Illusion Of Passion (IOP) - Questionable?

See-- I disagree. Everyone is here for their own reasons. If he wants a quick "nut and bolt" then that's every bit his right and there are PLENTY of ladies that fit that bill just fine. I won't judge him any more than I'd judge the guy who is the "I want to be the only client today" type. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Point well taken Grace.
However, I guess my intention here is wholeheartedly concern for those who get caught up in the trap, never expressing their sensual feelings and going about life thinking this behavior keeps them "safe".

Continuously being emotionally detached and making a habit of it can certainly lead to a very lonely existence.

Just as you stated before, you screen clients and determine who you would click with. I do the same.
I always make sure there is a hint of proposed intimacy on their end.
These are the ones that are most balanced and likely to treat me like a lady instead of a whore.

I am, nor ever will be ashamed for being in this business and hate the persona the public (U.S. mostly) has put upon us.
It is what it is, and much of the male population on these boards roll with it. It is concerning that the younger dudes fall into the mentality that we are just a "cum dump".
That is completely disrespectful just flat out bullshit.

We can't change the world overnight, but doing our part in sharing companionship, pleasure and just being a good friend is a good start.

As far as the girls that play the part of no interest in passion, I can only imagine they are headed for emotional destruction in their life.
They are most likely insecure in themselves and deep down have little self respect.
Eventually they will crave intimacy and true passion, but won't get it because their game plan has been laid out for as long as they know.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
I have known some women (and the occasional provider, too) who are dishonest or abusive, use their looks to "get over" on people, and who take advantage of the innocent.

That said, there are those of us men are not exactly innocent naifs either, myself included.

In my earlier, less mature days, I am ashamed to admit to dishonesty, ghosting, treating some women who genuinely liked me with less than the care they deserved if I did not find them attractive (by my often ridiculous standards), and I treated some who didn't have the time for me like queens ONLY because they were pretty. I am fairly ashamed of the long and distinguished litany of sins of which I am guilty and, I can say this with the confidence of experience that I am FAR from alone.

I'd like to think that as I've grown older, hairier, fatter and uglier, I've also become slightly wiser and perhaps more generous; maybe so, maybe not; maybe you'll say that is out of necessity, and maybe you're right. No doubt others will judge, as I do . . . relentlessly.

But I know that my gender's faults and failings are at best on par with some of the more dastardly "crimes" of which women in general, and providers in particular, have been accused in this thread.

The fact that hobbyists like myself are paying to enjoy a "girlfriend experience," a quickie, IOP, or BNG from someone who sparks our interest is, IMHO, no more and no less a reflection on our character than is the fact that there are providers who make a living (or just extra cash) fulfilling our evident need a reflection on theirs.

Final note: A provider once told me that I am not paying her for her time, or for her being with me; instead, I am paying her to leave.

Think about it.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
I really don't know how the same post was left three times. Mods, I only intended one; if someone could remove the other two, I'd be grateful.
winn dixie's Avatar
My dear ol' pappy once told me something that I believe and live by!

Son. There are 3 types of women.

bitch hoe

First two are self explanatory! These first two types are what you wanna pick from!
The third, and most predominant. Fuck em' and dump em'.
I myself lean towards the bitch personality.
Well, I can certainly see you damn well want to prove your point ... always.

Over eight thousand posts in 3 years?

Such a shame. No life, eh?
winn dixie's Avatar
Well, I can certainly see you damn well want to prove your point ... always.

Over eight thousand posts in 3 years?

Such a shame. No life, eh? Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Here is a bottom line on IOP........

If in the RW, a provider is dating a guy who may be a potential boyfriend, the first time she has sex with him, does she get into the sex with him (says some ego stroking phrases, moans when he is eating her out and in rhythm in FS), or does she go through the motions during foreplay and lay there like a corpse when during intercourse?

If it is the former, then more than likely, he be calling her again, if it is the latter, then he will not. The exact same can be said when it comes to a client. If you are good and show some enthusiasm and get into it, showing some real passion or even real feeling IOP, that client is going to be calling you again, if you lay there like a blow up doll and your eyes are closed for the most part of the session, then he is not.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
Riffing off the comments of Wile E Coyote, would one rather pay to repeat (1) an experience of passion (illusory or otherwise) OR (2) an experience of genuine apathy?

After all, the latter IS genuine and not fake.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
Riffing off the comments of Wile E Coyote, would one rather pay to repeat (1) an experience of passion (illusory or otherwise) OR (2) an experience of genuine apathy?

