What do you providers base their rates on?

grtrader's Avatar
dude, what the hell are u talking about now? just so you know, lots of us stay away from cl at all costs. and lots of us have degrees that we aren't using because being an escort is more lucrative, so save the whole knowledge is power speech. and uploading pics? come on! we're so dumb we can't even upload a pic now? Originally Posted by dirty diana
First off 5% of the women having a degree isn't a majority. It is lots when you think that yes that is still a healthy number of women who have degrees but it is minor in comparison to those who don't.

But, maybe you would know how I actually know a number like that if you had bother to either look into me or articles I posted on data collection.

Which reason do you stay away from CL for, pricing, CL-murder, LE watching, or the legal case they were in or, they won't let you post exactly what you want to post.

I noticed you didn't say anything about BP, CV, 1thru99, or how many more should I list. Cops watch them all, so does the IRS, and a does other agencies.

If anything CL had the balls to stand up which benefited this escort industry and its sites. If you think there is less LE on other sites or they are any way safer you are so sadly mistaken.

If you are going to other sites because of better pricing and better customer response then it makes sense. But my question is then what can you do to do better still for yourself.

I didn't say all but you honestly are telling me you haven't met one person who hasn't been afforded the use of a computer till they got in this industry. For me I have and not just a few times.

It seems that you think everyone is at your level of knowledge or experience. Because any time I make any point toward people having lack of knowledge you want to take it as a over all statement. Or is the issue more deep-rooted with you. You can't honestly believe a guy can do something for a woman and especially not an escort and have an alternative motive.
grtrader's Avatar
Which two lines? Given the number of times you have edited and re-written your posts, I need a GPS for this thread.

In politics they call it it the Potomac Two-Step. If you took a bit more time watching your spelling and grammar, it might be a clever read. Instead, I need an aspirin and some Pepto Bismol for the acid feeling in my gut from reading all of your misogyny.

I know. . .I will just go out and find a ECCIE lady, that will clear my head.

The shameless pun was intended. Originally Posted by ANONONE
It was only edited one time. That is contained in the line that starts with clarification: and end before my name.
know something about me before you decide to tango with me.

for one, i don't advertise anywhere. this board is the only place i occasionally post an ad, and those occasions are minimal.

2nd, i said lots. my exact term was lots. i could refer to a percentage as low as 5% and still say lots. by the way, where did you come up with that 5%? your experience as a bottom feeder?

3rd, everybody i know isn't in the hobby. most of the people i know are not. so yes, i can honestly say that i don't know not one person who couldn't afford a computer without the hobby. i only *know* one person who makes money from the hobby and she is my bff, who's shit has been together since before she got in the hobby.

oh yea, i forgot to address the last paragraph...

first 2 words say "it seems"

when will you understand that i don't give a shit about your view point. i think your views are pretty stupid actually. i don't like them sam i am, i do not like green eggs & ham
guest111010's Avatar
wow i go to take my child to the doctor gone for 2hours and i've missed so much. Since he cant afford or is too cheap for our prices this is the only entertained hes getting. i mean lol seriously? i love alot of these girls on this board i've never met them but they are great and ALOT smarter than most men on this damn bored
Oh noes, Diana... guess we need to stop having those pesky "opinions." Apparently we've been booted off someone's "LIST." Excuse me while a shed a tear over the loss of theoretic income.
grtrader's Avatar
this may be hard for you to believe, but we are people. individual people. we come in different shapes, sizes & colors and each individual lady has her own personal measure of success. nobody gives a shit what you would call success, especially after this epic fail of a thread
Originally Posted by dirty diana
lmao @ how you actually believe that you can dictate how we answer you.
I was asked what type of answers I would have preferred. I only am saying those would have been more useful and gave more in site to other women reading he post.

because you know every provider in the world right?
No, but if you survey a number of people over a spread out area in different markets and so on you should get at least a fairly good average of what is going on. Its like a pole there is a limit of accuracy and if taken with out the intent to influence the out come it should give fairly reasonable representation of what is done. Yes, there are error margins.

rotflmao! do you work for the census bureau?
No but the info is available on line from them direct access to their data bases. In this instance the data is to old to count reliable which is why we having a new census.

right, because most escorts are the same right? you just keep the degrading comments coming don't you
First, it isn't degrading the opportunity or more important need to learn something. Our school system is 3 years on average behind European school. There are plenty of women who still have pimps running their lives. Then if you want to get to the real kicker the average low income family makes less than 25K a year. do you think they are out buying laptops or PCs or more interested in putting food on the table and paying rent? Just saying the life you have lead isn't what many many have lead.
Take one guess statistically what income bracket families do most(not all) escorts come from. That should still be fairly accurate data on the web you can find.

