Stolen pics

citizen44's Avatar
Worrying about providers who steal your photos is legit and something the guys will back you on as we hate B&S photos.

But you are worrying about the ad wording.......?


All of you hookers wrongly think we read that shit. We don't.

If you aren't getting business, its not because of your ad wording is being used by someone else.

All we care about is
Photos showing face, tits, gut, ass

Keep your eye on the ball and focus on what you can affect
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Ich würde nicht ficken einer von ihnen mit dem baumelnden Tod so was ist der Sinn dieses Threads.
Oh ja, ich bin eine Hure. Schau mich an
[I would't fuck either of them with the 1/3" of dangling death so what is the point of this thread. Oh yes, I'm a whore. Look at me]
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Hey, to some of us, plagiarism is offensive, insulting, frustrating, and downright thievery, especially to providers putting in time and effort to really try and make advertisements clever, eye-catching, and/or unique. (The first thing anyone sees, what draws them into opening the ad, is the headline, not a photo, so what a lady types IS important.) A lot more gentlemen than many of you realize actually READ ads, Showcases, websites. It's all part of the total package: wit, intelligence, appearance, TCB, varied menu, reasonable rates, location, IOP as testified to by reviews.

I'd call someone out for stealing my creative wordage, and have. Since I come from a journalism/public relations background, my attitude is, "Brain-dead biatch, write your OWN damn copy, you lazy ho!"

Seems to me if a provider can't bother to post an original ad, what is she going to do for you fellows in the bedroom? Lay there like frozen mackerel 'cause she can't think of anything else to do?
I agree with Fancy.

But having said that, most folks in any industry would never survive without some form of plagiarism.

In my industry, we call it, "having a go by."

Some can't produce it on their own or, if they can, don't have the time.

But in this case, the thief should be sacked.
Wakeup's Avatar
blah blah blah Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Carry on...

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-03-2016, 10:05 AM
Hey, to some of us, plagiarism is offensive, insulting, frustrating, and downright thievery, especially to providers putting in time and effort to really try and make advertisements clever, eye-catching, and/or unique. (The first thing anyone sees, what draws them into opening the ad, is the headline, not a photo, so what a lady types IS important.) A lot more gentlemen than many of you realize actually READ ads, Showcases, websites. It's all part of the total package: wit, intelligence, appearance, TCB, varied menu, reasonable rates, location, IOP as testified to by reviews.

I'd call someone out for stealing my creative wordage, and have. Since I come from a journalism/public relations background, my attitude is, "Brain-dead biatch, write your OWN damn copy, you lazy ho!"

Seems to me if a provider can't bother to post an original ad, what is she going to do for you fellows in the bedroom? Lay there like frozen mackerel 'cause she can't think of anything else to do?
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

I completely agree, and I understand where P is coming from, (btw Welcome back!) there is one particular provider here on Eccie who has copied the exact wordage I use in my ads, several times (ok all the time) which I'm not saying they are the best ever but hey at least I was creative enough to come up with my own ish and they reflect who I am as a provider...
I won't call her out, but she will read this in no time and she will Know who she is...
( Hola copy cat )

I only noticed it because a couple of people pointed out to me, it annoyed me at first, but I'm over it now, like they say:

citizen44's Avatar
You all act like typing "I suck dick and take in the ass" into a BP ad makes you all Pulitzer prize winning authors.

You all make drama out of the stupidist stuff.
chicagoboy's Avatar
You all make drama out of the stupidist stuff. Originally Posted by citizen44
You all act like typing "I suck dick and take in the ass" into a BP ad makes you all Pulitzer prize winning authors.

You all make drama out of the stupidist stuff. Originally Posted by citizen44
LOL...! That is funny...!
Welcome back mamita

Come on KaliJoy, we are both right here in Houston on Eccie.
You steal like that chick? You searched and found my Lake Charles ad.

Here's a repost of my ad from last month:
READ AD IN ITS ENTIRETY before contacting plz.
Seeking ~P! 4O4-49O-168O

My reputation Is pristine! D&D Free
Email w/your name, age, race and cell

Business graded A+

I like It Dirty but some verification requirements apply before meeting up ....
100% real pics. Every pic Is of me!

NO BLACK MEN! Try using some Listerine.
I screen for chemistry. No verification means no meeting up w/me! 150Half Hour OutCall
Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
.. You will find everything on Eccie...

You will have providers (drama whores)claiming that they have HATERS but it's just their reflection in the mirror.

You all act like typing "I suck dick and take in the ass" into a BP ad makes you all Pulitzer prize winning authors.

You all make drama out of the stupidist stuff. Originally Posted by citizen44
S~P.... If you have any trouble branding your pics, let me know. I'll fix you up.
Thanks Aa!

I will JB! Thank you