After all, the latter IS genuine and not fake.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
It did it again. And I did not double click on the reply, so it's a glitch. Sorry.
When exactly does the "illusion" part come in?

To me, Passion is Passion.

Definition of illusion includes words like:


Very seldom have I had to muster up the "illusion" part.
It didn't feel real and I felt I was deceiving the gent.

Like I said ... Passion is just real PASSION.
Much more enjoyable and satisfying ...

Thoughts? Originally Posted by Torre Tames
I think beauty is more important than the illusion of passion.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-22-2020, 03:24 PM
Here is a bottom line on IOP........

If in the RW, a provider is dating a guy who may be a potential boyfriend, the first time she has sex with him, does she get into the sex with him (says some ego stroking phrases, moans when he is eating her out and in rhythm in FS), or does she go through the motions during foreplay and lay there like a corpse when during intercourse?

If it is the former, then more than likely, he be calling her again, if it is the latter, then he will not. The exact same can be said when it comes to a client. If you are good and show some enthusiasm and get into it, showing some real passion or even real feeling IOP, that client is going to be calling you again, if you lay there like a blow up doll and your eyes are closed for the most part of the session, then he is not. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Providers become jaded and could never have a real relationship after selling the goods is my opinion, just think about about getting paid for hundreds+ of different cocks and trying to be with only one for free? Not happening! The hobby has its downside, this is one of them

Long time tricks would have issues committing to one woman also, we get used to different women and adventures, this is why I haven't found real passion in the hobby, and don't like any fake IOP. I see right through it
hookem69horns's Avatar
When exactly does the "illusion" part come in?

To me, Passion is Passion.

Definition of illusion includes words like:


Very seldom have I had to muster up the "illusion" part.
It didn't feel real and I felt I was deceiving the gent.

Like I said ... Passion is just real PASSION.
Much more enjoyable and satisfying ...

Thoughts? Originally Posted by Torre Tames
In my old guy opinion, ladies truly enjoy the evening, women/girls stare at the ceiling. For a lady, it’s not a job, it’s an adventure that they embrace and enjoy. There’s pure passion. For a woman/girl it’s purely a job and they often don’t want to be there. Their body is there but their mind is elsewhere. There’s zero passion and horribly fake IOP.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Long time tricks would have issues committing to one woman also, we get used to different women and adventures, this is why I haven't found real passion in the hobby, and don't like any fake IOP. I see right through it Originally Posted by BLM69
I don't even care about passion even with civilians. I just want to bust a nut and get them out of my house and sleep like a baby. After years of sleeping alone and traveling all of the time for work, I just enjoy having the whole bed to myself when I sleep. I don't sleep much so I have no desire to have to cuddle all night. I just want to flip and flop in my sleep all over the bed like a fish out of water by myself... if a civilian doesn't like I don't want her spending the night, fuck if I care. Go find someone else to share your cuddling with because I'm just not the one.

I wanted passion when I was younger but when I hit around 30 years old, I just stopped giving a shit about it. Maybe I'll start caring about it again when I hit 40 years old. LOL
Mixture of board interaction, their history of providers, their review history.

You can learn a good bit by sitting back and watching. Yes-- I'm on the board a lot, but I'm listening (watching) more than I'm posting. If I can easily see that Gentleman X tends to gravitate towards women who are thin and blonde-- yet wants to book with me-- I know that's probably not going to be a good match. If I can easily see that Gentleman Y gravitates towards women who offer services that I don't-- I know that's probably not going to be a good match. If I can see that Gentleman Z often posts about what they enjoy and it doesn't fit my style (example.. and this isn't an insult... BLM)-- then I know that it wouldn't be a good match.

Nothing in this world is 100% foolproof... but if you sit back and pay attention, the law of averages will always be greatly in your favor.

As an aside-- if you inquire with me and I say that I'm not taking appointments at that time, that isn't a polite decline-- it means I'm literally not taking appointments. If I'm actually feeling that we aren't a good fit, I'm straight up going to tell you that. In a marketplace with thousands of ladies and thousands of gents.. why string someone along when they can simply go and find someone that might be a great fit? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
A board persona may not accurately reflect in person interactions. I use this board to put a voice to opinions that were once robustly celebrated in a previous and superior America. Such opinions today are the last vestiges of a declining empire, and widely despised by the unworthy inheritors of the legacy referenced.

However, I treat people exactly the way they deserve to be treated in real life.