Impeachment Witnesses

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... speculative fiction and historical fantasy... Originally Posted by Dev Null

But just a freakish coincidence that the Demonicrats were in such an all fired hurry to - save the country - that they should just bypass the Supreme Court and, you know - just do it, even if it means everyone will know how stoopid they are. Albeit after waiting a month after they drafted the articles an schtuff. Maybe you should have someone read you Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 'cause Dude, your head is stuffed with some brown substance. Figure it might be chocolate...
Dev Null's Avatar
As usual, your literary references and allegorical expressions reflect perfectly on the level of your emotional maturity.

Don't ever grow up! You're okay just the way you are.
Precious_b's Avatar
They were subpoena. Regardless of what people think they should have been.

If I were to pick someone to really be fearful of it would be Mitch. He was the one that rigged the Supreme Court system by being a do nothing republican. I thought he just held up one judge. I hear that close to 200 judges are being rubberstamped during trumps admin. *I* think that is mitch doing. That man is rigging the system. he just lucked out in getting a compliant figurehead to be next in office.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... he just lucked out in getting a compliant figurehead to be next in office. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Nope, though he did luck out in that O Dumbo left so many vacant seats on the courts. Perhaps luck favors the prepared mind?
Precious_b's Avatar
Nope, though he did luck out in that O Dumbo left so many vacant seats on the courts. Perhaps luck favors the prepared mind? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
They lucked out.
And it was do nothing mitch that caused such to happen with vacancies. I guess that is the way things are going in this country. Have people do nothing and they get to bitch that others don't do anything. Hypocrites everywhere.

Ima gonna have to learn how the kids do things today. Wait... what the old farts do.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar was do nothing mitch that caused such to happen... Originally Posted by Precious_b

Quickie recap: You're saying Mitch did nothing, which allowed him to do more nothing, which caused there to be nothing short of 191 Federal judges confirmed?!? Mitch sure sounds like he's pretty busy doing a whole lot of nothing, while he accomplishes a lot. What's the productivity ratio of that? 10 to the 6 gorillion power??
Precious_b's Avatar
Quickie recap: You're saying Mitch did nothing, which allowed him to do more nothing, which caused there to be nothing short of 191 Federal judges confirmed?!? Mitch sure sounds like he's pretty busy doing a whole lot of nothing, while he accomplishes a lot. What's the productivity ratio of that? 10 to the 6 gorillion power??
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You mean you don't know that Obama submitted over 400 judges but Mitch would only appoint a little over 300? And you don't know it was the Senate that rigged its own rules for a simple majority so it made it easier to do such little things? Yeah. He was busy sitting on his hands, if he wasn't hiding in the bushes like Spicer while other people were be blamed for doing nothing.

You probably don't care that such actions have grounded the wheels of justice from handling their usual near half million cases a year.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You mean you don't know that Obama submitted over 400 judges but Mitch would only appoint a little over 300? Originally Posted by Precious_b

Oh, Mitch was doing more nothing, while accomplishing a lot for Obama. I sure hope Mitch had reserved some time to eat or at least sleep.

And you don't know it was the Senate that rigged its own rules for a simple majority... Originally Posted by Precious_b
The name you seek is Harry Reid, aka Prince Harry

Recapping: So Mitch did nothing by confirming multiple hundreds of OBammy Judges and continued to do even more nothing by confirming a couple hundred for TRUMP2020, using the Prince Harry Reid (though I still call him O'l one eye), nuclear option. Imagine his productivity ratio of he actually did something. It would be like 1 x 10 to the 16 gorillion power
Precious_b's Avatar
Oh, Mitch was doing more nothing, while accomplishing a lot for Obama. I sure hope Mitch had reserved some time to eat or at least sleep.

The name you seek is Harry Reid, aka Prince Harry

Recapping: So Mitch did nothing by confirming multiple hundreds of OBammy Judges and continued to do even more nothing by confirming a couple hundred for TRUMP2020, using the Prince Harry Reid (though I still call him O'l one eye), nuclear option. Imagine his productivity ratio of he actually did something. It would be like 1 x 10 to the 16 gorillion power Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No. Mitch was actively avoiding doing Senate business. The previous POTUS selected judges. Mitch held no hearings. Ergo Mitch did nothing.

Again (referencing another thread) I seek no name.

Mitch did something in your recap. He shrugged off his senatorial duties till he got a pliant potus and proceeded to rig a separate branch of government than his own.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No. Mitch was actively avoiding doing Senate business... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Hmmm... avoiding Congressional business is bad, you say? Impeach much??

...Mitch held no hearings. Ergo Mitch did nothing.... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Ergo Mitch did nothing "except approve 300 OBammy judges and 200 TRUMP2020 judges", according to previous discussions. There, fixed that for ya.

... He shrugged off his senatorial duties till he got a pliant potus and proceeded to rig a separate branch of government than his own. Originally Posted by Precious_b
So English is a second or third language for you? No need to explain the above. Sounds like what you are saying is Mitch does so little and is able to accomplish so much that his productivity ration is beyond the mathematical calculating abilities that mere mortals possess and could only be calculated by using alien derived mathematics - which oddly enough, makes some sense coming from you.
Precious_b's Avatar
Hmmm... avoiding Congressional business is bad, you say? Impeach much??

Ergo Mitch did nothing "except approve 300 OBammy judges and 200 TRUMP2020 judges", according to previous discussions. There, fixed that for ya.

So English is a second or third language for you? No need to explain the above. Sounds like what you are saying is Mitch does so little and is able to accomplish so much that his productivity ration is beyond the mathematical calculating abilities that mere mortals possess and could only be calculated by using alien derived mathematics - which oddly enough, makes some sense coming from you. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Nope. Not an expert in Constitutional law. But finally able to appreciate being a viewer of proceedings dealing with it.

Yup. Did nothing *actively.*

I wasn't born in the country of the Queens' English and rarely do I find people that do. Just a piss ant Colony of such. But I do know the proper side of the road to drive on and eat with the correct hand at the table. So, until you correct your failings at the English language, i'll hobble along with American.