If your last provider could review you, how would you do?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-11-2015, 08:51 PM
Following up on the last time I posted on this thread. I am enjoying reading this thread. Probably the most enjoyable one in a while.

So much of what I enjoy about dates with a regular is the communication. From the flirting before to the exchanges in person to the thank you notes afterwards. That is why the question of communication is one I spend a lot of time thinking about.

Angel, your examination makes sense to me as a reason some ladies may not want to explain what works best for them. I had not thought of that. No one has said such, but I can accept that possibility.

James, I have heard variations on what your friend said. That one often leads into the metaphysical discussion about what one is really seeking in this place. I have run into similar situations where I was hired to do some work, and the client was concerned about doing things for me—and I felt some of what you mention. But in this business it business it is often difficult to completely separate who is providing enjoyment to whom. Often my enjoyment IS connected to hers, especially if it is someone I have developed a friendship with. Seeing a lady smile and knowing she is enjoying the romp as much as I am makes my enjoyment more complete/intense. The whole “tis more blessed to give that to receive” thing. After talking about it there is often some mutually acceptable solution. The greatest aphrodisiac really is the taste of a lady’s orgasm.

When I made my comment I was primarily thinking about one particular lady. We have talked about it a few times, usually when we are spending a leisurely day off the clock and at a show or picnic or having her over for dinner. If I have ever had a pseudo-mistress arrangement it is with her. And that is what makes it all the more puzzling to me. She is open about essentially everything else, including things having absolutely nothing to do with the business. We have often looked for a fountain of youth because if I was 20 years younger I would have very different designs on her and she knows it. But no, I don’t push it. As MM points out that is not proper treatment of a lady, and anyway all it would get me is a smack up-side the head!

Max, I wasn’t clear and should have been. It has never been about, “I want to do XXX”. It is more, once we are already engaged in doing something, wanting to know how do it better for her. DATY is a prime example—every lady has different preferences. Sometimes very different. Hard, soft, fast, slow, etc. Asking her preferences in things like that is what I meant, and absent an answer, paying as much attention as possible to how her body reacts. Angel’s explanation is probably the best I have heard.

Thanks everyone, for the comments. Hopefully we will have more.
gregaustin's Avatar
Following up on the last time I posted on this thread. I am enjoying reading this thread. Probably the most enjoyable one in a while.

So much of what I enjoy about dates with a regular is the communication. From the flirting before to the exchanges in person to the thank you notes afterwards. That is why the question of communication is one I spend a lot of time thinking about.

Angel, your examination makes sense to me as a reason some ladies may not want to explain what works best for them. I had not thought of that. No one has said such, but I can accept that possibility.

James, I have heard variations on what your friend said. That one often leads into the metaphysical discussion about what one is really seeking in this place. I have run into similar situations where I was hired to do some work, and the client was concerned about doing things for me—and I felt some of what you mention. But in this business it business it is often difficult to completely separate who is providing enjoyment to whom. Often my enjoyment IS connected to hers, especially if it is someone I have developed a friendship with. Seeing a lady smile and knowing she is enjoying the romp as much as I am makes my enjoyment more complete/intense. The whole “tis more blessed to give that to receive” thing. After talking about it there is often some mutually acceptable solution. The greatest aphrodisiac really is the taste of a lady’s orgasm.

When I made my comment I was primarily thinking about one particular lady. We have talked about it a few times, usually when we are spending a leisurely day off the clock and at a show or picnic or having her over for dinner. If I have ever had a pseudo-mistress arrangement it is with her. And that is what makes it all the more puzzling to me. She is open about essentially everything else, including things having absolutely nothing to do with the business. We have often looked for a fountain of youth because if I was 20 years younger I would have very different designs on her and she knows it. But no, I don’t push it. As MM points out that is not proper treatment of a lady, and anyway all it would get me is a smack up-side the head!

Max, I wasn’t clear and should have been. It has never been about, “I want to do XXX”. It is more, once we are already engaged in doing something, wanting to know how do it better for her. DATY is a prime example—every lady has different preferences. Sometimes very different. Hard, soft, fast, slow, etc. Asking her preferences in things like that is what I meant, and absent an answer, paying as much attention as possible to how her body reacts. Angel’s explanation is probably the best I have heard.

Thanks everyone, for the comments. Hopefully we will have more. Originally Posted by Old-T
You expressed so much of what I feel in my time with the provider I frequent.

This passage in particular resonates with me:

Often my enjoyment IS connected to hers, especially if it is someone I have developed a friendship with. Seeing a lady smile and knowing she is enjoying the romp as much as I am makes my enjoyment more complete/intense. The whole “tis more blessed to give that to receive” thing. After talking about it there is often some mutually acceptable solution. The greatest aphrodisiac really is the taste of a lady’s orgasm.

Thanks for your comments. ECCIE provides many things to many people, but it's comments like these that help me understand why I seek out the company of a provider.
James1588's Avatar
... Angel, your examination makes sense to me as a reason some ladies may not want to explain what works best for them. I had not thought of that. No one has said such, but I can accept that possibility.

