Rest In Peace

LOL! Af, you are amazing! Does the night orderly know you're out of your room and using the computer? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think I hear them down the hall trying to get him back in his jacket.

Beyond a doubt Jobs was a giant. Harder than hell to work with sometimes but pure genius!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
RIP Steve, A true genius
Not such a nice fella.................most remarkable is his lying about being sterile and inferitle in his attempt to not take responsibility for a child he fathered !

And, despite making billions, he has no public record of giving back to charity.................
pyramider's Avatar
He earned, he can keep it. Besides most philanthropic works are done well out of the public view.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Not such a nice fella.................most remarkable is his lying about being sterile and inferitle in his attempt to not take responsibility for a child he fathered !

And, despite making billions, he has no public record of giving back to charity................. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

That's what paternity tests are for.

And now you bitch about him not spreading the wealth.

Like most things you comment on either being flat ass wrong or falling in the category of who gives a rat's ass, this is an example of the latter.

Actually it is probably both former and latter. If for no other reason for the tax benefits.

Plus what about this is any of your goddamn business?
tia travels's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
didn't know that Steve Jobs was of arabic descent.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I confess.
I've been drinking and don't feel like googling.....who the fuck is Steve Jobs?If bt knows him\ he must be a friend of John Mutha, drives a Ford truck or drops his own soap.

Was he gay? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Looking at the variety of things posted, I think our resident enlightened one hit the nail squarely (almost) on the head. . . "who the fuck is (was) Steve Jobs?" Go get 'em DL!

The fact that Apples uses what is essentially slave labor in China, which has, by some accounts, resulted in worker suicide is a far more salient point than arguing about companies between the labor and Apple, in my opinion.

It's interesting that a rabid capitalist like Jobs is so admired by the "anti-capitalist" left though.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Steve Jobs might have not been the easiest guy to get along with, but he was a true visionary who saw the value of things in minutes that others could not even when they were right under their noses.

An experimental team at Xerox actually came up with the concept of the mouse, but the top brass at that company ridiculed the idea and shot it down as worthless.

On the other hand, Steve saw that all computers would operate on that concept within minutes of seeing the device.

Today the computer mouse is so common that we take it for granted, but next time you use it, remember it was Steve who saw the value of something others ridiculed and incorporated it into modern computers.
He was deft at taking other's ideas, manufacuring them cheaply, putting a slick brand logo on them, and selling them to the masses and ridicoulas profit margins...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
FYI, Apple has the 2nd highest market margin.

Exxon Mobile is 1st this category.
Sa_artman's Avatar
He was deft at taking other's ideas, manufacuring them cheaply, putting a slick brand logo on them, and selling them to the masses and ridicoulas profit margins... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Takes such a simplistic mind to whittle it down to that. You must be jealous of his spin abilities because you try day-in-day-out and fail miserably.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Too true.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There may be many people starving in poor countries, but that does not detract from the many contributions that Steve Jobs made to the world.

Few people have made enough of an impact on the world to have made the cover of Time Magazine 7 times!

Despite his personal flaws, he was the Thomas Edison of modern times and he will be missed.