... Again, NOTHING from you concerning Biden's lies.I don't care too much about Biden one way or the other. What lies are you speaking of?
Or anything of the lies told about Trump.
"The Truth will set ya free" - but truth - and the
ability to actually see it - is what you lack.
As I pointed out early in this thread, YOU and others
who surely champion the liberals HAVE TO hate Trump -
because He has exposed all the liberal lies.
... You and the others have "Abandoned Ship"
from Joe Biden's sinking vessel.
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The vast majority of criticism of Trump is true. Why should I be concerned with any relative few exaggerations. He's no martyr. He's possibly the biggest piece of shit in the history of the American Presidency.
Trump's lies are well documented: https://www.thestar.com/news/world/a...sident.html?rf
Once again, you're not being TRUTHFUL. I don't have to hate anyone.
I've never been on Joe Biden's "vessel." If the republicans don't drop the strategy of purposely trying to appeal to those with irrational hate and/or fear of those who are different from them, I will probably have to vote for him again, but I only get a binary choice.