How many dates have to come and go?

bambino's Avatar
Mark this date down. 7/15/2021. It’s the start of the end for Biden.

JULY 15, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County Election Audit is devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden Administration. While this, according to the Senate, is preliminary, with results being announced at a later date, it seems that 74,243 Mail-In Ballots were counted with “no clear record of them being sent.” There were 18,000 voters who were scrubbed from the voter rolls AFTER the election. They also revealed that the voting system was breached or hacked (by who?). Very big printer and ballot problems with different paper used, etc., and MUCH MORE.

The irregularities revealed at the hearing today amount to hundreds of thousands of votes or, many times what is necessary for us to have won. Despite these massive numbers, this is the State that Fox News called early for a Biden victory. There was no victory here, or in any other of the Swing States either.

Maricopa County refuses to work together with the Senate and others who are merely looking for honesty, integrity, and transparency. Why do the Commissioners not want to look into this corrupted election? What are they trying to hide? The highly respected State Senator Wendy Rogers said in a tweet the hearing today means we must decertify the election. In any event, the Senate patriots are moving forward with final results to be announced in the not-too-distant future, but based on today’s hearing, why even wait?

bambino's Avatar

Highlights from AZ Audit Senate Hearing 7/15

Hand Count

• Ballot duplication nightmare. Serial numbers are required to match the original and duplicated ballot. “Thousands” of ballots are either missing serial numbers or have unreadable serial numbers printed over a dark black ballot identification box.

Machine Analysis

• Inferior equipment verification process. Senator Peterson noted that if the EAC equipment verification process cannot handle evaluation by an audit, then we need a new certification procedure.

• Security breach, cyber security vulnerabilities, and missing security event data. Ben Cotton of CyFIR emphasized the critical need for router and Splunk log data. He gave 4 reasons:

a) The November election system breach reported by Maricopa County and the SoS.

b) Extreme cyber security vulnerabilities: the last malware and operating system/ security patch update was in August 2019 when the Dominion software was originally installed. “It would take less than 10 min to gain system-level access.”

c) Security event data only goes back to 2/5/21. By design, the security log only holds 20 MB of data. Strangely, on 3/11/21, there were 37,646 queries for a blank password that had had the effect of overwriting the data prior to 2/5/21.

d) Suspicious anonymous logons. CyFIR has found anonymous logons at the system level that do not follow the pattern of normal Windows behavior.

• Maricopa County is unable to validate the security of the election system. The evidence provided suggests that only Dominion is able to verify the ICP configuration. Cotton explains that it’s impossible to validate the security of an election system if you cannot independently validate the configuration. CyFIR needs the authentication fobs held by Dominion to check ICP configuration.

Paper Analysis

• Ballot calibration was off by an average of 1000% leading to bleed-through, which can cause over-votes or inaccurate vote attribution. The County has stated that they use thick VoteSecure paper, which should limit bleed-through in the event of mis-calibration. However, the Cyber Ninjas team found a large number of ballots on very thin paper stock. The ballots printed on-demand at the voting centers on Election Day has the worst calibrations issues. More than 168K ballots were affected.

Voter Rolls

• Voter roll anomalies affect more than 107K ballots. Doug Logan “highly recommends canvassing” based on the data his team has reviewed. For example:

a) There are 74,243 mail-in ballots with no clear record of being sent out

b) 11,326 who voted did not show up on the 11/7 voter rolls, but are listed in the 12/4 database

c) 3,981 who voted on Election Day were registered after 10/15, which is a violation of state law

d) Approximately 18k people voted on Election Day but were subsequently removed from the rolls


• Maricopa County did not turn over images of the envelopes as requested on the January subpoena

The hearing concluded with a review of the 17 missing items needed to complete audit, many of them already subpoenaed, including router data, Splunk logs, hardware tokens, envelope images, chain of custody documentation, and all portable media. Fann stated that the Senate will likely have to go back to court to enforce the subpoena.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s not a matter of being duped, anyone with firing synapses knows the election “results” were a joke. The question is who holds the most power, the people or the Rothschilds. Frankly I believe it’ll be the later and power will only be returned to the people the old fashioned way.
bambino's Avatar
It’s not a matter of being duped, anyone with firing synapses knows the election “results” were a joke. The question is who holds the most power, the people or the Rothschilds. Frankly I believe it’ll be the later and power will only be returned to the people the old fashioned way. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That just might happen. With a little help from the Military
bambino's Avatar
The election server was ACTIVELY under attack.
~37,000 login queries

This attack is plausibly an inside job with intent to erase data logs by overflowing the log file maximum size.
bambino's Avatar
These were just preliminary results from ONE COUNTY.
How many other counties had similar issues?

A pErFeCt eLeCtIoN
eyecu2's Avatar
Womp womp
bambino's Avatar

Arizona will be the first state to decertify the 2020 election and recall their Electoral Votes.

The first domino fell 7/15/2012

lustylad's Avatar
No grammatical rules were violated there. It's simply a matter of stylistic preference. Also, the stylistic preference is of no significance to the subject of this thread, so you're off topic, which is funny considering that's something that you're always chastising others for. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Seriously? Do you really want to talk about basic grammar rules the rest of us learned in grade school? Were you too busy being force-fed Critical Race Theory back then to learn how to conjugate verbs?

No, it's NOT a matter of "stylistic preference" to say "I have came" in lieu of "I have come". No, it's NOT a matter of stylistic preference to say "I have went" instead of "I have gone". Even if you flunked 6th grade English, you should know from common usage that the former two expressions don't sound right.

For your edification and to avoid looking uneducated in the future, all you need to do is lay out the verb in present tense/past tense/past participle. For example:

Present: I come
Past: I came
Past participle: I have come

Present: I go
Past: I went
Past participle: I have gone

When in doubt, you can also google the proper grammatical rule. For instance, here is something you would have found if you had taken the time to google "have went vs have gone":

Btw - I rarely chastise people for being off topic, unless I'm covering my ass with the mods here. You evidently have me confused with other posters.

You on the other hand have made several grammatical errors in this exact comment that I've quoted. Commas and periods go inside of quotation marks and outside of parenthesis, but you put the comma and period outside of the quotation marks. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You're right, it's more customary to put a comma inside the quote mark. I've done it both ways. I am usually guided by whether the comma or period is part of the original quote, or is something I have inserted to pause or end my own sentence.

Also, your choice to use "again" by itself as a standalone sentence was pretty poor. It would have been better to combine the first two "sentences" into one. That's perhaps somewhat of a stylistic thing, but I'm not sure that "again" qualifies as a complete sentence on it's own. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Haha... I would never suggest a single word constitutes a standalone sentence. As you surely know, people sometimes break up sentences like mine to create pauses that add emphasis. For instance, "Your. Grammar. Sucks." is more emphatic than "Your grammar sucks." If you want to call out my grammar on this, I'll plead guilty but everyone knows I'm doing it deliberately for emphasis. I would feel foolish calling out anyone for doing it.

There are other errors as well, but I'll just stick to the ones I've covered so far. Grammar Nazis typically fall on their own swords, and this is one of those instances. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
The world needs more "Grammar Nazis", not fewer. People who complain about being corrected are usually Grammar Butchers. The so-called Nazis are merely trying to help you, so try to be grateful instead of complaining. Glaring and repeated grammatical errors undermine your credibility as a poster and distract the reader from whatever point you are trying to make.

Btw - I have over 15,700 posts. I challenge anyone to uncover more than a handful of serious grammatical boo-boos in my entire eccie history. So feel free to have at it, 1pitts... and in case "have at it" isn't acceptable grammar to you, change it to "knock yourself out".
Seriously? Do you really want to talk about basic grammar rules the rest of us learned in grade school? Were you too busy being force-fed Critical Race Theory back then to learn how to conjugate verbs?

No, it's NOT a matter of "stylistic preference" to say "I have came" in lieu of "I have come". No, it's NOT a matter of stylistic preference to say "I have went" instead of "I have gone". Even if you flunked 6th grade English, you should know from common usage that the former two expressions don't sound right.

For your edification and to avoid looking uneducated in the future, all you need to do is lay out the verb in present tense/past tense/past participle. For example:

Present: I come
Past: I came
Past participle: I have come

Present: I go
Past: I went
Past participle: I have gone

When in doubt, you can also google the proper grammatical rule. For instance, here is something you would have found if you had taken the time to google "have went vs have gone":

Btw - I rarely chastise people for being off topic, unless I'm covering my ass with the mods here. You evidently have me confused with other posters.

You're right, it's more customary to put a comma inside the quote mark. I've done it both ways. I am usually guided by whether the comma or period is part of the original quote, or is something I have inserted to pause or end my own sentence.

Haha... I would never suggest a single word constitutes a standalone sentence. As you surely know, people sometimes break up sentences like mine to create pauses that add emphasis. For instance, "Your. Grammar. Sucks." is more emphatic than "Your grammar sucks." If you want to call out my grammar on this, I'll plead guilty but everyone knows I'm doing it deliberately for emphasis. I would feel foolish calling out anyone for doing it.

The world needs more "Grammar Nazis", not fewer. People who complain about being corrected are usually Grammar Butchers. The so-called Nazis are merely trying to help you, so try to be grateful instead of complaining. Glaring and repeated grammatical errors undermine your credibility as a poster and distract the reader from whatever point you are trying to make.

