Guys: What grabs your attention?

You are a great gal ZP. Love the no BS attitude and what you see is what you get. I've had some great times with you. Go Stros!!
Careful though, you are getting too much attention, the trolls are going to get jealous. Originally Posted by Bankshot
Backatcha. You are a sweetie and awesome friend.
Oh shit! We wouldn't want that. Keeping the Tris happy is def my #1 priority in life!
Lol F em. Maybe they will go away again. Maybe? It's only a matter of time before the go away. Aka catching yet another ban.
Well, i took all into consideration & snapped a few pics last night. Guys can be harsh @ times on their opinions of our looks: too skinny, too much of a gut, too thick, shes fat, face issues, bad angles.. So, therefore- i use to be damn near scared to post anything but perfect pics. Im embracing my curves, thick thighs & everything else, lol.. Like someone else mentioned: u can't please everyone! Thank y'all for the replies & staying on topic! Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
Cameron, I wouldn't worry about I too much. Your way overthinking your body.

Your on my list the next time to Houston!
1. A headline that is short and straightforward

2. I like to see Incall/outcall rates, location area and most importantly, A LINE ITEM Menu of what’s offered (Do’s and don’ts). Only advertising GFE or PSE is subjective nowadays. Don’t contradict rates / menu on the same post, this causes confusion. For the providers that post “No AA”, there seems to be confusion with that. Some guys may think No African American or Asian American, Type it all out. Overall be clear as possible!

3. Okay, where do I start?lol. Get rid of the filters and color background. I’m No longer a Fan of professional photos, that can be deceiving as well ( I want to see the real you). There is no reason in 2019 to have blurry pics, this is the smart phone era. The only exception is blurring the face for personal reasons, I can respect that. Just simple regular pics of the provider would be nice to see. Provide Up to date pics, there is no reason to keep advertising the same pics that’s over 1yr old (some of y’all are using same pics for the past 5+ years).

NEW SUGGESTION: Keep Pics consistent with others on your showcase. Have a signature picture holding a current date of when photo was taken on a piece of paper. This will let the guys know how current the pic is.

4. I’m not sure if asking you are asking about during a session or advertising on the board.

Session based: Lack of enthusiasm and being finessed. I don’t want to see you at your worst. I Come correct with the agreed donation, she should come correct and bring her A-game and provide the level of service you advertise or agreed to perform. Don’t advertise or tell me beforehand that you offer bbbj and then later in session you give me an excuse why you can’t perform it ,that’s not cool.

There’s a lot of finessing in this hobby, just because she offers or advertise a certain menu, doesn’t mean it will be deliver as expected. For example bbbj: She gives bbbj as advertised but for only 30 seconds and then wants to move on with cfs or try to finesse with a handjob.

Advertising post: “Tone” Typically those backpage ish type of ads. If I see to many NO NO NO’s, Don’t waste my time, my favorite one “No Low ballers”, I most likely won’t see her.

I can go on but I’ll stop here! Lol Originally Posted by nascobar21
UNFORTUNATELY, we ARE NOT able to post a menu (using acronyms like previously b4 the crash down), as well as "rates".. HOWEVER,most of what youre looking for can be found in the signature line of some. I contacted a mod just to make sure..
citizen44's Avatar
1. What is it you look for in a headline?

2. What in the ladys post, is the deciding factor in you booking & keeping an appointment?

3. What do you prefer/enjoy seeing in the pictures a lady posts?

4. What is the #1 thing that will turn you off about a lady?

Just somethings I've been curious about.. I like to know what turns you on..


Cameron Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
The good news is that I think your ad is better than 95% of the ones I see.
1) Your head line was short and succinct and let me know you have photos in the ad. It also did not include a bunch of little hearts and symbols that scream BP cheap whore.
2) You have photos in the ad. We hate to have to keep searching to find out what you look like. Very good call on switching out the grainy ones. You should get rid of those completely.
3) You have rates listed
4) You have contact info & P411 ID
5) You don't have a half page rant of all the things you hate about hobbiest and your rules to counter act them. (Totally understand the necessity for these, but put in a link to a list on your bio page, and most importantly, find a nice way to say them without coming across all bitter)
6) Kudos on the video/pic friendly, a lot of guys like that.

