p411 vs references

I love p411 and I can count on one hand the number of ladies I have scheduled with who didn't use p411. I like the fact that a lady can simply look up your profile and see who has given you okays and go from there. It does urk me just a little when I request an appointment from a lady and she doesn't even bother to look at my profile before excepting the appointment. That tells me that she doesn't do her homework before hand.

The best is when the lady looks at your profile and then you notice a couple of the ladies you have okays from looking at your profile also. That let's me know that she is doing her research on a brotha and not just going off the fact that I have several okays. Originally Posted by KeepinItReal

I see I rubbed off on you and in a great way ; )
KeepinItReal's Avatar
I see I rubbed off on you and in a great way ; ) Originally Posted by Kendall4U

In more ways than one
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I love me some P411

Won't hobby with ladies who don't use it. Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
P411 is awesome!
Gina say's that i don't have to renew my P411 membership until 3011.



Gnostalgia's Avatar
Gina should let you do her mktg, Evita.
downtownfellow's Avatar
After the Ashley Madison fiasco, no way im taking a chance. Not sure about the 3 yrs comment, a lady here told me it was not enough even though my reference is a known provider. But i do respect their safety
Gnostalgia's Avatar
Grean, i have never, in 5 years, had to produce a reference other than my cherished P411 OKAYS. I've only had two women personally contact these ladies. one did because she is very experienced in the hobby and the other one tried to get dirt on me after i gave her a no review. no dirt but Gina closed her p411 account for stalking. It's all been gpod for.me. wont see a lady less she's on p411.
I rarely reach out about an okay. Unless there are strange circumstances I accept the okay at face value.
doug_dfw's Avatar
OK I am going to pimp them out a bit here so p411 haters be gone lol

When I meet a guy via eccie I always ask them why don't they join p411 and I usually get the same answer

They say they don't want to give up their personal/ job information. Usually they are afraid of hacking or non discretion with their information.

I may be wrong about this but I believe the only time you would have to be verified with your job info is if you are brand spanking new to the hobby with zero references.

If you have seen p411 ladies you can apply to p411 and list those ladies as references p411 then contacts us and we give you your first okays on the site. Easy peasy

Not sure if they are still offering this but they were doing a 6month free promotion a while back as well.

Most guys say they never knew that and I'll usually get a client applicant request from them soon after.

The reason I post this is verifying clients via reference alone is becoming quite difficult especially for short notice and same day appointments. A lot of providers do not keep records or simply do not remember enough info to give a proper reference hell a lot of them dont reply at all anymore.

P411 requests take only a few minutes and I can also find out more info about the gentleman via his profile.

There is a place to list your preferences likes and dislikes also age and race. (Girls can't pull their NBA crap because its right there on your profile)

I have never heard anything negative about their service or issues with discretion. Gina and the staff have always been fair and helpful In my dealings with them.

If you hobby on a regular or infrequent basis this service makes the screening process much easier for the provider and client. Its also used in other hobby spots across the us so it can be a good tool to have when you travel.

I just wanted to post this since quite a few guys I encountered did not know how it works. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I like you never visit a Provider not on P411 for security, and expectation of professionalism. In 10 years I have only had one who violated that trust. In that 10 years I have received a baker's dozen of OKs.

P411 works for both of us in the game.
I never joined it cause...for what? I was lucky enough for chicks to peep my personality via the boards. I'm still out in etex (for now) so it didn't/doesn't make sense.
Plus, at the end of the day, I'm buying pussy. My goal is to keep my footprint as small as possible. Even before I was getting divorced I just wanted to keep my electronic trail (with regards to the hobby) as circumspect as possible.
But these chicks know. Most of these ladies can read 2 or 3 posts and figure out a guys general personality. These ladies aren't dumb. Psychology is an important part of what they do. If you can't read 99% of guys in 30-50 seconds, you're in the wrong business anyway.
billw1032's Avatar
I rarely reach out about an okay. Unless there are strange circumstances I accept the okay at face value. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I kinda thought that was the whole point of the P411 system, isn't it? If you have to check the OK's just like references, why bother with P411?
P411 does make it easier. I did the free six months with the provider references. Jules was the first one that suggested I join to begin with. It is much easier than giving references and the provider having to contact them.
I just did a verification for a client who wanted to get on p411. No big deal at all.

It's so simple.
pmdelites's Avatar
Gina say's that i don't have to renew my P411 membership until 3011.



CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
copierguy, i'm close.
while i'm not a eccie lifer, i dont have to renew my p411 until 07/10/3016!!!
gina granted me lifetime+ membership since i was a longtime, frequent and good client of private connections.

it's useful, but not the silver bullet.

only Bob Seger has a Silver Bullet.
and coors lite doesnt count.
Gina say's that i don't have to renew my P411 membership until 3011.



CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
copierguy, i'm close.
while i'm not a eccie lifer, i dont have to renew my p411 until 07/10/3016!!!
gina granted me lifetime+ membership since i was a longtime, frequent and good client of private connections.

it's useful, but not the silver bullet.

only Bob Seger has a Silver Bullet.
and coors lite doesnt count. Originally Posted by pmdelites
pmdelites; i have a similar occurrence on ECCIE. Yes, i am a LIFETIME member on eccie too and it was free. let me tell you how this happened. Johnnybax through a contest:


The winners are:

1st place - Copierguy0 who was just under 2 hours away from being right on the money

2nd place - Waldo P. Emerson-Jones who was just under 4 hours away from being right on the money

We want to thank everyone for making this milestone possible. In less than 3 years ECCIE has grown at a remarkable pace and we look forward to the future.

To everyone that that participated in the contest we thank you for helping us have a little fun while anticipating the 100,000th member.

Here's to another 100,000


And this is how i got a free lifetime membership on eccie.

My Membership number is: 178