Btw - I have over 15,700 posts. I challenge anyone to uncover more than a handful of serious grammatical boo-boos in my entire eccie history. So feel free to have at it, 1pitts... and in case "have at it" isn't acceptable grammar to you, change it to "knock yourself out". Originally Posted by lustylad

Basic grammar rules like putting the period inside quotation marks? How many of your posts contain that error that you continue to make? That's probably a question that you will ignore, seeing as you're still happily violating that grammatical rule, but try getting your own grammar right first before you erroneously correct others. Whatever you're "guided by" there, it certainly isn't the rules of english grammar. LOL

As for my grammar, there's absolutely nothing incorrect in using the past tense "came and went," as they agree with each other, and I was indeed talking about the past.

Trump's Cult of Ignorance members seem to live in some alternative universe where water is dry, the sun is cold, etc.
It’s not a matter of being duped, anyone with firing synapses knows the election “results” were a joke. The question is who holds the most power, the people or the Rothschilds. Frankly I believe it’ll be the later and power will only be returned to the people the old fashioned way. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
So now the Rothschilds rigged the election? Nothing like throwing in a bit of anti semitism to go along with the delusion. LOL
Mark this date down. 7/15/2021. It’s the start of the end for Biden.

JULY 15, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County Election Audit is devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden Administration. While this, according to the Senate, is preliminary, with results being announced at a later date, it seems that 74,243 Mail-In Ballots were counted with “no clear record of them being sent.” There were 18,000 voters who were scrubbed from the voter rolls AFTER the election. They also revealed that the voting system was breached or hacked (by who?). Very big printer and ballot problems with different paper used, etc., and MUCH MORE.

The irregularities revealed at the hearing today amount to hundreds of thousands of votes or, many times what is necessary for us to have won. Despite these massive numbers, this is the State that Fox News called early for a Biden victory. There was no victory here, or in any other of the Swing States either.

Maricopa County refuses to work together with the Senate and others who are merely looking for honesty, integrity, and transparency. Why do the Commissioners not want to look into this corrupted election? What are they trying to hide? The highly respected State Senator Wendy Rogers said in a tweet the hearing today means we must decertify the election. In any event, the Senate patriots are moving forward with final results to be announced in the not-too-distant future, but based on today’s hearing, why even wait?

### Originally Posted by bambino
Im not interested in your cult leader's phony dates. Is there a date by which if Trump is still not president, you will finally admit that it's not happening? 2022? 2023? I just want to see how far you've strayed.
lustylad's Avatar
As for my grammar, there's absolutely nothing incorrect in using the past tense "came and went," as they agree with each other, and I was indeed talking about the past. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You didn't use the past tense. You said "have came and went" - which is past participle and plainly incorrect. Here's your original grammatical error once again:

A few of the posters in this deranged sandbox have mentioned some dates, and all of them have came and went without anything happening. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Do you not know the difference between past tense and past participle? It was already explained to you in my link in post #54. Since you don't seem to have absorbed it, here's yet ANOTHER link. I will cut and paste, so you can't pretend not to have read it.

The Difference Between Past Tense and Past Participle

So, what’s the difference between the past tense and the past participle?

Basically, the past tense is a tense while the past participle is a specific verb form used in the past and present perfect tenses.

The past participle is not a tense. It’s a form of a verb and can’t be used on its own. You need an auxiliary verb, such as “have” or “had.” Because of this, the past participle is commonly used as a compound verb.

Let’s take a look at two words in the past tense and then the past participle.

Past tense:

I lived in the United States for seven years.
I listened to this song five times.
We talked about this book.
I ate breakfast at 10 o’clock yesterday.

Past participle:

I had lived in the United States for seven years.
I have listened to this song five times.
The book has been talked about.
I had eaten breakfast by 10 o’clock yesterday.

Look, it's not complicated. You are wrong. Come clean and admit it. It's not so hard. Just do it. Say "I stand corrected."

Trust me, you'll feel better afterwards.
You finally figured out how to properly use quotation marks. Looks like you're the one who stands corrected. LOL

Back to the topic: bambino, no date in mind when you will give up on the BS?

How about you lusty, now that we've sorted your grammar out, any date by which you will say, "you know what, this election simply isn't getting overturned?"
Looks like another (my pillow) date by which Trump was supposed to have been reinstated has passed by without any significant developments. I don't know if I've ever seen a group that's as collectively gullible as the remaining members of Trump's Cult of Ignorance.

Mark this date down. 7/15/2021. It’s the start of the end for Biden.

Originally Posted by bambino
Well, it's a month later, and he's no closer to being prematurely removed than he was a month ago. LOL

Care to make an end date prediction of when he will be removed, or have you learned your lesson about that? My prediction, barring any physical health issues, is January 2025 at the earliest.