Obamacare FIXED! Take that you Teabaggers!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-24-2013, 11:52 AM
Good post. I don't think it could be made any clearer than that. Originally Posted by slingblade
too bad the self proclaimed boards biggest asshole is compelled to uphold his reputation and feeling empowered when his minions post cartoons in agreement with his immature rhetoric.. aint that right LL ?
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  • CJ7
  • 10-24-2013, 11:56 AM
anyone against Ted Cruz is a racist anti-hispanic

there cant be any other reason Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

yet another expert on race ... call JD and compare notes,,, he's a TEACHER
LexusLover's Avatar
too bad the self proclaimed boards biggest asshole is compelled to uphold his reputation and feeling empowered when his minions post cartoons in agreement with his immature rhetoric.. aint that right LL ? Originally Posted by CJ7
I agree CJ7, although I wouldn't call you the "boards biggest asshole" ....

.. but you are one of the board's biggest assholes (sometimes) ...

So are you "standing in" for IvaLittleOne or YR for the asskissing introduction and welcome your new associate in the Obaminable Admiration Society of Eccie? Cuz this embryo apparently expects a peck on the cheeks from someone!

Otherwise have a good day and you all smooch a bit and get over yourselves, ok?

Oh, this is even CLEARER.....


"Obama Asks Bush to Provide Help for Automakers"
Repeat. " Sorry but to have an opinion that me or anyone else can take seriously, you are gonna need to put a little more effort into how things work.

It does appear to me that holier than thou (that would be YOU) FIRED THE FIRST SALVO!!

Your seemingly superior command of the topic, which you are quick to assert in a rather demeaning and sarcastic manner, set the stage for you to get a little "BUMP" in response!

With all due respect ....

.......... who the fuck are you to expect any special greeting????

Now, you can crawl back into the hole from which you slithered. Originally Posted by LexusLover
There was nothing disrespectful about my post. I meant what I said. He flat admitted he had not put any effort in finding out about it and he was just tossing out a random opinion. Funny how "He was not offended by my comments but you are. Are you the cordiality police? Your comments would more along the lines of a salvo. I don't expect any type of special greeting just don't start shit just because your opinion is different. I looked through your posting your agenda is obvious.
If the OP is offended by what I said, I give my sincere apology to him.
first things first ... deficit/debt .. there's a difference

nonetheless, credit where credit is due ..

Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billion to avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.

Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes Obama reduced many of Bush's proposed spending. Only to utilize differently later on.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-24-2013, 01:57 PM
Yes Obama reduced many of Bush's proposed spending. Only to utilize differently later on. Originally Posted by acp5762

those links aren''t proposed spending... its actual spending legislation signed by Bush and passed before Obama took office ...many people give him credit for that spending. Those people are either partisan hacks or living in oblivion unaware of the truth.
Do all liberals think conservatives are dumbshits, or is it just YOU!
[/INDENT] Originally Posted by LexusLover
I only think you are at the moment. Most of my friends are Conservatives but they don't call people names. I actually voted for Virgil Goode in the primary's. So what does that make me? I don't buy the whole two party system I think we need 20 party's The Teaparty is too lazy or greedy to start one of their own . They want to steal the Republicans instead. Letting the Newly formed Teaparty have the power that the GOP has is like giving a 16 year old kid an LFA. It is going to crash and burn destroying a lot of personal property along the way. Let them start one from the ground up without the Koch Brother's money and lets see how they handle things. Bush and Obama worked well together it all the peanut gallery that stirs shit up.
Misawahawk's Avatar
you want WHAT? take it libtard. if you can.

about that redistribution thing ..

umm. like Barry Soetoro? you may know him Misawahawk. let me introduce him to you.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

That's good. That's really good. You go ahead and shoot me while I'm crying tears of joy celebrating the fact that poor women and children have healthcare. I carried weapons almost every day for about 4 years. Trust me it wouldn't be the first time I've had a gun pointed at me. I'm so sick of hearing about guns and how people go on shooting sprees killing people. What's wrong with you man?
Misawahawk's Avatar
So Pissenhawk is a communist. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win. Gandhi.

