Like the rest of Washington Congressional Budget Office

No kidding? That's right, and it was determined that "Medicare" didn't do enough for seniors and their prescriptions. So, Bush43 signed into law another bill that helps "Seniors" pay for their prescriptions. You missed the point, Republicans sign into law "entitlements" as well. Now let's see if you can spin that. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Yeah just make sure you are not drug/program carzy then fake cure ...

btw, did any of your family used money so south america can buy plane? ... and just cause someone fake death or jail .... no body or witness court action
I have no problem with the concept of national health care. Its one of the rare social programs I support. Originally Posted by texmwm
Many do though. I lived in the UK for over a dozen years as a kid, and the NHS was way overburdened with too many people welching off of it who never paid a dime in, while those who had, often were booted to the back of the line. Or waited many months.
Many do though. I lived in the UK for over a dozen years as a kid, and the NHS was way overburdened with too many people welching off of it who never paid a dime in, while those who had, often were booted to the back of the line. Or waited many months. Originally Posted by garhkal

btw without JAPAN ... OHIO would be a dump land ?
flghtr65's Avatar
CBO do not have a math problem????
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not in this particular case. There are 22 plus million people who got health insurance because of the ACA in 2016. The break down is 12.7 million from the government exchanges and 10 million from the expanded Medicaid. The OP does not have or include the 10 million from the expanded Medicaid as part of the equation.

You try to come off as some sort authority on things, and you're the guy who said the guns from Operation Wide Receiver (Bush43's gun walking program) DID NOT WALK to Mexico.