Can book burnings be far behind?

And the Hitler was a community organizer. Nazi's stood for "National Socialist German Workers' Party". Wow what a similarity to OBAMA!!!! Don't worry. Obama will outdo Hitler with his healthcare law that includes Death Panels!!!

This was a belt buckle that was standard issue uniform for all Nazi soliders, and it says "Gott Mit Unus" which means God with us. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dumb fuck... Maybe you'll get to appear before one. Soon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
gritsboy, run with the pigs and you get covered in sh*t. Poor choice on your part! This comes under the heading of, "Tough Sh*t." Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Well, that must be an apology. Apology accepted. Now try to stop posting stupid comments you can't back up, ok?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If the GOP is saying work will set you free on the house floor there must be video right? How about that video.

A better book on the man himself was written by Ian Kershaw. Bullock is good but it is about the nazi party. Kershaw is currently recognized as the foremost authority on Hitler and he has said that Hitler was not religious. Read the book.

Now the phrase "Arbeit macht frei" predates the nazi party by several years. I know the Weimar government used it and I think it was used even earlier in the 19th century.
I B Hankering's Avatar

A better book on the man himself was written by Ian Kershaw. Bullock is good but it is about the nazi party. Kershaw is currently recognized as the foremost authority on Hitler and he has said that Hitler was not religious. Read the book. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Thanks for the recommendation, but 2,000 pages is a whole lotta reading these days. Bullock and Fest were required college texts. Toland's, Shirer's and Speer's (Inside the Third Reich, Infiltration: How Heinrich Himmler Schemed to Build an SS Industrial Empire and Spandau: The Secret Diaries) books were for personal edification.

Now the phrase "Arbeit macht frei" predates the nazi party by several years. I know the Weimar government used it and I think it was used even earlier in the 19th century. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Similalry, the Nazi appropriated 'Hakenkreuz' was an ancient symbol, but the point is that the similarly appropriated "Gott Mit Uns" predated Hitler and that that phrase -- as employed by the Nazis -- was as 'sincere' as the phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei".
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
If the GOP is saying work will set you free on the house floor there must be video right? How about that video.

A better book on the man himself was written by Ian Kershaw. Bullock is good but it is about the nazi party. Kershaw is currently recognized as the foremost authority on Hitler and he has said that Hitler was not religious. Read the book.

Now the phrase "Arbeit macht frei" predates the nazi party by several years. I know the Weimar government used it and I think it was used even earlier in the 19th century. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Google it you idiot..
I B Hankering's Avatar
Google it you idiot.. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Evidently, Stan Duplicitous, your motto must read: "The Slavery Of Dependency is Freedom."

You do realize that some Republicans just recently started recanting that very Hitler motto on the House floor? Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
BTW, there isn't anything particularly immoral about Republicans recanting one of Hitler's mottos, Stan Duplicitous.
Wonderful how knowledgeable the right wing is on the Nazis must be in their doctrine....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2013, 08:19 AM
Right wing evangelical Christians are as dangerous to our freedom as Muslim extremists. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
When Bible thumpers start capturing malls in the US and start killing non-Christians, then come back and see me. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Well, it took a few days to gain traction but it seems there have been some replies to me post. Some sane opposing views, some not so much. I guess I should reply.

First to the same ones (thanks COG & Ex). My point was not that RWW Thumpers are as DANGEROUS as Muslim Wacko Thumpers, just that in this regard--wanting to impose their moral decisions on what to read, how to act, when I can buy a bottle of wine, etc.--they are cut from the same cloth. It isn't the Muslims who keep GIs from getting Playboy at base stores because THEY don't want to buy it (though I am sure they agree with their RWW Thumper cousins), it isn't Muslims who passed blue laws to shut down alcohol sales until THEY are out of church (though I am sure they agree with their RWW Thumper cousins), and it isn't Muslims wanting to ban books in North Carolina because THEY don't agree it is a good book (though I am sure they agree with their RWW Thumper cousins). Scratch the surface and there is little difference between a RWW Bible Thumper's belief that they know best what we should all think, and a Koran Thumper's views. I do agree--obviously--that their tactics are different and killing people is far worse. But my point was not sticking up for evil murderers, it was pointing out the same fundamental oppressive opinions.

