Gov Christie Too Fat To Run For The Presidency??

I think it took class ( I know.... He's from Jersey....seems impossible) and quite frankly ,lots of guts ( snick) to stand up to the far leaning element of his constituency and
Act like a rational human doing what was best for his state while setting aside partisan politicking. Good job. An action worth remembering .

As far as running for office....I don't think it jives. IMO , when I see an obese person, I see a lack of self control and discipline . I feel that a lot of other people do as well. Regardless of his abilities, a person with such obvious weakness in their own personal lives give me pause for concern. If he can't say NO to cake.... What else would he be able to
Resist. If pie is irresistible..... How would POWER taste?
He didn't stand up to the far right of his constituency; he bent over forwards to the far left leaners !

He is political toast on a national level, unless he changes party affiliation. At best cabinet level stuff otherwise !
He didn't stand up to the far right of his constituency; he bent over forwards to the far left leaners !

He is political toast on a national level, unless he changes party affiliation. At best cabinet level stuff otherwise ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
There you have it folks, straight from the horses ass. Governor Christie is "Trending" political toast.
On a National election, yes, unless he changes party affiliation...Learn to read BigTits.
Learn to read BigTits. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Just trying my best to reduce myself wayyyy down to your level.