I get called Asshole a lot... actually get called all kinds of names... When is it appropriate to simply call a gal a Cunt? We know some really are at times.

Whispers's Avatar
I will say this though, if you call someone a cunt anonymously over the internet, you're a pussy. Originally Posted by irishlad
Years ago I actually called a lady on an opposing site to ASPD a cunt and then a few days met her at a GT at Treasures.... She introduced herself as "the cunt"... Iand I stated she was one of the more attractive cunts I had met.....

I'm a rather public guy and my opinions are no different in person...
Interval's Avatar
I don't really use the word, even in the company of only men. In modern context, it is a misogynistic term. Its hate speech. I don't hate many people, but those I do I can express my rage without including an entire class of beings.


I had a discussion just today with a woman/fb about the "c" word, and I wondered why there isn't a universal term about men that is so abhorrent.

Ladies, you need a mono-syllable word for "little dick" that we offend and outrage all to the point you are an outcast for using it. On that day, equality is achieved!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
"peenie" - rhymes w/ weenie; reminiscent of puny i.e. puny weenie - 2 syllables, but one word! Doable???

I love coming up w/ new words! Are you guys with me??? Line up, those of you w/ peenies!!! It's time for your verbal spanking! LOL

You know I'll take it however it comes. *oh, more double entendres*
eglrdr's Avatar
guh...the "P" word. It is just awful.

I just don't see the bazooka attack that goes hand-in-hand with the word cunt. I, personally, think it is a fun word to roll off the tongue; where does the stigma come from?

Now PUSSY.....God. I can't even believe that I spelled that. It makes me think of overgrown shrubbery and misplaced lawn gnomes and hoses.

Don't ask, my mind just goes there. Originally Posted by klovve
Congratulations Kelli..the 1st step to your recovery is admitting you have a problem..

Now that you have written the word PUSSY it can never again have a hold on you..now all you have to do is say it out loud..
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Then again you pussyed out on us last night and never showed up and we had to deal with 3 sad girls disappointed you didn't show....

Fucking Wuss that you are I have no idea why they always ask if your coming.... I just tell them your getting your ass beat by one of the Adorables..... that seems to upset them a little.....
Originally Posted by Whispers

Although effective, it's not nice to use Ztonk as bait to get girls to hang out with you. I would never use him in such a shallow way!

Whispers, things like this make you such a cunt.
Whispers's Avatar
Although effective, it's not nice to use Ztonk as bait to get girls to hang out with you. I would never use him in such a shallow way!

Whispers, things like this make you such a cunt. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Ztonk as bait?

Now that is really funny..... maybe as a "Wingman" or "partner".... we can play off of each other and pick up where the other leaves off with the dancers and waitresses we work on....

We've been friends a long time and have a lot of fun. He doesn't get out as much as he should but when he does it is always a great time....

And I think, in all honesty, that I have introduced him to a few more ladies at the table when he arrives than he has brought to the table when he is there.... Although I have taken an interest in a couple of his lately.....

Maybe you didn't notice it Taylor but the topic of the thread seemed to spark some interest and people seem to be having a bit of fun with the thread without having to asskiss each other and self promote their struggling business which seemed to be about all that was going on till we decided to take things into a different direction....

A struggling business in your case, I might add that, on it's own, offers up a warn out, over inflated product that needs to be packaged with other more attractive products to still generate sales/revenue.... Something you seem to be accusing me of.... I give you plenty of credit for your advertising and marketing skills.... You know when it's time to surround yourself with younger and prettier ladies in order to still make a buck....

Did the comment strike a nerve? Are you starting to see yourself and your actions in the situation surrounding others? Maybe we are a bit alike.... We do have some similar tastes in a couple of the strippers we know....

Let me totally honest here....

I've been bored and thought it might be interesting to stir things up a bit and get you all riled up so you would open your mouth and insert your foot... earn a few points and lose a bit more of the stature you you used to enjoy....

I actually made a few wagers that this particular thread would pull you out and rile you up so the bashing could begin....

Thanks for obliging me....

And by calling me a "Cunt" you certainly open the door wide enough for me to respond without fear of any repercussions other than a few points..... if that....

But it's cold and wet outside....

and I think I'll just leave it be..........

Come back, start a new thread, and bring your 'A' game and I'll oblige....
The Topic here is "When is it appropriate to call a woman(or someone, I guess) a cunt" not who is and is not one based on personal opinion.

Stick to the topic. Further instances of name-calling will result in the usual unpleasant Moderator interventions. This is the only warning that will be issued.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Did the comment strike a nerve? Originally Posted by Whispers

What comment?
I'm going back to my happy place now.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Ztonk as bait?
blah blah blah blah Originally Posted by Whispers

I was just following suit of other jokesters giving silly examples of who might be a cunt. I didn't mean to hurt your feeling.

Back on topic please
guh...the "P" word. It is just awful.

I just don't see the bazooka attack that goes hand-in-hand with the word cunt. I, personally, think it is a fun word to roll off the tongue; where does the stigma come from?

Now PUSSY.....God. I can't even believe that I spelled that. It makes me think of overgrown shrubbery and misplaced lawn gnomes and hoses.

Don't ask, my mind just goes there. Originally Posted by klovve
lmao!!! i have NO idea...where lawn gnomes relates to 'p'...

what i do know, is that if i am with a woman, and she says 'you like my sweet 'p' baby?' im like hell yea....but if she says ' how do ya like my CUNT?!'....i may just have to leave
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
They're just words... What does it REALLY matter which you use as long as the context clearly indicates what is being discussed. I'm a cunt w/ a cunt when I feel like being one or can be a pussykat w/ a sweet pussy when I feel like that, too.

So much emphasis on specifics when you consider how few people really are adept at using vocabulary effectively these days.

Right now, I'd say I'm feeling more like a CUNTY BITCH, so back off if you wanna say anything touchy feely. I won't have it! grrrrr
Whispers's Avatar
Right now, I'd say I'm feeling more like a CUNTY BITCH, so back off if you wanna say anything touchy feely. I won't have it! grrrrr Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
Well shit... After your post agreeing about Karma I almost canceled P10 and was about to call you and ask if you wanted to cuddle....

Back to the P10 plans...
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar

I'm in a pissy mood cuz' I can't get a man to LOVE me & CUDDLE up a few times a week. What do most women really want besides that, eh? I'm woman enough to admit it. Dammit.

Doesn't change things as per the SO of providers thread comments. *shrugs* I can still cry myself to sleep & cuddle up w/ Moustache, my sweet kitty of the 4-legged variety.
Well shit... After your post agreeing about Karma I almost canceled P10 and was about to call you and ask if you wanted to cuddle....

Back to the P10 plans... Originally Posted by Whispers

:mf_laugh bounce2: LMFAO...and love the new avatar!