Riot Police

They are only responding to your initial stupid post about batons, which hijacked the thread.

They never asked what the batons had to do with the bicycle helmets.

We are all still waiting for you to give us that explanation. But you can't, can you, tranny fucker?

The OP made the point - which you missed - that it was nearly useless to wear a bike helmet with no face mask. It offers no useful protection in a riot.

You responded by posting something STUPID about batons. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

You STILL can't explain what your first post has to do with the OP.

Caught AGAIN in another inane post that you can't back out of. So you speak in vague terms about others not understanding what the thread is really about.

Spin, spin, spin, you pseudo-intellect.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Put a bike helmet on and let me hit you on top of the head with a baseball bat. Then take the helmet off and let me hit you on top of your head again. Then we will know if that bike helmet helped or not. Just PM me a time I will be there real quick, with my baseball bat...
I B Hankering's Avatar
They are only responding to your initial stupid post about batons, which hijacked the thread.

They never asked what the batons had to do with the bicycle helmets.

We are all still waiting for you to give us that explanation. But you can't, can you, tranny fucker?

The OP made the point - which you missed - that it was nearly useless to wear a bike helmet with no face mask. It offers no useful protection in a riot.

You responded by posting something STUPID about batons. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

You STILL can't explain what your first post has to do with the OP.

Caught AGAIN in another inane post that you can't back out of. So you speak in vague terms about others not understanding what the thread is really about.

Spin, spin, spin, you pseudo-intellect.
Originally Posted by ExNYer

Are you that fuckin' stupid, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, or are you just feigning stupidity to assuage Ekim the Inbred Chimp's sense of intellectual inferiority?

In the above you defined their nightsticks as weapons to heighten the perception these are riot police.

In the above I point out that pencils, pens, and the pocket knives that many of the marchers could possibly be carrying were weapons too. Post 20 contained the statement; The United States Park Police shown are members (for the most part) of the Uniformed Guard Force, an unarmed guard force.
and wikis description of the majority of the park police shown.

"The USPP also oversees the Uniformed Guard Force which provides many urban National Park Service establishments with unarmed security guard and patrol services usually dealing with access and pass controls, key control, security patrols of buildings and facilities and assisting both the USPP and members of the public."

At this point, there has been no mention of the legality or illegality of any possible weapons.
Still with me on this?

In the above you claim I'm ignoring something I didn't challenge. While you ignore the pocket knives I mentioned, you challenge me to prove ink pens and pencils can be defined as weapons. You further state that people of your inteligence level are given pencils.
You ignoring pocket knives is key to proving your intentions later in the thread.

In the above I describe the sheer enjoyment of proving you wrong and the ease of which it is done. Which I then do with a entry that cites anything that can be used to attack someone can be a weapon.

Again, there has been no mention of the legality or tllegality or sort of any weapons discussed.

To sum up:
I say pens, pencils, and pocket knives can be considered weapons by definition.

I say the majority of the park police shown belong to the Uniformed Guard Force. Riot police duty is not described as part of their duty in any official description.

You ask me to cite a site showing pens and pencils defined as weapons.
I did that.

You try to confuse the original discussion with failed to show where "pen" and "pencils" were "weapons" of the sort proscribed by law,
the batons CBJ7 is making light of are considered "weapons" proscribed in public places by Texas Law:
Sec 46.02 Unlawfully Carrying Weapons
Sec 46.01 Definitions In this chapter:
cite where Teaxas -- or any other state, for that matter -- has outlawed pens, pencils and all pocket knives for the general public in public places
None of which have anything to do with anything I stated.
In other words you tried to buy the thread with bullshit.

You have just been thoroughly bitch slapped.....again.

That one put your head into the cheap seats.