You being individual people seems to be the part you are having trouble with not you assume everyone has your level of knowledge and take offence when someone makes a statement that contradicts what you want to believe.
guest111010's Avatar
hes mad bc his other website is a FAIL just like his marriage/life... you are a FAIL.
grtrader's Avatar
Oh noes, Diana... guess we need to stop having those pesky "opinions." Apparently we've been booted off someone's "LIST." Excuse me while a shed a tear over the loss of theoretic income. Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
I don't think it is opinions that bothered the person. I think it was you obviously read into the entire thing what you wanted out of whatever reason. Taking every comment as if it was to be some attack against women. It shows a hi level of prejudicial and hatred you both seem to have towards clients.

The fact is neither of you know me or what I think about anyone. But you were more than willing to make assumptions and use that to attack.

I am sorry whatever happened in your life lead you two to such a cynical and bitter belief all men are out to get something over on you.

What's worse is your actions on here probably will make that clear to most the clients who read it. Just because your personal issue made you mistake what I said to be an attack doesn't mean you are a bad provider. But not sure I would go to test that theory. Can't blame anyone else from using prudence either.

grtrader's Avatar
Also no hard feelings to anyone on here regardless what you say or believe.

guest111010's Avatar
Also no hard feelings to anyone on here regardless what you say or believe.

George Originally Posted by grtrader
okay does this mean your gonna get the hell off of here. Go tell your girls on your site they need to lower there prices! Have a good one George
I actually tried to read the first post last night and again twice now. Anon's bullcrap-o-meter applies. I could not glean what the actual question was meant to be. I know what I assumed, but we know what happens when you assume.

Can you restate the question in two sentences and to the point?

i'm gonna join you in that tear shedding veronica. my life is over now that i've cut myself off from theoretic income. booo effin hoooo!! thanks to the escort economics census bureau and all the research they have done i can finally see how misguided i have been all this time. the board that has yet to produce a single client of mine can finally see me for who i really am - and i'm so ashamed! don't look at me!! whaaaaaaaa!!

here's how your posts look to me now:

lmao @ how you actually believe that you can dictate how we answer you.
I was asked what type of answers I would have preferred. I blah blah blah blah.

because you know every provider in the world right?
No, but if you survey a number of people over a spread out area blah blah blah blah. Yes, there are error margins.

rotflmao! do you work for the census bureau?
No but the info is available on line blah blah blah blah we having a new census.

right, because most escorts are the same right? you just keep the degrading comments coming don't you
First, blah blah blah blah. Take one guess statistically what income bracket families blah blah blah blah.

You being individual people blah blah blah blah contradicts what you want to believe.

:nopit y:
Adrielle's Avatar
First off 5% of the women having a degree isn't a majority. It is lots when you think that yes that is still a healthy number of women who have degrees but it is minor in comparison to those who don't. Originally Posted by grtrader
I'm sorry, but you're either hanging out with the wrong group of girls, or are just delusional.

Is there some particular place where you got that 5% figure? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. There are so many incredibly intelligent, educated (a good number at a graduate level even) ladies on this board that your 5% is a joke. And many of the the women who don't have a college degree are providing to pay for their schooling, like myself.

A provider worth her salt is thinking about this job from all angles. As much as you think escorting is having a post on craigslist, a pay as you go phone and some stripper heels, it's not. It took me months of research before I decided to start. I wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into. And now that I've been working for 8 months now, and I have a budget for everything, a happy savings account, and a Roth Ira. And I have those things because I have no desire to be a fly by night, disappears after I've made my rent money, type of provider. And most of the girls on this board are exactly the same. So your thoughts that we're all essentially streetwalkers with higher rates is both wrong, and incredibly offensive.
grtrader's Avatar
To address the original topic what methods do providers use to price themselves. Ok, I can see where a provider would not or maybe should no accept the advice of a client to easily. Admitting there are those would use that opportunity take advantage. That said if the providers are the ones responding and proving the answers then the issue would have been mute.

In other words if you are worried about helping your competition and can see the logic in the statement above I would hope it gets to those who can and would appreciate the info.