Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 11-09-2012, 12:36 PM
sire i owned a business for 20 years and i know about getting sued by assholes. I assure I am not over-thinking. anything! experience trumps poly anna optimism every-time. u give them beer, they have a wreck, it is YOUR fault and they can and will sue you. why bring attention of the authorities by tempting fate?beer is cheap, they can buy their own, we got the pussy.. Originally Posted by sue_nami
I'm just going to put this out there, and then I'm out.

I'm part owner of 3 very successful bars in the downtown area.

If you do NOT have a liquor license, and you aren't SELLING the beer, you CANNOT be held accountable for someone having an accident after they leave your PRIVATE residence. If you didn't sell it to them, you are not responsible. It's their responsibility to take care of themselves.

But I'm sure you already knew that, since you have owned your own business for 20 years.. ???
nuglet's Avatar
not true Sire. A host/hostess ARE liable for people leaving their private home party inebriated and having an accident.
Doesn't seem fair but there's case history. There's even rider available on home insurance for exactly that.
Staff Edit...OP Request....Spacemtn
sue_nami's Avatar
no mocking or disrespect intend by ANY MEANS!!! Sorry if it came off that way. was trying to be funny not mean!
sue_nami's Avatar
I hope everyone realizes we are just trying to err on this side of caution and not expose ourselves to unwanted attention of law enforcement or get someone drunk and they have an accident. If you bring your own booze and it is not our problem. I do understand the value of a dollar and we sure would be open to negotiation on the price for those who feel we are overcharging. however now we have close to a full house tonight at the full price. Certainly I am not here to piss folks off or make any drama, cause lord knows i hate that shit as much as the rest ya. we just wanna have fun and make some money in a legal way. i do appreciate the feedback and I am sorry if sounded flippant or mean to anyone, i tend to have a wicked sense of humor and it doesn't translate well online sometime and i sound snide and bitchy not witty and pithey like i hoped. I do know this will be fun, anyway and i am super excited!
Mr Blonde's Avatar
Hey I always have fun jacking off alone!! now paying a hundred bucks to do it in front of other men is what doesn't sound like much fun. are you gonna at least provide baby wipes?? Originally Posted by Little Monster
Byobw! Lol
If LL is there , I'm down.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
not true Sire. A host/hostess ARE liable for people leaving their private home party inebriated and having an accident.
Doesn't seem fair but there's case history. There's even rider available on home insurance for exactly that. Originally Posted by nuglet
Interesting. I remember leaving your home several times fairly inebriated and no one was there to question my level of sobriety prior to leaving. I was even stopped by a cop on the way home once but luckily was not charged. Hopefully you had that rider you're talking about.
sue_nami's Avatar
I'd be happy to PERSONALLY baby wipe the joy juice off ya lil monster and mr. blonde.
This is actually relative to my interests. I have a slave that I have been wanting to get out and swing with. It's my stress reliever.
sue_nami's Avatar
Technoid, please see your inbox Sir.
Little Monster's Avatar
I'd be happy to PERSONALLY baby wipe the joy juice off ya lil monster and mr. blonde. Originally Posted by sue_nami
LOL!! I appreciate the offer Sue and your party really does sound intriguing, but like you said it's more meant for couples and I'm too ugly to score a date without paying for it. I would love to attend one of your future get togethers though
sue_nami's Avatar
little monster well we both love a good foot session. you could come tonight for half price if u want to give us each a foot massage darling. so far it is 2 couples. 1 woman besides us, 2 or 3 single guys. we could squeeze u in and then i can babywipe you off if you sit in the splash zone.
nuglet's Avatar
Interesting. I remember leaving your home several times fairly inebriated and no one was there to question my level of sobriety prior to leaving. I was even stopped by a cop on the way home once but luckily was not charged. Hopefully you had that rider you're talking about. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you were at MY house with your FB, and you were drinking too much, then you obviously weren't following the motto... "be all that you can be". And thanks.. that means we were doing the job right, because we did occasionally (our hosts/hostesses) stop people from leaving by convincing them to stay a while, or even overnight..
I appreciate the plug.. those were fun days. As for cops, if you were here, you know we had several regular guests that were LE, but never had a problem we didn't handle discretely, and legally.. If you left here drunk, you were playing the odds.. I had the advantage of being able to just going upstairs to bed...
sixxbach's Avatar
what JOHN is most likely with an SO or MARRIED going to call a lawyer and say, "I went to a party thrown by a hooker, with other JOHNS. We jacked off to watching HOOKERS, had too much to drink, and I drove drunk and want to sue this party host who is a hooker."

Members who are lawyers, please correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't a person who drank too much at a party and wanted to sue a host, need witnesses from that party? If so, these witnesses who are most likely married or with SO's, will probably not want to go to court and admit they were JOHNS at a party thrown by HOOKERS... ijs

So how did it go? Where are the reports and feedback?
sue_nami's Avatar
As hostess I am prejudiced but I had fun and the guys and couple who came all had a good time. maybe one will write a review. it was smaller than we hoped but we all seemed to have a good time. it boiled down to 3 girls and 4 guys. the couple was super duper sexy and fun.