Just FYI I heard a rumor P411 is a potential target to get hacked

The trade off for tor and other VPN's is performance. Even TORs website foes not recommend it for general surfing, streaming, downloading, etc
  • D1&
  • 09-10-2015, 09:26 PM
VPN or VPLS leaks as soon as you log in.
TheEccie214's Avatar
VPN or VPLS leaks as soon as you log in. Originally Posted by D1&
Not trying to highjacking but interesting and important topic. Can you expound on they leak?
DNS leak. Some VPNs will attach information that can be used to track the traffic. They can very quickly loose their ability to hide your ip address. The purpose of most VPNs is not to hide you but to allow secure access to a remote network so its not a big deal. My understanding is TOR does not have that problem
EVERY website/presence is a potential hack target. The DoD has been hacked as have MAJOR banks, ISPs, department stores, etc. Those targets spent VAST amounts of dollars and time on security and still got hacked. P411, ECCIE or any other "gray area" website is chicken feed to hack compared to the ones I mentioned. What keeps them mainly off the target list is that there is little to no money in it, JUST THAT SIMPLE
TexTushHog's Avatar
FYI, I heard a rumor that thieves that want to steal money typically target businesses, banks, ATMs, and individuals. And hackers most often target websites and computers. Be aware!!!
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
The trade off for tor and other VPN's is performance. Even TORs website foes not recommend it for general surfing, streaming, downloading, etc Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Yeah, TOR may be built for browsing, but it's overkill for this situation. VPN is plenty, if even that.

The exposure here is what's on the servers in your communications with providers, and TOR and a VPN won't help you there.