Covid vac proof

myren1900's Avatar
As far as Probability, I am not sure of the accuracy behind that concept. Originally Posted by Levianon17
See? I told you it is too difficult for many people to understand probability. No wonder gambling is such a profitable industry here.

FatCity's Avatar
at the end of the day (for the hobby) it has to do with

Providers requiring proof of vaccination (like some other businesses)
- customer can comply or not

Mongers practicing the hobby with multiple providers
- acceptable risk.

If you are a monger that is freaked out over this, maybe you should really reconsider how you're playing with fire with this behavior. If you're one of these but look down your nose at non-vaxxed, at what point does acceptable risk turn into HOLY SHIT THATS TOO RISKY. Are you drawing the line at vaccination and mask wearing? That if you do those things you're cool, but if you're not you're spreading AIDS?

If you're a monger that isn't freaked out over this, continue life as normal.

Its the prerogative of each party to do whats best for them.
Follow the money and you will figure out the truth . Who benefits the most from the vaccine. Big pharma . Whose in bed with big pharma . Big tech, big pharma , social media, MSM. Is COVID real , yeah. Is it as bad as people say it is, especially the liberal media, fuck no. There are way cheaper and more effective drugs that treat and prevent Covid . You don’t even have to take drugs there are natural supplements and vitamins that will prevent you from catching it. They cancelled Joe Rogan’s podcast for telling the truth on how he beat it in a couple days. They made it sound like he took horse supplements to beat it. Ivermectin is made for humans also. I’m not telling anyone to try ivermectin , do your research and make your own decisions . Also use bing and duck duck go, if you want to get honest search results .
Follow the money and you will figure out the truth . Who benefits the most from the vaccine. Big pharma . Whose in bed with big pharma . Big tech, big pharma , social media, MSM. Is COVID real , yeah. Is it as bad as people say it is, especially the liberal media, fuck no. There are way cheaper and more effective drugs that treat and prevent Covid . You don’t even have to take drugs there are natural supplements and vitamins that will prevent you from catching it. They cancelled Joe Rogan’s podcast for telling the truth on how he beat it in a couple days. They made it sound like he took horse supplements to beat it. Ivermectin is made for humans also. I’m not telling anyone to try ivermectin , do your research and make your own decisions . Also use bing and duck duck go, if you want to get honest search results . Originally Posted by Rebeljason2005
I agree. Your post is actually more realistic than many. Diet plays a huge part in our health and Doctors don't talk about that.
Follow the money and you will figure out the truth . Who benefits the most from the vaccine. Big pharma . Whose in bed with big pharma . Big tech, big pharma , social media, MSM. Is COVID real , yeah. Is it as bad as people say it is, especially the liberal media, fuck no. There are way cheaper and more effective drugs that treat and prevent Covid . You don’t even have to take drugs there are natural supplements and vitamins that will prevent you from catching it. They cancelled Joe Rogan’s podcast for telling the truth on how he beat it in a couple days. They made it sound like he took horse supplements to beat it. Ivermectin is made for humans also. I’m not telling anyone to try ivermectin , do your research and make your own decisions . Also use bing and duck duck go, if you want to get honest search results . Originally Posted by Rebeljason2005
So Fox news must have stock in Mortuary supplies and embalming fluid
wildwing's Avatar
Fuck New Orleans and their mayor.
Fuck New Orleans and their mayor. Originally Posted by wildwing
This did not age well.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you all realize this is a cantrell covid vaccine mandate. she has no business issuing that order and did it with the governor's grace.

theres the issue of natural covid immunity that's completely ignored.

I felt like in I was in Nazi Germany.

i hope that this bitch loses this years mayors race.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Fuck New Orleans and their mayor. Originally Posted by wildwing
i agree!
albundy's Avatar
I am currently on Day 2 of feeling like absolute shit because of Covid. I’m fully vaccinated, but not seeing how that helped with not spreading it, or catching it.
myren1900's Avatar

Hope you get better soon.
Getting vaccinated does not guarantee you are not catching Covid-19, but makes it less likely. And if you do catch it, it makes it less likely you get severely ill. It may prevent you from requiring a hospital stay and save you a quite a bit of money.
Good luck !
Follow the money and you will figure out the truth . Who benefits the most from the vaccine. Big pharma . Whose in bed with big pharma . Big tech, big pharma , social media, MSM. Is COVID real , yeah. Is it as bad as people say it is, especially the liberal media, fuck no. There are way cheaper and more effective drugs that treat and prevent Covid . You don’t even have to take drugs there are natural supplements and vitamins that will prevent you from catching it. They cancelled Joe Rogan’s podcast for telling the truth on how he beat it in a couple days. They made it sound like he took horse supplements to beat it. Ivermectin is made for humans also. I’m not telling anyone to try ivermectin , do your research and make your own decisions . Also use bing and duck duck go, if you want to get honest search results . Originally Posted by Rebeljason2005
👍100% correct
myren1900's Avatar

When it comes to infectious diseases and how to prevent them and treat them, I prefer to listen to advice from physicians and scientists rather than a comedian like Joe Rogan.
Some people prefer misinformation over facts. That is fine if they want to take that risk.

Cherokeechief's Avatar
The only Truth we have is that no matter what you do you can still get it.

You can't hide from the damn thing.

We need to fucking stop looking down on people for whatever choice they make.

Vax or no Vax

Last time I checked this is still America and not some Nazi camp.

No matter what, I'm not showing papers to the SS
Showing papers is only where it begins as we learned from Nazi Germany, or did we? People had to prove they were not Jewish, show their papers. And we see how that ended.

Not saying we are there yet, just saying why ever abridge America's greatest commodity, freedom. Especially when it does nothing except create political chaos.

Someone name one, just one governmental program that stopped or reduced its exercises because all was solved. Social Security created to help older people retire and open up jobs, today everyone with a mental claim gets it. The Rural Electric Agency is still funded, created to help get power out to rural areas. Where do we need to get power today? Income taxes and the IRS, talk about over reach, lol. The government now has the right to monitor and take your money without notice, without a subpoena, without service. Wake up one day and you are broke. No explanation, surprise!!

Governments never reduce themselves, they grow and grow until revolution occurs. At least it has been in human history.

My point is if a Mayor can mandate showing papers for Covid vaccination, what is next?? Will it grow or does it stop as the pandemic lessens?? History shows it will grow and abridge more and more of our liberties.