You get a provider pregnant now what??????????

This raises a question. Why would any provider NOT be on birth control? If we have to use condoms, then I think the lady should have to be on the pill. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Uhhh, condoms aren't used strictly to prevent pregnancies.

Do you really need an explanation on why we "have to use condoms" ? Seriously??
rekcaSxT's Avatar
No, but we are not talking about NOT using them. This thread is about a provider getting knocked up. Try to stay on topic dude!
"Dude"? Ok. I'll roll with that. (haha!)

This is a
discussion about a provider hypothetically becoming impregnated.

You're arguing that because you "have to wear a condom" that the provider "should have to be on the pill".
To me, that's just funny.( ridiculous funny, not haha funny)

Sure, it's in everyone's best interest that both sides take whatever precautions necessary to prevent such a pregnancy
but for you to say that they "have to be on the pill", is just silly.

How is anyone going to enforce this rule? How are you going to demand that any provider do anything; what, The Pill Police??
Asking her for her medical records???

Yeah, that'll work.

That's as ridiculous as saying that they "have to tell you if they've got an infectious
medical condition", or that "have to tell you if they've got a dependency issue".

They should have to disclose this too. Are you
so naive to believe that information such as this is freely and willingly disclosed? Do you think that it ever will be??

Same thing with your pill argument; it's not gonna' happen.

Maybe in a perfect world. But if it were a perfect world, this entire discussion would be moot.

Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Deny it. How is she to know that it is actually yours? If she gave you the cover to use, it could be from a defective batch thereby putting all the clients in that particular day at risk of getting her pregnant.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
"Dude"? Ok. I'll roll with that. (haha!)

This is a discussion about a provider hypothetically becoming impregnated.

You're arguing that because you "have to wear a condom" that the provider "should have to be on the pill".
To me, that's just funny.( ridiculous funny, not haha funny)

Sure, it's in everyone's best interest that both sides take whatever precautions necessary to prevent such a pregnancy
but for you to say that they "have to be on the pill", is just silly.

How is anyone going to enforce this rule? How are you going to demand that any provider do anything; what, The Pill Police??
Asking her for her medical records???

Yeah, that'll work.

That's as ridiculous as saying that they "have to tell you if they've got an infectious
medical condition", or that "have to tell you if they've got a dependency issue".

They should have to disclose this too. Are you so naive to believe that information such as this is freely and willingly disclosed? Do you think that it ever will be??

Same thing with your pill argument; it's not gonna' happen.

Maybe in a perfect world. But if it were a perfect world, this entire discussion would be moot.

. Originally Posted by Termite
Did I say they MUST? No. I said, that they SHOULD.

Did I say they should disclose their medical records? NO.

It is kind of like saying all guys should have a hobby phone. It isn't REQUIRED to hobby, but it ain't too smart not to have one.

You like to take things out of context...
jughead1171's Avatar
Did I say they MUST? No. I said, that they SHOULD.

Did I say they should disclose their medical records? NO.

It is kind of like saying all guys should have a hobby phone. It isn't REQUIRED to hobby, but it ain't too smart not to have one.

You like to take things out of context... Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Dude for the record you stated "should have to" which has an entirely different context than "should"
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Ok, ok. Well, I meant should.

I am just making the point that everyone should take precautions. Men wear protection, and women use the pill (if they can) or some other birth control method. It is just wise for us all to be as cautious as possible.
Thanks jarhead1171. That was the point I was trying to make all along. rekcaSxT, I meant no ill will/no hard feelings. Cool?

But I thinck we're all in agreement that we should use any/all methods at our disposal to minimize the possibility of something like this from occurring; cuz it's scary just imagining it in a hypothetical scenario.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Thanks jarhead1171. That was the point I was trying to make all along. rekcaSxT, I meant no ill will/no hard feelings. Cool?

But I thinck we're all in agreement that we should use any/all methods at our disposal to minimize the possibility of something like this from occurring; cuz it's scary just imagining it in a hypothetical scenario. Originally Posted by Termite
Yes, cool.

And yes all methods should be used. I was just a little thrown off at the idea that a provider wouldn't use birth control if she was able. That was all I was getting at.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Thats why they make a pill calleed " PLAN B " Take it with in 3 days of the man Going inside of you.

Its 50$ and cheaper than raising another kid with a man who really doesn't want to be with a provider.........
It is times like that when you find out what you are really made of.

I would only want to know if she was planning on keeping the baby regardless.

Of course it quite possible you might hear this in future:
The first thing you do is call the Maury show and tell them the situation. Then you proceed to test 10 different guys. With each one you increase the nonsensical percentae of how sure you are that THIS guy is the daddy. (One Thousand % sure, One MILLION % sure, One BILLION %) Then after each guy is revealed as "Not The Father", you run behind the stage and cry, meanwhile the guy jumps around saying "yeah! yeah! yeah!".


Whispers's Avatar
Whispers I Completely agree with you Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
shhhhhhh... that's happening way too much lately Vikki.... People are going to start to talk!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
shhhhhhh... that's happening way too much lately Vikki.... People are going to start to talk! Originally Posted by Whispers

Awe..lets give something to talk about..............
A little mystery to figure out...