C'mon JD we are both KC boys. I'm a Chiefs fan, I'm no communist.
Misawahawk's Avatar
You started your post off pretty good when you said the economy was about Globalism. Then you started going down hill. Although our Military maybe the peace keepers of the world they also ensure that trade is successful to keep our economy intact. The dollar is not based on anything of real value it's debt based and it depends on it's ability to trade and oil is important. Oil is important not only for the refinement of modern fuels but the manufacturing of raw materials that go into the production of Rubber, Plastics Paint products and Solvents just to name a few. Actually America could produce enough oil on it's own to supply just our country for a virtually a lifetime, but it's the trade value of oil that is most important to our economy. If the dollar falls to low in value and can't remain the reserve currency of the world it affects all economy's not just ours. If that happens essentially what you would get is economic collapse. Our country has been for sometime preparing for such an occurrence. I am glad you love this country, I do as well but you can't deny the inevitable that our economy is fading. America for to long has been consumers and not producers. Originally Posted by acp5762
Back in the 70s the dollar was no longer backed up by gold, but rather the promise of America. Breton Woods. Globalism is about using comparative advantage. You are 100% spot on that we need to start producing and exporting again. The world needs America more than America needs the world. I'm optimistic that our best days are ahead of us.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-24-2013, 02:26 PM
That's good. That's really good. You go ahead and shoot me while I'm crying tears of joy celebrating the fact that poor women and children have healthcare. I carried weapons almost every day for about 4 years. Trust me it wouldn't be the first time I've had a gun pointed at me. I'm so sick of hearing about guns and how people go on shooting sprees killing people. What's wrong with you man? Originally Posted by Misawahawk

read the location on his profile
LexusLover's Avatar
There was nothing disrespectful about my post. Originally Posted by slingblade
I took it as disrespectful in the sense that it is consistent with a liberal mindset of being superior intellectually to those they perceive to be more conservative .. and it appears and/or surfaces on this board all too often in the process of a "discussion" ... BTW it follows your theme and most of the time it is directly and overtly offensive ... hang around awhile and you will get the drift, but on the other hand I see you fit in nicely with the "liberal" program, ...

"I only think you are at the moment. Most of my friends are Conservatives but they don't call people names. I actually voted for Virgil Goode in the primary's. So what does that make me? I don't buy the whole two party system I think we need 20 party's The Teaparty is too lazy or greedy to start one of their own . They want to steal the Republicans instead. Letting the Newly formed Teaparty have the power that the GOP has is like giving a 16 year old kid an LFA. It is going to crash and burn destroying a lot of personal property along the way. Let them start one from the ground up without the Koch Brother's money and lets see how they handle things. Bush and Obama worked well together it all the peanut gallery that stirs shit up. ...."

... we'll see on all counts.
LexusLover's Avatar
There was nothing disrespectful about my post. I meant what I said. Originally Posted by slingblade
I found it consistently disrespectful, but worded in a "gentler" tone.

As this tidy little quote:
"I only think you are at the moment. Most of my friends are Conservatives but they don't call people names. I actually voted for Virgil Goode in the primary's. So what does that make me? I don't buy the whole two party system I think we need 20 party's The Teaparty is too lazy or greedy to start one of their own . They want to steal the Republicans instead. Letting the Newly formed Teaparty have the power that the GOP has is like giving a 16 year old kid an LFA. It is going to crash and burn destroying a lot of personal property along the way. Let them start one from the ground up without the Koch Brother's money and lets see how they handle things. Bush and Obama worked well together it all the peanut gallery that stirs shit up. "
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-24-2013, 03:19 PM
who gives a shit if they offend you ? one person takes a more centered approach from your objective and you deem them as liberal ... you self righteous dipshit, YOU.

yeah stick around sling, you;ll get the hang of shitheads like LoserLoser.
I took it as disrespectful in the sense that it is consistent with a liberal mindset of being superior intellectually to those they perceive to be more conservative .. and it appears and/or surfaces on this board all too often in the process of a "discussion" ... BTW it follows your theme and most of the time it is directly and overtly offensive ... hang around awhile and you will get the drift, but on the other hand I see you fit in nicely with the "liberal" program, ...

"I only think you are at the moment. Most of my friends are Conservatives but they don't call people names. I actually voted for Virgil Goode in the primary's. So what does that make me? I don't buy the whole two party system I think we need 20 party's The Teaparty is too lazy or greedy to start one of their own . They want to steal the Republicans instead. Letting the Newly formed Teaparty have the power that the GOP has is like giving a 16 year old kid an LFA. It is going to crash and burn destroying a lot of personal property along the way. Let them start one from the ground up without the Koch Brother's money and lets see how they handle things. Bush and Obama worked well together it all the peanut gallery that stirs shit up. ...."

... we'll see on all counts. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you read any of my post you will see I never bash or disrespect anyone just because I disagree with them. If provoked I will occasionally retaliate, if I think it is worth the trouble. Those such as I.B.H. are not worth the effort. I do align more with moderate Dems but like I have said before I don't believe in party lines. It impossible for half of America to agree on everything and the other half agree on the opposing side.
I support Obama on most issues Biden is odd at best. I would have been happy with McCain but not Palin. I liked Bush but not Cheney. I Think Marco Rubio would be a great President with Maybe McCain as VP or Huntsman. The only Republicans I have any axes to grind with are Tea party-ist and religious nuts.
I feel like you are judging me by the novice sparring I did with I.B. before I realized its much different here than Co-ed or the Locker room. I try to stay civil and to the point. Not really a grand stander like some are.
What do you mean by my theme?