Crime in major cities is out of control: a solution

Grace Preston's Avatar
In the interest of fairness-- most cities with a population over 250k are Dem run, regardless of location.

Here's a weird anomaly where I live...

Crime is bad, particularly violent crime. One could look at the Mayor and at the City Council and immediately say "Oh look-- almost all Democrats". And... that would be a fair statement. But...

Both the current and former DA's are Republican. Hard core Trump Republicans, too. And they continually give plea deals to repeat offenders, violent offenders, etc. And they are seldom called out because they know that people will automatically point at the Dem leadership.

Not saying that happens elsewhere, but it very much happens here.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Would not a city DA be beholding to the Mayer and a State DA be beholding to the Governor?

In the interest of fairness-- most cities with a population over 250k are Dem run, regardless of location.

Here's a weird anomaly where I live...

Crime is bad, particularly violent crime. One could look at the Mayor and at the City Council and immediately say "Oh look-- almost all Democrats". And... that would be a fair statement. But...

Both the current and former DA's are Republican. Hard core Trump Republicans, too. And they continually give plea deals to repeat offenders, violent offenders, etc. And they are seldom called out because they know that people will automatically point at the Dem leadership.

Not saying that happens elsewhere, but it very much happens here. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
In the interest of fairness-- most cities with a population over 250k are Dem run, regardless of location.

Here's a weird anomaly where I live...

Crime is bad, particularly violent crime. One could look at the Mayor and at the City Council and immediately say "Oh look-- almost all Democrats". And... that would be a fair statement. But...

Both the current and former DA's are Republican. Hard core Trump Republicans, too. And they continually give plea deals to repeat offenders, violent offenders, etc. And they are seldom called out because they know that people will automatically point at the Dem leadership.

Not saying that happens elsewhere, but it very much happens here. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
What you're talking about happens in many places. Crime has escalated because of Politicians and Judges making decisions on crime based on demographics and politics. If crime in major cities is to be managed successfully there must be a strong well organized Police Dept. The hiring process must attract qualified applicants. They must be supported by the city, well trained and well paid. Then the Law abiding citizens mus be empowered by encouraging them to feel free to obtain and carry a firearm if they so desire and make training readily and easily accessible to them. This talk of Gun Control, banning this and banning that does nothing more than make the criminal element much more bolder and instills fear and uncertainty in the average citizen.
Precious_b's Avatar
What you wrote is absolutely correct. It's also absolutely misleading.... Originally Posted by Tiny
Glad you checked out the source in the Axios link. Frankly, I didn't. But with quoting sources, there is more than just checking the leaning of a site. That would be like doing a space shot to the moon but only relying on a number line coordinates for direction. You need 6 data points to get orientation in space. I like a bias site that also uses veracity of the site. Alot of righties like to ignore that. So....
Sound like what alot of other people do here. Except they unerringly don't get the former and overly salt the latter.

Seems to be that people here will only want to put out what their view point and when countered, cover their ears and eyes and spew barbar.

I've stated before and I will say again:
Damn Liars.

You never heard me once dispute correlation of crime and urban areas. You definitely hear those screaming that is the only thing that counts. Keep screaming. You don't see them disproving that murder rates are higher in donny states than joey states. Let's put it another way. Per capita, you can see the statement I posted is true with link below. Go ahead and sift through records per county seat and show me that it is wrong.

... Simpson's Paradox surely shows that
yer statement there is MIS-LEADING.

Just sayin'

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I'd surely pay good $$$ to hear you convey the knowledge you know of it in a lecture. Either way, the content of your speech would bring back bad memories of my days of college statistic classes along with all the calculus courses I took.

Would not a city DA be beholding to the Mayer and a State DA be beholding to the Governor? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Can't play both sides of the argument...


it's the cities and who controls them Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid