Read about the Republican Tax Scam! Learn a lesson, Trump screwed you over!

goodolboy's Avatar
Let me school you in a couple of things.

The Feds have a couple of ways of collecting taxes.

Income tax, Payroll tax and sales tax.

The poor pay the majority of their taxes via the payroll tax and sales taxes.

Now think about this....this new tax cut for the folks paying the majority of Income Tax (Income tax is but one way we tax people) is going to cause a deficit. To make up for this tax break to the wealthy, they are planning on cutting benefits to the poor via cutting SS and Medicare.

So you in effect are cutting taxes on the rich and paying for that tax break by cutting benefits to the poor. These same poor folks who pay the majority of their taxes into SS and Medicare via Payroll taxes( Payroll tax is the way poor people pay federal taxes) .

You think that is ok?

You need to learn the difference between regressive and progressive taxes. Originally Posted by WTF
Perhaps instead of taking away more of the money people earn the federal government should cut out more of the wasteful spending. In recent years they have collected record amounts of taxes, yet still spent more than they took in. We have a spending problem, not a need to take more money away from the people who earned it problem.
LexusLover's Avatar
The House is fixin' to vote .. and the President's pen is ready.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Perhaps instead of taking away more of the money people earn the federal government should cut out more of the wasteful spending. In recent years they have collected record amounts of taxes, yet still spent more than they took in. We have a spending problem, not a need to take more money away from the people who earned it problem. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Well another good ol Texas boy lookin out only for himself. I agree with you we need to quit wasting money on more defense spending and stupid border walls. Also, Trump could stop making so many golf trips to Florida. That could save us a bunch good ol boy, shucks don’t ya think?
goodolboy's Avatar
Well another good ol Texas boy lookin out only for himself. I agree with you we need to quit wasting money on more defense spending and stupid border walls. That could save us a bunch good ol boy, shucks don’t ya think? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Well after Obamacare raised my premiums 400% it was pretty clear the Democrats were not looking out for my family. In regards to the wall, the fact that the illegal aliens the Democrats love so much cost the country over 130 billion a year, a 10 billion dollar wall make good financial sense. The Democrats will have to look elsewhere for votes. I think it's clear that you are a moron, the name Standing in Shit suites you well.
Well another good ol Texas boy lookin out only for himself. I agree with you we need to quit wasting money on more defense spending and stupid border walls. Also, Trump could stop making so many golf trips to Florida. That could save us a bunch good ol boy, shucks don’t ya think? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
you dismiss and disparage people due to their presumed ethnic backgrounds, skin color, gender and region.

quite the prejudicial bigot and racist
Well another good ol Texas boy lookin out only for himself. I agree with you we need to quit wasting money on more defense spending and stupid border walls. Also, Trump could stop making so many golf trips to Florida. That could save us a bunch good ol boy, shucks don’t ya think? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You mean Trump can't play Golf without your approval? Every president in the past has played tons of Golf, Obama played a lot of Golf. He wasn't very good at it so he needed the practice. His golf game may have improved, but his ability to Govern never did. He never had a problem spending either and he liked to give shit away that wasn't his, like weapons and other Military Equipment. So go toot your liberal horn somewhere else.

StandinStraight's Avatar
you dismiss and disparage people due to their presumed ethnic backgrounds, skin color, gender and region.

quite the prejudicial bigot and racist Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
No I only dismiss and disparage republicans from Texas or Alabama because I don’t like racist or people that support child abuse like you do.
LexusLover's Avatar
No I only dismiss and disparage republicans from Texas or Alabama because I don’t like racist or people that support child abuse like you do. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Like I suggested: Vacation to San Antonio, explore South Presa, and when you find "Maria's Cantina" (or a similar establishment) for "happy hour" .. enter and yell: "Remember the Alamo!"

Pittsburg will be a better place.
I'm in the same situation as Waco Kid, I will see no less than a 6 percent decrease in my taxes. That's over $20,000.

Of course, I work for a living. I also own a Business which is in fact a Corporation. I live in Texas.

It seems likely ke to me the only people who are not seeing a substantial tax cut are those that sponge off of the Government.

If you get up every morning and go to work, this is tax bill is a big plus. Originally Posted by Jackie S
There's two separate sites out there giving you a gauge on how much this bill will save you.. And depending on which of those 2 i use, i save (GET BACK) anywhere from 892$ to 1,025$...

Originally Posted by StandinStraight
We had this conversation before, you are a Republican from a Texas, the lowest form of life we have in America until Republicans from Alabama went lower. Your not worth debating with because your uneducated and cannot reason on your own, you depend on Fox News to tell you what to think and say. You and others like you are a drag on the country, it’s not minorities or immigrants or the poor, it you and people just like you that are a dredge on society.

In other words I don't have to a pretense of debating you because I find you deplorable.
What is the democrat game plan? The economy is noticeably improving because of actions taken Obama (so we've been told) so why didn't the dems get in on the good times by voting YES on the tax bill? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
And i have to laugh at how he thinks Texans/Alabamans are the lowest form of life.. WHEN WE see all the crime in DC, all the murdering in PA, IL and CA..

