to obstruct these changes are the unimaginative unions, who are in bed with the vision-less libtarded democrats. The only thing they know is how to push up the cost of labor and then resist whenever companies try to roll out smart new labor-saving technologies.

You don't want to discuss the genius of capitalism, do you sewer rat? It "goes beyond rules and boundaries into places that make you uncomfortable" - and we all know what an anal uptight jackass you are. Plus you don't understand a whit of it. When it comes to economics, you have everything upside down. It's conservatives who embrace capitalism as a powerful change engine while the libtards cling pathetically to the past.

A hundred years ago, clueless morons like you were out fighting for a "living wage" for workers in the buggy-whip industry.