What would I consider changing?
1) It's great that you have a face photo, we need these, but I am really suggesting that you change it to a smiling one. There are so many threads out there were we talk about the importance of you all smiling and having fun in a session. If you can't smile on an ad/bio photo, why would I ever think you are a fun person in a session? A lot of girls try to have a "sexy" face photo, when they just come out looking pensive or pissed.
2) What is a "VIP 225" rate? In today's new era of not mentioning activities and prices, this is very ambiguous. Does this mean that the normal rates are restricted, or god forbid, limited GFE? The idea of paying a lot of money to have restrictions is a huge turnoff. You might not be saying that, but when all I have is an ad to go on, that's going to be my first thought.
3) Dump the disclaimer. Any decent lawyer will tell you those are a waste of advertising space. You wont get arrested for an ad, you'll get arrested because LEO was in the room with you and there was a break down in the don't mention/exchange sex acts and money at the same time rules.

Well, i took all into consideration & snapped a few pics last night. Guys can be harsh @ times on their opinions of our looks: too skinny, too much of a gut, too thick, shes fat, face issues, bad angles.. So, therefore- i use to be damn near scared to post anything but perfect pics. Im embracing my curves, thick thighs & everything else, lol.. Like someone else mentioned: u can't please everyone! Thank y'all for the replies & staying on topic! Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
This must be one of the absolute hardest, but also most critical things that a woman can do when she decides to become an escort. If a lady is even remotely the type to reach for a keyboard because a guy said they were a 5/10, fat, what ever, this isn't the career for them.

Can you please clarify who this comment was directed @? Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
Ok, obviously, he was referring to your reviews. My normal process is to read the last 10 reviews before seeing someone, so I just checked those out also. Now granted, you obviously have a hater who showed up a lot of times to quack his anger. That said, you have enough red flags there from enough different guys that most of us would pass. Also, if it's true that you now have a no review policy, that's an immediate pass as it's basically a confirmation that a provider is a problem in session.

So bottom line, you are way ahead of most ladies on getting guys initial attention, but based on review history, you are probably loosing them there. Now you may not like that assessment or situation, but from the guys perspective, the only defense will be a full page of good reviews. These should be from guys who frequently review, and not a bunch of 2 sentence reviews from nobodies that just scream Mandle. (To say this next part with integrity, obviously I am excluding myself) If you have to, I would pick the guys and offer some painfully deep discounts if you must to get them to do the reviews.

While I have written all of this with good will, its just my .02, so feel free to ignore it.
I wasn't even aware i still had that 225 vip up still. Ill remove that. I will politely address sp directly. As for my reviews, like we have all said before you can't please everybody, I'm not saying that all the no reviews are all haters because everyone is most definitely entitled to their opinion. But I can also tell you that my good outweigh my bad. Thanks for your reply. I have a no review policy on oh2, not here. And the reason for the no review policy was because I had a gentleman that would constantly blow my phone up about meeting and I would not meet him, because of the activities that he wanted to take place. He blew up my phone and he also wrote a review on that website that was completely false. So for the time being that's why I had my no review policy in place. Now that the gentleman is no longer apart of that site, and he is no longer harassing me I I've already emailed the admin I think actually last week to see if they could change that for me and I am just waiting for their go ahead so I can update my signature line. But all is well here because if somebody wants to write a review they're more than welcome. I've been in the adult industry for quite some time now. And I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoy it which is why I have not stopped providing. It has to be a mutual feeling for both parties or else things will go south real quick. So if the gentleman that I am visiting with has a nasty attitude off the top, or is pushy and I still go through with the session. It's hard to provide for somebody and give a good session when they are just being negative the whole entire time. I have my do's and don't just like other ladies here, and to be honest with you there's not that many of them (donts).
The reason you are having issues is your lack of great service. You look great, just your service is abysmal from what I hear. Improve that and watch your income soar. Shine da great has a few patnas da great could introduce you to who would gladly help you with dat. Just pm me. Tooodlez! Originally Posted by shinepro

I will address this as nice as possible. I'm not having issues with anything. You say its because of my lack of service, so youve heard.. Well, do u believe everything you hear? My business is doing just fine & ive got plenty of repetitive clients, who are absolutely great to me!Thank u for your positive comment about me looking great. I've stated before, my 120+ reviews are mostly yes reviews, with maybe 9 no (most in my beginning days). Im in no way trying to excuse the negative, however- theres always 2 sides to every story. Thanks for your offer, but ill pass on meeting anyone u think i should meet. This post wasn't about what I should do to improve my service, but I always take constructive criticism with as much positivity as I can. And on another note, thank you for your reply.
Classy response Cam! That was handled very good.
Classy response Cam! That was handled very good. Originally Posted by Ironmann11
Thank u.
4PawgLovers's Avatar
Thank goodness he isnt getting a rating on his post in coed !
my expectation is when a appointmentt is made, theres follows through.
1. Review special
2. Looking hot at a cheap rate
3. I like pictures
4. I hate up selling and not looking like the pictures( no make up, no mani or pedi)