Enjoy, you-be-an-armadillo-fucker. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Getting "bitch slapped" must be another one of those lib-retarded, perversions you Kool Aid sotted Austinites enjoy so much, MasterDickMuncher. And again your ignorant, dumb-fuck ass is willfully and ignorantly ignoring that it is Texas state law (and other states) that deems and defines those batons as "weapons" -- as did the cited wiki article -- MasterDickMuncher. And the those officers were carrying batons, MasterDickMuncher. That means those officers were "armed" MasterDickMuncher, despite your most ignorant attempt tho argue they were not. And you, MasterDickMuncher, have yet to provide a citation that defines "pens" and "pencils" as dangerous, illegal "weapons" when in the possession of an unincarcerated citizen; nor, has your ignorant ass proved that any of the vets had pocketknives in their possession, MasterDickMuncher. So, MasterDickMuncher, consider yourself factually bitch slapped -- again!
Put a bike helmet on and let me hit you on top of the head with a baseball bat. Then take the helmet off and let me hit you on top of your head again. Then we will know if that bike helmet helped or not. Just PM me a time I will be there real quick, with my baseball bat... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What a surprise that you purport to be an expert on head injuries. The one you suffered must have been a doozy.
What a surprise that you purport to be an expert on head injuries. The one you suffered must have been a doozy. Originally Posted by timpage
Not a surprise that you purport to be an expert on asshole injuries. All them cocks up your ass has left a gaping wound...OUCH
Are you that fuckin' stupid, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, or are you just feigning stupidity to assuage Ekim the Inbred Chimp's sense of intellectual inferiority? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No, YOU are that stupid.

You STILL can't explain your first post.

We are all still waiting for you to give us that explanation. But you can't, can you, tranny fucker?

There is nothing you can cut-and-paste from Wikipedia, so you are lost when you have to think on your own.

Spin, spin, spin, you pseudo-intellect.
Put a bike helmet on and let me hit you on top of the head with a baseball bat. Then take the helmet off and let me hit you on top of your head again. Then we will know if that bike helmet helped or not. Just PM me a time I will be there real quick, with my baseball bat... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You'll pull it out of our ass just for me?

Aw, how sweet.
Not a surprise that you purport to be an expert on asshole injuries. All them cocks up your ass has left a gaping wound...OUCH Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Really? Have you no originality?

You're stealing all of my lines about the tranny fucker IBHankering and using them against Timpage.

Have you no pride?

Wait. What am I saying? Pride? You fuck your own sister. Of course you have no pride.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-16-2013, 04:20 PM
Put a bike helmet on and let me hit you on top of the head with a baseball bat. Then take the helmet off and let me hit you on top of your head again. Then we will know if that bike helmet helped or not. Just PM me a time I will be there real quick, with my baseball bat... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB


you wear the helmet
+1 Yes! Ekim the Inbred Chimp -- spelling!?! Isn't that an oxyMORON? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Go to #40 and pick up your ass . Then you and the creepy old fart can cry together. Pompous buffoon.
shooter1a's Avatar
Let me push this thread back toward the OP's opening. A weapon is any device used as a weapon.
In a heated discussion with another member here over a few beers I picked up a pencil and placed it in the other member's ear. He agreed that the pencil was a weapon of audible destruction.

A few years ago when stopped by LE on the way back from Austin I was asked if I had a weapon in the car, (I have a Concealed Carry Permit) I smarted off that I only had my pool-que. Bang Zap overnight in jail. The pool-que was not registered as a concealed weapon. It was a two piece in a leather wrap.

Other places on line I have seen a post that suggest no one should speak to police other than to answer direct questions of identification and then STFU-- I D information only.
You'll pull it out of our ass just for me?

Aw, how sweet. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Hey, if you want stick a baseball bat up your ass, that's fine. But count me out of your sick ass games...jesuuusss
Hey, if you want stick a baseball bat up your ass, that's fine. But count me out of your sick ass games...jesuuusss Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Typo..Should have been "your ass". But I think you knew that already, didn't ya hillbilly>
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Are you that fuckin' stupid, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, or are you just feigning stupidity to assuage Ekim the Inbred Chimp's sense of intellectual inferiority?