James, I have heard variations on what your friend said. That one often leads into the metaphysical discussion about what one is really seeking in this place. I have run into similar situations where I was hired to do some work, and the client was concerned about doing things for me—and I felt some of what you mention. But in this business it business it is often difficult to completely separate who is providing enjoyment to whom. Often my enjoyment IS connected to hers, especially if it is someone I have developed a friendship with. Seeing a lady smile and knowing she is enjoying the romp as much as I am makes my enjoyment more complete/intense. The whole “tis more blessed to give that to receive” thing. After talking about it there is often some mutually acceptable solution. The greatest aphrodisiac really is the taste of a lady’s orgasm. ... Originally Posted by Old-T
In the abstract, I see what Angel's saying. Her comment surprised me, I suppose because I wasn't thinking in those terms, based on my own (limited) experience. Given my skill set, if so it may be called, propelling ladies into some extreme of ecstasy has never been an issue for me. My goals are necessarily much more modest: if things go well, she'll have a couple of pleasant and relaxed hours, I'll maybe give her some smiles and a laugh or two, and I'll be welcome to see her again sometime. If she orgasms, so much the better, and I have experienced providers either doing that or simulating it out of kindness (and I'd probably be the last guy to be able to tell the difference).

I think what my friend was getting at hinges on the distinction between: (1) a client making a reasonable pursuit of her pleasure because mutuality is a good thing, and any halfway-decent person would rather see both partners have a good time rather than only one; and (2) the attitude that "making her come" is some kind of test of my manhood, in which the more times I "make her come," the more of a stud I am. It's that second case where an annoying demand comes into play. My friend is thoroughly professional, and I'm sure that when she has a trophy-hunting orgasm collector as a client, she puts on the show for him as a way of delivering the value he seeks. The first time I saw her, she did that for me (I'm pretty sure). Since we've gotten to know each other better, she no longer does that ... which I appreciate. It feels like a compliment. It's almost as though she thinks I'm a grownup or something. Cool!

Finally, I'm learning what you mean about DATY, and the diversity of women's preferences there. That might be the way in which one woman differs most sharply from another. My wife, for example, pretty much demands an energetic tongue-lashing, and has no problem grabbing my head and putting it where she wants if I'm getting too subtle about things. In the demimonde, I've found women whose preferences are similar, and others who are more or less horrified by that style. It's tough to get feedback, I think because the women don't want to hurt our swollen egos by implying that we might not be total experts in this area. I usually say a few words as I'm departing southward, indicating that I'd be glad to get some direction, and sometimes she gives some. And sometimes not. For any ladies who might still be reading this longwinded post, what I'd be especially grateful for would be some indication of when you're done and ready to move on (from DATY to whatever's next). Just tap me on my bald head and crook your finger in the classic "come here" gesture.

Like Old-T, I'm appreciating everyone's thoughtful contributions.
With daty, I've just learned to ask them how they like it - and then read their reactions from there. And I've had everything from very, very aggressive to tender as can be.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
With daty, I've just learned to ask them how they like it - and then read their reactions from there. And I've had everything from very, very aggressive to tender as can be. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged

Sometimes we make this way more complicated than it needs to be. And ma'am, as I have said before, if I ever get to Dallas ........
Cry? oh my! Say it isn't so!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
funny thread. that would be cool to actually see reviews on ourselves Originally Posted by joesmo888
I agree, but it is unlikely to happen. Some guys have fallen too fragile egos. Originally Posted by Old-T






MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Sometimes we make this way more complicated than it needs to be. And ma'am, as I have said before, if I ever get to Dallas ........ Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
I'll keep my fingers crossed that an opportunity will arise very soon!




Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
ThreAd for you or the the provider?

I kid I kid! Sorta......

Funny though! Gotta tell ya, I don't have her attitude, so it woulda went down a whole lot different. My point, you ask? No two gents are the same and no two ladies are either.

Thanks for sharing!
Bottom line is this. The kinky particulars will stay in the memory, but if I were to review a client it would consist of:
Yes, he is fresh and clean.
He is not dryer then a popcorn fart in personality.
He knows better then to scream in a hotel room.
His ben's are accurate.
and mainly-he is fun to fuck.

As for pics- can't say . Unless you want to line up a group of pecker pics.
'Nuff said.
gregaustin's Avatar
Bottom line is this. The kinky particulars will stay in the memory, but if I were to review a client it would consist of:
Yes, he is fresh and clean. Check
He is not dryer then a popcorn fart in personality. Check (I think)
He knows better then to scream in a hotel room. Check
His ben's are accurate. Don't know what 'ben's' are
and mainly-he is fun to fuck. I can't judge, but hope so

As for pics- can't say . Unless you want to line up a group of pecker pics.
'Nuff said. Originally Posted by Jez UaBriain
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Cool Originally Posted by gregaustin

Bens aka: $$$. As in Ben Franklin