Leaving Eccie

You obviously have difficulty with reading comprehension and have a definite lack of class. You are no better than any other person on the boards and have proved it repeatedly in this pathetic threAD. Lmao Originally Posted by Kendall4U
It's pathetic but you still commenting though lol. I'm not trying to get popular on here and that's been proven "co-signer". And yes I am better lol hahahaha you guys this is really starting to amuse me.
How does not wanting to fuck ethnics make me a racist? Are you sure you know what that word means? We have some time before you leave, I'd be happy to educate you if you'd like. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Educate yourself to be a better man and learn some manners lol. This is hilarious
It's not racist. I don't fuck black guys. It's personal preference. Some white girls don't fuck Asians or even white men. Nothing racist about it Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
It's pathetic but you still commenting though lol. I'm not trying to get popular on here and that's been proven "co-signer". And yes I am better lol hahahaha you guys this is really starting to amuse me. Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
You make that much an hour and still can't afford decent photos and have the nerve to come at someone. Have a couple of seats and funny I am better I invest lol
Danielle Reid's Avatar
You make that much an hour and still can't afford decent photos and have the nerve to come at someone. Have a couple of seats and funny I am better I invest lol Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
You're no Tyra Banks yourself, honey. I hope you didn't pay for the pictures in your Showcase. I would ask for my money back if I were you.
You're no Tyra Banks yourself, honey. I hope you didn't pay for the pictures in your Showcase. I would ask for my money back if I were you. Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
LOL You must be a hater gotta be one honey if you only knew what I looked like in real life I'd shit on your whole entire life with my beauty. Don't be mad at me I'm not your maker.
LOL You must be a hater gotta be one honey if you only knew what I looked like in real life I'd shit on your whole entire life with my beauty. Don't be mad at me I'm not your maker. Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
You should cover up that dirty pussy of yours maybe you'll have more quality gentlemen. Anything else? lol
RandB fan's Avatar
I have graced again by another private message and I must come forth and repent as surely I am a pathetic loser. Further more, I am not employable nor financially solvent, as I have so much time to spend here being mean to women such as herself. I must come forward to the hobby gods with my heavy heart. I hope they see forgiveness for my shortcomings as I slither on my underbelly like a snake and in able to satisfy my physical desires I must lower myself to hiring practitioners specializing in the ignominious profession of magdalenism.* I don't think this is what she said but it is what she meant. I think if she would have said it, it would sound more like Jeff Dunham's Bubba puppet. Non the less, I must admit that I have been pedestrian in my intentions of pursuing a consummate Psychologist. I carefully monitor my activity, I am a member of a symposium which concentrates on the complexities that can arise due to participation in such a harrowing avocation in societies behavioral connotations.
She went further, as if I needed to soak my balls in rubbing alcohol after she attacked my manhood with a psychological belt sander loaded with 40 grit carbide abrasive material. She proceeded by twisting the shank of the bodkin she had mentally thrust into my urethra by informing me that I didn't possess the competence nor the allegiance to ascertain the paramount levels of honorariums she postulates.

I am now a spectacle, embarrassment, a defalcation of the exemplification of the essence that delineates the meaning of life..

So, after the trashing I experienced, I am announcing that I will be leaving eccie because I am going to rescind my abominable injustices to the human race because of the behavior this congregation of heathens encourages.I would have never done this except after reading the thought provoking PM several times during the last few hours, I feel that I am Paul and John Coffey has me by the balls.



back to why we are here


By the way Clarice You are a fraud! this is your ad this is not you!

This thread is quite funny. Clarice, these guys are just messing with you to get under your skin and you're inviting them in every time.

Also, you mentioned you were going to take the high road and not respond. Well you responded like 11 times after you said that.

You're in Sales. You're image is everything. By you going back and forth with these guys only makes you look worse regardless if you are right.

Good luck and stay safe.

[QUOTE=Clarice Loren;1057515983]
My point exactly. Why would someone pay more to be able to do less with someone who can't be THAT much better looking than the other "BBW"s out there? I'm sure you have skills, but so do a lot of these other girls.

Why would someone pay MORE for this? :

Also, if you don't want our opinions then why did you post your opinions in your "goodbye" post? Just leave without posting that you're leaving and why and then you don't have to worry about it.[/QUOTE

A lot of your opinions are negative and it just shows what kind of men you all are disrespectful and childish why would I want to if have men like that as a client which is another reason why I'm leaving the men Ive seen on here of this website have been respectful. If you guys who want to pay 100 for a playboy looking model you go right ahead that has nothing to do with me. Now I'm just going to leave from here and let you guys continue to be disrespectful with no lives outside ECCIE I won't entertain this thread no more Originally Posted by albundy
Another loser who uses threads to bash women wow some man you are lol Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
Thank you I just made a statement on here it's really sad that you have immature haters on here. There are thousands of things to comment and instead they choose to come to my thread and be petty. Which is why guys like this will never afford or receive any of my services. Your one of the good ones Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
Why are you worried about it? This is my thread if I want to say anything or do anything on here I can do as I please. People are so concerned about what other people say and do they losing out on funds. Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
Im glad you consider yourself as a narrow -minded racist goodjob Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
Again this is my thread what part of that people don't understand? No class on here I swear thats why certain providers and clients stick together I didn't belong on this site anyways thanks for your input none taken Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
It's pathetic but you still commenting though lol. I'm not trying to get popular on here and that's been proven "co-signer". And yes I am better lol hahahaha you guys this is really starting to amuse me. Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
Educate yourself to be a better man and learn some manners lol. This is hilarious Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
AND STILL COSIGNING LOL yall kill me Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
You make that much an hour and still can't afford decent photos and have the nerve to come at someone. Have a couple of seats and funny I am better I invest lol Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
LOL You must be a hater gotta be one honey if you only knew what I looked like in real life I'd shit on your whole entire life with my beauty. Don't be mad at me I'm not your maker. Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
You should cover up that dirty pussy of yours maybe you'll have more quality gentlemen. Anything else? lol Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
[QUOTE=Tupak42;1057517275]This thread is quite funny. Clarice, these guys are just messing with you to get under your skin and you're inviting them in every time.

Also, you mentioned you were going to take the high road and not respond. Well you responded like 11 times after you said that.

You're in Sales. You're image is everything. By you going back and forth with these guys only makes you look worse regardless if you are right.

Good luck and stay safe.

Hey you are right I'm trying not to respond but I feel that they shouldn't be coming for me when they don't know me. I never said nothing bad I just stated on here that I was leaving and they all responded negatively like a bunch of low life this is my first time experiencing something like this but thanks for the kind words
Bye felicia
chicagoboy's Avatar
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
[QUOTE=Clarice Loren;

Hey you are right I'm trying not to respond but I feel that they shouldn't be coming for me when they don't know me. I never said nothing bad I just stated on here that I was leaving and they all responded negatively like a bunch of low life this is my first time experiencing something like this but thanks for the kind words[/QUOTE]

Well you're first post might have come across as a complaint against all the guys on Eccie in Dallas vs you stating your preferences.

You know you're worth and target clients. Good luck on your future endeavors and remember you can kill all negativity with kindness or silence.
I never said nothing bad
(-) x (-) = + ...just sayin'
Well you're first post might have come across as a complaint against all the guys on Eccie in Dallas vs you stating your preferences.

You know you're worth and target clients. Good luck on your future endeavors and remember you can kill all negativity with kindness or silence. Originally Posted by Tupak42
Even If I was to state my preferences I still would've been bash but it doesn't matter like you say I know who my clients are and there is no need for me to stoop down to childish behavior I was a little bit out of my character but thank u hun