Getting "bitch slapped" must be another one of those lib-retarded, perversions you Kool Aid sotted Austinites enjoy so much, MasterDickMuncher. And again your ignorant, dumb-fuck ass is willfully and ignorantly ignoring that it is Texas state law (and other states) that deems and defines those batons as "weapons" -- as did the cited wiki article -- MasterDickMuncher. And the those officers were carrying batons, MasterDickMuncher. That means those officers were "armed" MasterDickMuncher, despite your most ignorant attempt tho argue they were not. And you, MasterDickMuncher, have yet to provide a citation that defines "pens" and "pencils" as dangerous, illegal "weapons" when in the possession of an unincarcerated citizen; nor, has your ignorant ass proved that any of the vets had pocketknives in their possession, MasterDickMuncher. So, MasterDickMuncher,
consider yourself factually bitch slapped -- again! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Are you really that stupid? You tried to change the discussion in the middle of the thread. You know, the only way you could possibly save face.
But once again, it didn't work. You got caught with your face in the butler's crotch.
1. What does any state's law have to do with the District of Columbia where this took place?
This is a red herring
2. I didn't say they weren't armed.
3. I don't have to provide a site or cite a source that pens or pencils are illegal or dangerous just because you want me to. That is an add-on you put in to keep from licking ass in public again. It's okay to be wrong again. Whirly will lick the hubris right off of you.
This is a major red herring.
4. I said that "the pocket knives that many of the protesters almost certainly carried."
To sum up:
I say pens, pencils, and pocket knives can be considered weapons by definition.

I say the majority of the park police shown belong to the Uniformed Guard Force. Riot police duty is not described as part of their duty in any official description.

You ask me to cite a site showing pens and pencils defined as weapons. You said nothing about dangerous or illegal.
I did that.

You try to confuse the original discussion with failed to show where "pen" and "pencils" were "weapons" of the sort proscribed by law,
the batons CBJ7 is making light of are considered "weapons" proscribed in public places by Texas Law:
Sec 46.02 Unlawfully Carrying Weapons
Sec 46.01 Definitions In this chapter:
cite where Teaxas -- or any other state, for that matter -- has outlawed pens, pencils and all pocket knives for the general public in public places
None of which have anything to do with anything I stated.
In other words you tried to buy the thread with bullshit.
After all of your backpedaling and attempts at changing the facts, you say; Getting "bitch slapped" must be another one of those lib-retarded, perversions you Kool Aid sotted Austinites enjoy so much,
At the end of your post you roll over on your back to expose your throat and say;
"consider yourself factually bitch slapped "
And even though your statement is factually wrong, your homage to me is something I expect from you. Because it shows what a hypocrite you are.
You can go now.

I B Hankering's Avatar

No, YOU are that stupid.

You STILL can't explain your first post.

We are all still waiting for you to give us that explanation. But you can't, can you, tranny fucker?

There is nothing you can cut-and-paste from Wikipedia, so you are lost when you have to think on your own.

Spin, spin, spin, you pseudo-intellect.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
You are that stupid, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass! . . .

2. I didn't say they weren't armed. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
CBJ7 was the one making light of the "force" employed against the veterans, MasterDickMuncher. It's your ignorant ass that jumped in intellectually unprepared to support your POV, MasterDickMuncher.

4. I said that "the pocket knives that many of the protesters almost certainly carried." Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Pure speculation on your part, MasterDickMuncher, and you didn't prove it with facts.

To sum up:
I say pens, pencils, and pocket knives can be considered weapons by definition. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Your ignorant ass hasn't backed up your inane assertion with any evidence, MasterDickMuncherCite. Show where the veterans were threatenly brandishing your so-called "deadly weapons", MasterDickMuncher, or STFU.

I say the majority of the park police shown belong to the Uniformed Guard Force. Riot police duty is not described as part of their duty in any official description. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The police were carrying "weapons", MasterDickMuncher, and your ignorant ass hasn't shown where the veterans were threatenly brandishing your so-called "deadly weapons", MasterDickMuncher.

You ask me to cite a site showing pens and pencils defined as weapons. You said nothing about dangerous or illegal. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
That was established in the wiki article that was cited, MasterDickMuncher. Learn how to read, you ignorant jackass.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
To u-b-a-douche-bag

You lost this argument. Everyone knows it.

Just like everyone knows you will never let go of this regardless of facts, common sense, or God himself telling you no gay Heaven for you if you don't pull your head out of your ass. God knows that no matter how much your ass gapes, you can have your head up your ass or a dick but not both.

Choose well, grasshopper.