Looks like you're fighting this battle by citing questionably biased sources and argue based on apples to oranges comparisons. But good job anyway. If I wasn't so "bored," I'd get off into questioning about the integrity of sources like "Skepticalscience.com," but that's not the issue. I'd appreciate it if more of our resident dungflingers took as academic an approach to a debate as you.
I tip my hat to you Madame. You've certainly put some work in. But that doesn't mean you're right, regardless of how shrill our resident colony of howler monkeys bellow. I'd wager that most of them haven't even read the OP.
And at least you didn't offer the standard RWWtard defense of Faux News ... "I'd fuck her!" LOL.
I respect the time you've put into this. I just think you, like so many Faux News fans are incapable of objective thought when it comes to objectively acknowledging its many errors, omissions and downright lies. (I'd love to read your defense of Ann Coulter.)
Rather than deconstructing your biased "evidence," which as even the simplest here can see (ahem) is based for the most part on picking through opinions and semantics, I'll simply say well played and leave this until the next time you trot out the RWW talking points. Certainly you must be aware that your "evidence" is shaky at best and really just presents opinions, not facts. (Gallup Polls, for example.)
The rest of you can go fuck yourselves.