Perhaps instead of taking away more of the money people earn the federal government should cut out more of the wasteful spending. In recent years they have collected record amounts of taxes, yet still spent more than they took in. We have a spending problem, not a need to take more money away from the people who earned it problem. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Exactly. WE need to reign IN THE FRAUD and waste in Entitlements, and every other aspect of spending.
Budman's Avatar
Let me school you in a couple of things.

The Feds have a couple of ways of collecting taxes.

Income tax, Payroll tax and sales tax.

The poor pay the majority of their taxes via the payroll tax and sales taxes.

Now think about this....this new tax cut for the folks paying the majority of Income Tax (Income tax is but one way we tax people) is going to cause a deficit. To make up for this tax break to the wealthy, they are planning on cutting benefits to the poor via cutting SS and Medicare.

So you in effect are cutting taxes on the rich and paying for that tax break by cutting benefits to the poor. These same poor folks who pay the majority of their taxes into SS and Medicare via Payroll taxes( Payroll tax is the way poor people pay federal taxes) .

You think that is ok?

You need to learn the difference between regressive and progressive taxes. Originally Posted by WTF
I haven't read anything about SS or medicare cuts but IMO both need to be addressed. Please provide some info regarding the supposed cuts in both. SS should have been revamped years ago. Another thing is SS and medicare are not a benefits to the poor. The majority of us pay into the system our entire life and if we live long enough we get to take some of it back. Rich and poor alike.

FICA or as you call it "payroll tax" is not the same as federal income tax. Everyone pays the FICA tax up to whatever the max income level is at the time. FICA tax is 15.3% with half being withheld from the employees wage or salary and half being paid by the employer. When it is pointed out that those that make $200,000 per year and above pay appx 60% of all federal income tax it refers to federal income tax only.

Those with income above $200,000 is about 4.5% of all returns yet they pay 60% of federal taxes. People with incomes of $30,000 and below pay appx 1.4% of federal taxes yet they amount to 44% of all returns. Many below this threshold pay zero in federal tax. If they work then they would pay the FICA tax. I don't know if FICA is paid on welfare checks. Maybe Standinstraight or captain koolaid can clarify this by seeing if they withhold FICA from their monthly check.
LexusLover's Avatar
I haven't read anything about SS or medicare cuts but IMO both need to be addressed. Originally Posted by Budman
Like a lot of things "discussed" on here the facts get blurred and in this topic some (not you) lump medicare, disability, and medicaid together when discussing the "burden" on the government.

What has happened during the past 8 years was a morphing of the system to "accommodate" the unemployed and underemployed and then to address the uninsured and the underinsured on top of that. Those people may or may not have contributed much of anything to the social security fund so they are draining the fund having made little or no contribution to it.

Worse is the unwritten policy of the Federal government to borrow from the social security fund, which are supposed to be "trust funds"! What happens to union bosses when they "borrow" from the "pension funds"? So the "fund" on the books ends up with a bunch of IOU's that can't be paid even if the Feds wanted to pay them. That's the resistance of doing anything about the social security .... like doing something about the fund used to pay off "victims" of Congressman and Senators ... examining the truth is going to painful to say the least.

The idea of making jobs is to get people off the tit and that allows the government to get healthy again. It also generates additional revenues .... and that helps from the other direction.

The "push" for Liberals is getting a job means independence. They no longer need the Liberal to cut them a check. Their new boss does! And they don't need to vote for the Liberal for a raise.
Budman's Avatar
I agree that addressing SS & medicare is going to be unpopular but at some point it needs to be done. I personally don't think SS would be difficult to do if congress is willing to do it. It can't be done overnight but a gradual move is needed. Raise the age of retirement. Change the system for those under 30. Maybe another adjustment for those under 50. We need to get to the point of it sustaining itself. The feds shouldn't be able to touch the money for any reason. I'm not sure exactly how it should be done but if the congress would at least start the process we will eventually be better off.
LexusLover's Avatar
I agree that addressing SS & medicare is going to be unpopular ..... Originally Posted by Budman
They won't be "unpopular" IMO, but what will be "unpopular" is disability and medicaid (adults)."Entitlements" are thought to be "sacred cows" by the recipients and the Liberals depend on them to buy votes. That's why the discussion needs to separate the programs.
I agree that addressing SS & medicare is going to be unpopular but at some point it needs to be done. I personally don't think SS would be difficult to do if congress is willing to do it. It can't be done overnight but a gradual move is needed. Raise the age of retirement. Change the system for those under 30. Maybe another adjustment for those under 50. We need to get to the point of it sustaining itself. The feds shouldn't be able to touch the money for any reason. I'm not sure exactly how it should be done but if the congress would at least start the process we will eventually be better off. Originally Posted by Budman
I agree, it DOES need to be addressed, just like welfare/EBT and the like. BUT the idiots in office are just too balls-less to do anything, cause of fear of 'losing votes'..
Budman's Avatar
I agree, it DOES need to be addressed, just like welfare/EBT and the like. BUT the idiots in office are just too balls-less to do anything, cause of fear of 'losing votes'.. Originally Posted by garhkal
You're exactly right and that's why term limits on every member of congress should be implemented. 12 years max. That's 2 terms for a senator and 6 for congressmen. Serving in the congress wasn't meant to be a lifelong job. If these fucks knew they could only serve to a specific number of years then they wouldn't worry so much about losing votes.