Craiglist killer commits suicide....

Fancyinheels's Avatar
.....Convicted killers on death row have killed while facing the death penalty, have escaped and killed, etc... plus the majority of murderers are not serial killers, no the death penalty (or the threat of it) does not prevent recidivism. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
And there it is. They ESCAPE. What if a Hitler/Stalin/Manson/Bundy type got loose again? I think the death penalty is a necessary evil, although mistakes in our Swiss cheese judicial system deem it imperative that our criminal science and technology catch up to our administration of justice correctly and on a timely basis.

In cases like the above where there just isn't any doubt, and yes, I think the Craiglist Killer would have been lumped in there, the hangman/firing squad/guillotine/injection needs to happen in no more than a year, not like the Cantu execution last night 14 frigging years after he and his gang raped and murdered 2 girls. How much good does it do if the murderers know that they have decades of appeals and the possibility of getting away with it? And what good does life in prison do for the families of the murdered except remind them constantly of their loss every time a news story or appeal pops up?

The argument that the cost of life in prison being cheaper than death row is vehemently argued, especially if an inmate lives a full life span and/or has major heath problems that the state must care for. (Quite a paradox when many of our innocent citizens have to do without medical treatment due to expense.) And since we are quoting the Bible, what happened to "eye for an eye?" Since we expect thieves to pay restitution for what they take, why should any first degree murderer not take ultimate responsibility and pay with his/her life?

Then again, it is so sad and deeply disturbing when you hear that forensics has cleared a man we executed after years in jail. Science needs to catch up and be USED in all capital punishment cases. That said, the preponderance of evidence against serial killers makes an unwarranted conviction about as unlikely as snow on the sun. Psychologically once someone has killed under violent, premeditated circumstances they are predisposed to repeat. Why NOT execute them? We put down rabid dogs and consider that humane and protection of society.

I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that many people have lost faith, with good reason, in our police departments and court system. Perhaps that's why there's a perceived sense of justice and satisfaction when fate steps in and takes care of the problem for us.
harkontume's Avatar
1. The SOB killed himself he wasnt executed

2. I really dont understand people who kill babies but not people like this. And THINK they are EVOLVED and COMPLEX.

3. Oh nevermind,, I'm going to get laid.
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 08-18-2010, 08:12 AM
Solitary Confinement / Life without the Possibility of Parole.....

Yes..... In my opinion.... A Punishment worse then death...... Originally Posted by Whispers


1) I could support doing away with the death penalty if we took away some of the "so-called" rights of convicted prisoners. We spend WAY too much money coddling them in prisons. Maybe we need to go back to a "Devil's Island" to dump some of these turds and let them kill themselves fighting over a meager existence.

2) The death penalty today is a farce, with years upon years of appeals, and the actual sentence being carried out 10 or more years after conviction. Put a time limit on appeals, and get it done. Without that, we may as well do away with it.
Next I want to see Maj Hasan go out the same way, save the tax payers money.
The issue is NOT about:

- whether threat of death penalty reduces recidivism
- whether the death penalty is cheaper than a life in prison
- whether a life in prison is a worse punishment
- whether cops carry guns or not in UK
- whether he was guilty or not
- whether he committed suicide or was murdered
- whether he is a coward or not
etc etc etc

The issue whether we should celebrate or be happy about the death of any human.

I say it is never anything to celebrate.

Even the Hitler/Stalin case, I would have supported attempts to murder them, but like Bonhoeffer I would have done so with many reservations and concerns, and would have asked for God's forgiveness.

Do a google on Bonhoeffer.

[I can be a very sanctimonious git sometimes].
harkontume's Avatar
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead! Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch! Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is DEAD!

Maya's Avatar
  • Maya
  • 08-21-2010, 12:18 AM
I agree luvmachine screw that lunatic!!!! I hope he burns in HELL!!!!!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 08-21-2010, 08:39 AM
[quote=kittyloveratx;513163]It works in England where the cops don't carry guns,

Right, soldiers in the streets with battle rifles instead, much better.

violent crimes unless terroristic in nature (IRA) just don't happen.

Resisting foreign occupation is not terrorism.
bigmarv's Avatar
I only wish the ASSHOLE would have killed himself before he took the life of another innocent person.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 08-22-2010, 07:04 AM
Solitary Confinement / Life without the Possibility of Parole.....

Yes..... In my opinion.... A Punishment worse then death...... Originally Posted by Whispers
Any punishment that does not specifically exclude the possibility of suicide cannot be worse than death.