Not another BBFS thread... This one is different.

Boltfan's Avatar

Let's keep the name calling out of this one please. My thread, my request. Calling others out for their "idiotic" views is not a way to have a discussion.

Kaci, thank you for your post. Good insightful information.

I will be doing some research to discover how some of the testing works for detecting the "issue" versus symptoms appearing for said issue. I believe the testing methods used now do not need for symptoms to appear to pop positive. Again, I will research so facts can be posted. If anyone has the specific information about how the tests work please post the information with links to your source. Basic versus more advanced/expensive tests would be especially useful as well.

There used to be a fantastic company for the adult industry that went bankrupt, AIM. Regardless of why they went bankrupt they did provide factual information and industry leading testing with immediate results. These tests were significantly more expensive than others and did not require incubation periods of any significant time period.

As always, good information and good discussions are always worth our time. Thanks again to everyone with positive questions and posts.
Bolt i was not saying that the test wont show postive without symtoms. Each person is different.

Ill use this as an example .....

Pregnancy test - for some woman they can by taking a home pregnancy test that will tell before there missed period that they are infact prego. NOW , some ladies depending on how qucikly there body produces the HCG hormone that cuases the test to become postive it could take up to 2 weeks to get that same postive. Its all about the persons body and how quickly there body makes the cells to get the postive result.

For some it may show within a few days to a week but in others it could take a month or longer for it to be strong enough for the test to be positve , but the whole time you could still be infected and infecting others as well.

Im gonna go look for that info you requested ! I work with woman and part of my studies i have to know this stuff so i have been reading alot lately , but i want to be sure that i give the corret info.
Rescource :

It usually takes about 48 hours to get the results of a STD test. Some tests like the one for syphilis takes about seven to 10 days. HIV test results can be obtained within three days. Chlamydia and gonorrhea test results take about a week. Tests done to check HIV infection can also provide information regarding the presence of some other STDs in the body. A urine and blood sample is usually taken during STD check-up. Symptoms like spots, wounds and sores are also looked into.

However, it is necessary to know that though modern diagnostic methods are used, tests are not always 100 per cent accurate. Often, a test done immediately after catching the infection does not show any result. Sufficient time needs to be given for the infection to reach a level that can be detected by a screening test. In such cases, a second test becomes necessary after a period of time.

I also found this bit of info as well :
Resource :

The amount of time before an STD will show up in a test after exposure is called the window period. For bacterial STDs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea the window period is approximately 3 days from exposure minimum. For type specific STDs like HIV 1/2, Herpes 1/2, Hepatitis B/C and Syphilis the window period is approximately 2 weeks from exposure minimum.

( thoses days (3) and the weeks (2) are as you see the MINIMUM it could take LONGER to show up in a test)

Bolt i hope this is what you were looking for !
Boltfan's Avatar
Very useful Kaci. Thank you.
Hey no problem as i said before i work with woman all the time i am a labor doula and working to get my certification to be a midwife and this is part of what i have to learn anyway !
There are plenty of local labs that offer complete STD panels. Just google HIV testing. They will give you a complete report of all results.

google is your friend
I think we all can agree that having unprotected sex vs protected sex poses a greater risk of possiblity catching any stds. Not to say a condom eliminates the risk, it greatly reduces the risk vs having unprotected sex. There is always risks, always regardless of the circumstances. The risk is up to the individuals and how far each is willing to take. There are too many what if scenarios to consider, and alot posters have brought it up.

Whether you agree with Ashley's services or not, she is at least open and straight forward about it. I would be more concerned if she stated no test results required. All pornstars do BBFS in scenes, and do providing on the side..tons to list, Jaelyn, Charity Bangs, see her Gangland multiple creampie video, Lucy Fire, oh not to mention our local super naughty hometown talents, Memphis/SexiHailey and Ashlynn. Ashlynn/Sexyjade does do creampies, go to OC Modeling for list of activities she will do in scenes. No one brings that up. Would that prevent one seeing Ashlynn in a private session? They do it and is it taboo?? No not really, just the risk level is greater to certain extent, with risks being minimized such as blood tests etc being shown.

Quite a few pornstars do creampies, the list is endless in the adult industry. It is actually a very popular genre.

I personally wouldn't BBFS, only in a perfect scenario and that is no such things stds. A cure was found for everyone, and that isn't happening soon.

HIV, the rapid test, don't know personally how accurate that is, but experts say 3-6 months is when you should be tested after possible transmission, in very rare cases, it takes 6 months to appear. That is for normal tests. I don't know on the other tests that some of the posters of mentioned. There is no sure symptoms of HIV only testing to be absolute sure. I agree with Kaci, while I am not a medical expert, I don't think going immediately to the clinic after BBFS and tests are going to be positive whether you have HIV or not. There is waiting stage is how I term it. AIDS is the end stage of HIV.

I agree Boltfan, lets be respectful and courteous of everyone's opinion whether you agree or disagree.
London Rayne's Avatar
To each their own I suppose. I have been in the hobby for 3 years only offering oral that is not protected...never caught an std or been pregnant using condoms for fs. I won't fix what aint broke so to speak.
for hiv-2, read on down to the part about "who should get tested for hiv-2"

negative tests for hiv-1 can still mean strain 2 is present and person is infectious/hiv positive. However the CDC doesnt recommend testing in the US unless you have specific behavioral criteria etc. Its not commonly found in the US, BUT if they havent been testing for it routinely, then how does anyone know for sure that it is that uncommon? I couldnt find any support for it this minute, but I read a medical report type article once about how until not too long ago they werent even testing donated blood for strain 2.

Like I said before, I still play the odds with an occasional bbbj, but the data shows that the risk on that is so small it almost isnt a risk (for hiv).
got tested and i'm 100% clean so no more stupid shit for me. condoms for everything, period.
got tested and i'm 100% clean so no more stupid shit for me. condoms for everything, period. Originally Posted by ThinWhiteDuke
Now I just need one more drink, to help me get sober...

Now I just need one more drink, to help me get sober...

Originally Posted by TheBizz
yea yea, i may just be out of the hobby too
cowboyesfan's Avatar
for hiv-2, read on down to the part about "who should get tested for hiv-2"

negative tests for hiv-1 can still mean strain 2 is present and person is infectious/hiv positive. However the CDC doesnt recommend testing in the US unless you have specific behavioral criteria etc. Its not commonly found in the US, BUT if they havent been testing for it routinely, then how does anyone know for sure that it is that uncommon? I couldnt find any support for it this minute, but I read a medical report type article once about how until not too long ago they werent even testing donated blood for strain 2.

Like I said before, I still play the odds with an occasional bbbj, but the data shows that the risk on that is so small it almost isnt a risk (for hiv). Originally Posted by 213674

HIV-2 is not as infectious or as devastating as HIV-1.

According to the CDC, there have been a total of 242 HIV-2 cases diagnosed in the US since 1988. About 1/2 also had HIV-1. Most of the infected were immigrants from West Africa.

Interestingly enough, HIV-1 is similar to SIV found in the Chimpanzee. HIV-2 is similar to SIV found in the Sooty Mangabey that lives in West Africa.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
242 cases in 23 years?
BarebackLover's Avatar
And to think I missed out on this one. Oh well, everything that needs to be said has already been posted...

I will add, though, that I personally know 3 people with HIV-2 in the metroplex...and they were not immigrants from West Africa. These cases are closer than you want to know. Make sure you get tested for that as well as the HIV1 test doesn't catch it.