Weinergate: Did he or didn't he?

gfejunkie's Avatar
I guess when you're a vocal homophobe and get caught having gay sex in an airport bathroom, you might piss off your base a little more than Weiner did. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I guess you got me there. Weiner's base can't really hold him to any standards or values.

They don't have any.

I guess you got me there. Weiner's base can't really hold him to any standards or values.

They don't have any.

gfe Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Being a regular contributor to ECCIE, perhaps you care to share some of your own "standards and values" with us gfejunkie?
I know very little about Breitbart. Originally Posted by Budman
...and I think that's part of the problem. Let's get you caught up shall we?




WyldemanATX's Avatar
One site is put out by HBO and the other well wikipedia.....

So the lefts or progressives sources VS. The Right or Conservatives sources.

Everyone has a spin in the direction they want to see it go in....

It is just one big joke and the joke is on everyone.....

That does not change the fact the guy lied. He is a perv just like the rest of us so what on that. He lied like that is a surprise out of D.C.
Budman's Avatar
...and I think that's part of the problem. Let's get you caught up shall we?




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACORN_2...os_controversy Originally Posted by F-Sharp

Sharp, I guess you don't get it. I don't give a shit about him.
Budman's Avatar
One other thing. I bet there is more to come out in regards to Weiner. This will be like Tiger Woods when every week there was another hooker looking to get her 15 minutes. I'll bet there are still a few pics to come out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I guess you got me there. Weiner's base can't really hold him to any standards or values.

They don't have any.

gfe Originally Posted by gfejunkie
WOW! What kind of comment was that, gfe? What do you know about Weiner's district, and why would you say the people who live in NY-9 have no standards or values? You know Queens and Brooklyn?


You're beginning to sound like Glenn Beck! And that's a compliment, gfe. I know you're smart enough to say shit like that. You studying with Humpty?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is just one big joke and the joke is on everyone.....
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Uhhh... ok.

One other thing. I bet there is more to come out in regards to Weiner. Originally Posted by Budman
They'll leave it out... until they make him put it back in! Maybe they'll find some shots of his nutsack ...
NewWave's Avatar
it shows how much ideology blinds people that some couldn't tell Weiner was lying from the start.

every interview he gave he appeared to be hiding something, judging his words very carefully and looking like a deer in the headlights.

i don't like him but don't care really about this scandal. i'd say most politicians are power hungry scumbags anyways. but the fact so many thought Weiner was being honest from the beginning, that shocks me more than any pic of his penis.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, I think you're missing the point here NewWave. I don't read any great outpouring of support for the man's honesty or sensibility here. Please point it out.

He fucked up. Until it was proven, everything was mere speculation. But nobody here rushed to his defense, praised his honesty or any such thing. I was prepared to make jokes either way until someone started spewing hate rhetoric. And then another joined him. That's just plain wrong and an embarrassment even to us on a whooker board.

I believe some of the problems in these threads isn't cause by position, but by the unwillingness of some to READ.

Judge this thread on the words written and the facts at hand. If you don't care about this scandal, then obviously the discussion here gets under your skin. Why? We tried him before he confessed. Now he's hung. To the left and online!
gfejunkie's Avatar
WOW! What kind of comment was that, gfe? What do you know about Weiner's district, and why would you say the people who live in NY-9 have no standards or values? You know Queens and Brooklyn?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yep. Pretty much the same 'dem' bulb constituency that keeps re-electing this idiot right around the corner in the 15th district...


You know? The one who thinks his own tax code doesn't apply to him.

About the only thing you can accuse Brietbart of is doing the job that the mainstream media won't or refuses to do.

There was a time when the press questioned authority. Don't see much of it anymore. Unless, of course, they have an "R" after their name.

KosherCowboy's Avatar
So folks want to call him a liar. Fine. Their choice. I think it is human nature when ' busted' to try to first lie or deny but come clean once it is obvious you ARE busted, not just rumored. Happens all the time, esp to those in the public eye like Hollywood or Washington. So the Rep. From NY lied, so does all of Washington. Who cares. If he were a member of a European Parliament he would have just iced his next tenure, but here in America, God forbid he play online and Tweeter his Peter. A very large % of men on this board cheat on their wives and spend their kid's future $$ on prostitution; they too would lie if cornered by their family until they realized they couldn't lie anymore and the review they wrote of Hooker 4U along with an IP match was going to be discovered by the wife. Like we are saints on this board pissing on a sinner? His ethics and morals are no different than those on this board who kiss their wife good bye in the morning and hug their kids, go to work, load in ECCIE and later in the day spend the family $$ on a woman who sells sex ( selling time my ass, tell that to the Judge when busted). And he is the dirtball? Please, give me a break. He is one of us...even if he is a member of the Party Of Jackasses. Donkeys and Elephants both misuse their peters.

I doubt this effects his ability to govern his district. I don't agree with his views but I respect the fact that unlike Obama who gets underhanded softball pitches from ALL media outlets that Rep. Wiener goes on FOX News knowing he is going to get curve balls tossed at him left and right...

So he ' cheated' and lied yet sinners on this board want to piss on him, I say leave the guy alone. I do agree there may be more and maybe he is on TER Washington DC writing reviews but until that day comes it is pure speculation that more is to come. As to being mayor of NYC, I don't think he had a chance in the first place, and if I am wrong and he did, this will blow over.
Budman's Avatar
He just doesn't seem like a stupid man to me, and only a complete idiot sends graphic pictures of themselves over a public pipe. Granted I am kind of biased as he is one of my favorite politicians at the moment, but this smells of smear to me. That said, "I did not have sexual relations with that women" still rings loudly in my ears after all these years. BTW, what's the source of the original report for this incident? Faux chatter or a legitimate news source? Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Never mind...

"The uproar began over the weekend when conservative activist Andrew Breitbart reported on his website that Weiner had sent the photo to a 21-year-old female college student in Seattle who was one of the New York congressman's Twitter followers. Weiner has insisted he did not send the photo. He says he saw it online before deleting it."

Andrew Breitbart for those who don't know is the same guy who doctored the NAACP videos and was also involved in the pimp & ho ACORN scandal that turned out to be complete bullshit.


Enough said. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll finally send this douche Breitbart to prison this time. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Again, I think you're missing the point here NewWave. I don't read any great outpouring of support for the man's honesty or sensibility here. Please point it out.

He fucked up. Until it was proven, everything was mere speculation. But nobody here rushed to his defense, praised his honesty or any such thing. I was prepared to make jokes either way until someone started spewing hate rhetoric. And then another joined him. That's just plain wrong and an embarrassment even to us on a whooker board.

I believe some of the problems in these threads isn't cause by position, but by the unwillingness of some to READ.

Judge this thread on the words written and the facts at hand. If you don't care about this scandal, then obviously the discussion here gets under your skin. Why? We tried him before he confessed. Now he's hung. To the left and online! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I guess Sharp's statements are not considered an outpouring of support.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I hear you, Kosher.
I think it's more a matter of poor judgement. Something Weiner has demonstrated that he has plenty of. Not exactly a trait we should want in any of our elected officials. D or R or any other.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Is there any significance that Dr. Michael Savage was born Michael Weiner in New York? Are they related?

One sends a picture of his dick through the air waves.
The other one is a dick on the air waves.

One is a moron.
The other is a moron.