What a shock! Old-Twerp has started another thread illustrating his ignorance. Stalin wasn't a "right-wing" Bible thumper, but he destroyed books Good Ol' IBBlithering strikes again! Where did I say Stalin was a Bible Thumper? I can't seem to find where I said that. Nor any of your other wacko murderous dictators. -- and the books' authors, Old-Twerp! And it's ignorant, lib-retard assholes like you, Old-Twerp, that want to keep Mark Twain's works off library shelves in public schools. Stupid lying ignorant fool. Let's set a few things straight: where did I support banning Huck Finn, etc.? Where did I support banning any book? You can't handle the truth--you never could--so you go lying with every post you make about me. Facts, Blithering. Give me the reference or admit that once again you are a lying jerk. Guess that makes you a "bubba", Old-Twerp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No, I may be many things but I will never be a Bubba. Bubbaism is a genetic defect and I was not born with those specific redneck southern defective genes so I am fortunately immune to being a Bubba.

I know you will skip over this part, but not every person born south of the M-D line is a Bubba. There are many reasonable, sane southerners. Bubbaism is a specific subset of people, not all born in the geographic south, who revel in their broken down race car-wanna be vehicles, who vie with each other about who can have the biggest confederate flag in their house, and who wake every morning shouting "The South shall rise again!"

But now that we've gotten the pleasantries out of the way, let's address your "argument", bad as it might be.

(1) It is odd how so many RW Weirdos claim Communism and atheism ARE religions when it fits the RWW's purposes, and then claim they aren't religions when it doesn't fit their purposes.
(2) Read my reply to Ex--the issue is that Thumpers are Thumpers, only the book (prop) they hold changes. The same is true if it is the Manifesto. No difference. Still the proposition that "the whole world should believe as I do, and if you don't agree I'll make you!"
(3) So, I would lump all your examples in the category of "true believers" forcing people to convert or die. Just like the "conversion" of the new world, the inquisition, Roman oppression of Jews and Christians, and religious wars for millennia.
(4) (And most importantly) You are REALLY claiming "MY guys didn't torture and kill AS MANY as YOUR guys, so MY guys are the Good Guys!" That is just sick. Of course Pol Pot, were evil and wrong; so are the Muslims who murdered people in Kenya. So were the Christians who murdered Native Americans who would not convert. So is anyone who kills others because they believe differently. ALL of them. No exceptions for Christians just because you like them, or because their murders occurred pre-1900, or because they weren't as efficient at killing as some other groups. They are ALL wrong. Some day even YOU might wake up and realize that.

I know it is difficult for you to extract basic principles from specific examples, but try: my point was that the same intolerance we rightly deplore in the Taliban, Hitler, Stalin, etc., is just below the surface in many of our home grown Thumpers. Intolerance, not murder. At least not for most of them.

Really? What the fuck are you even talking about? Link?

Did the NCSB shoot any girls in the face? Forbid them from going to school? Forbid anything other than the Koran be taught? IB probably can't help himself. You on the other hand, Gonad, are far more evil--YOU know better, but you intentionally lie because it is your way of spewing racial hate at every opportunity you see. Read the comments above, they certainly apply to you even more.

I never said the school board shot anyone, but they clearly think their view of what is good literature is proper for everyone else--I wonder what their literary credentials are, other than their Bubbaism. If the book was required reading in a class you may actually have something to discuss--but it does not seem it was. No, the Bubbas decided that since one mom didn't want her kid to read it--and obviously had no control of her kid, nor any willingness to provide the "home taught moral guidance" that RWWs like to toss around when it is convenient--they had to impose their morals on every kid in the school district. Bravo!!! Bubbaism lives in North Carolina!

I have often wondered how that same august body of 7 would react to a Cherokee mom requesting that a biography of Andrew Jackson be banned. Or a request to block this site from all school computers. I bet their message would quickly become "No! We cannot stifle free speech (not when we agree with it)!"

Dumbshit racist. Oh, I never saw that one coming! Not from YOU, you disgusting hypocrite! As I have pointed out frequently in response to your lies, I am not the racist--you have yet to be able to say what race I am or who I have made racist comments against--but you sure as hell are. You are the most vocal Hispanic hater and hispaniphobe on this board. Especially if they play soccer--isn't that so? Originally Posted by gnadfly
By the way, you are correct, I did not post the link. My bad. Here it is:
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Google???? That evil menace? I Bing things and I cannot bing what doesn't exist. You said it, you find it, I'll wait......

As for the bigot COG, and you are a bigot with your cutsey names like thumpers. Those "thumpers" if they really want to change your miserable life will try to do it by the law. You can see them coming and you can vent your spleen. Not quite the same with the islamists. They'll show up at your building or shopping mall and if you can't answer their questions....BLAM!!! You don't exist anymore. By the way, and this just might save your life, Mohammed's birth mother was named Amina. Keep that in mind when they show up for you COG. Even the leftist in this country don't do anything straight forward, they lie and go back door (like that don't you bitch!). Those terrible RWWs will stand outside wearing tricorner hats and tell you exactly what they want while those friends of yours on the left will pass mudane laws that change into something else when enforced.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Where did I say Stalin was a Bible Thumper? I can't seem to find where I said that. Nor any of your other wacko murderous dictators. Originally Posted by Old-T
That's precisely the point, Old-Twerp, you left out Stalin and several other notorious lefties in your miscreant attempt to vilify the religious as the only "book burners" of note. Plus, as a reminder, you didn't mention where Stalin and the others imprisoned and killed authors, Old-Twerp. It's important that your ignorant biases be balanced by facts, Old-Twerp.

Stupid lying ignorant fool. Let's set a few things straight: where did I support banning Huck Finn, etc.? Where did I support banning any book? You can't handle the truth--you never could--so you go lying with every post you make about me. Facts, Blithering. Give me the reference or admit that once again you are a lying jerk. Originally Posted by Old-T
Accept your culpability as you hypocritically try to blame the right for all such evil, Old-Twerp, it's lib-retard assholes just like you -- bubba -- that want to keep Mark Twain's works off library shelves in public schools.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Four "Old-Twerps" in a post.

You're Corpy slipping Corpy in your Corpy insults, Corpy!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
That's precisely the point, Old-Twerp, you left out Stalin and several other notorious lefties in your miscreant attempt to vilify the religious as the only "book burners" of note. Plus, as a reminder, you didn't mention where Stalin and the others imprisoned and killed authors, Old-Twerp. It's important that your ignorant biases be balanced by facts, Old-Twerp. THIS IS THE PART WHERE IBS/OAB IS TELLING US, "I'M TOO FUCKING STUPID TO THINK, SO PLEASE DRAW ME A PICTURE AND HAND FEED ME (LIKE THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST NOISE NETWORK DOES)."

Accept your culpability as you hypocritically try to blame the right for all such evil, Old-Twerp, it's lib-retard assholes just like you -- bubba -- that want to keep Mark Twain's works off library shelves in public schools. LOL! It's obvious that the Republican Party isn't the SOLE repository of "stupid," though Bobby Jindal may almost think so. FWW, the misguided missles trying to ban the book were worried about the "n" word, not necessarily the homilies.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IBS/OAB getting in the way of "Bliss," - AGAIN!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You have that part right, Randy4Andy.

IBS/OAB getting in the way of "Bliss," - AGAIN! Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You've been on too many Vision Quests, Randy4Andy.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2013, 02:27 PM
Four "Old-Twerps" in a post.

You're Corpy slipping Corpy in your Corpy insults, Corpy! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Originality and creativity were never his strong point.

That's precisely the point, Old-Twerp, you left out Stalin and several other notorious lefties in your miscreant attempt to vilify the religious as the only "book burners" of note. Plus, as a reminder, you didn't mention where Stalin and the others imprisoned and killed authors, Old-Twerp. It's important that your ignorant biases be balanced by facts, Old-Twerp.
And YOU didn't name every clergy member who presided over an inquisition or a witch burning. By your stupid logic if someone doesn't list every miscreant then they can't list any. Read the article: it wasn't talking about the communist atrocities, but about the NC book banning--so to stay on topic that is what I talked about. Sorry if you can't see the difference between one and the other, but you obviously can not.

Accept your culpability as you hypocritically try to blame the right for all such evil,
I have never done any such thing, but you already know that. You just don't care about little things like "truth" vs "lie", do you? Nope, lying and ignoring facts that you don't like have become second nature to you.

Old-Twerp, it's lib-retard assholes just like you --
Wrong as usual--just because a person isn't out there in the wack-o lunatic fringe like you doesn't mean they are a liberal.

Oh! I never saw that one coming!!! Yea, I will go home and sulk all night about that clever retort. Sorry, but I have my DNA mapping results that prove I am not an inbred Bubba like some on here. But why your irritation? I would have thought you would have been PROUD to be called a Bubba. Isn't that a mark of distinction among your kinfolk It's only us northerners who mistakenly think Bubba is a derogatory term, isn't it? Wear your Bubbaness with pride, man!! Bubba Power!!! Bubba and Proud!!

-- that want to keep Mark Twain's works off library shelves in public schools. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I should know better than to ask you to back up your lies with a reference, but I am one of those who stubbornly believes that even you can be rehabilitated (OK, I don't really believe it but it sounds good) so I will try again: Where have I advocated banning Mark Twain or any other book?

Can't find it? Didn't think so.

Liar. (Actually, THAT is the real reason I asked the question, so I could point out publicly once more that you are a delusional liar. I know I shouldn't take so much pride in it because it is too easy, but sometimes I do take pleasure in guilty pleasures).